Drop by for a while since da tepu otak nie membace law for test tomorrow ( haha, yo yo oo bce byk la pulak =P)
Hari nie masuk hari ke-3 raya Aidil Adha n this is the first tyme aku celebrate raye jauh dari family n tanahair terchenta. Sedeh gak mule2 but then aku tetap rase kemeriahan dan kegembiraan raye kat cni ngan kwn2 n other Msians here. We are also like family n we enjoy evry moments together of course. Thanks to them for making me feel like i am at home =)
1st day raye, kami g solat sunat raye. Late a bit but manage to perform solat sunat raye gak finally as diorg buat second tyme nyer solat, Alhamdulillah...Then, heading to Aunty Azmah's studio for makan2. Owh ya, mse mlm raye kitorg merewang ( bak kate Syerin ), masak ramai2 for this makan2 kat kitchen Fira. Sgt enjoy k! Ktorg wat popia, karipap, rendang, kuah kacang, pulut kuning, nasi himpit n piza~ hehehe. Aunty plak wat nasi minyak! coz of seronoknyer sambut raye, ak pun mengizinkan diri sendiri memonteng dua lectures on that day. Sekali-sekala, hehe. That nite plak, we had a movie nite kat Darwin. Tgk citer ape ntah tajuknyer, but basically it's about vampire..Such a slow story but not bad..
2nd day raye, not doin anything..juz terperap kat bilik n bce law sket. Ngantuk dowh..hurm..kinda boring as well.
3rd day raye, which is today..we hv pot luck AidilAdha. Best sbb dpt jmpe Msians yg tggl kat Canterbury ni esp postgrads yg stay wif their family kat cni. Besides that, jmpe gak kwn2 baru from Chistchurch Uni n of course bdk2 kecik yg comel amat n tak betah dok diam since mse mule2 sampai lagi. We hv like taaruf session, makan2 n amik gambar. Makanan hari ni pon tak kurang sedapnyer n membuatkan aku eating non stop n siap tapau lagik. Ade nasi tomato, nasi goreng, nasi himpit, ayam msk merah, dalca, mi goreng, bihun goreng, puding, cheese cake n many more. Mmg 2-3 hari nie, aku makan tak hengat n i feel good ^^