Showing posts with label Yeti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yeti. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Currently Working On...

A project involving these two. More to come soon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Austin Madison Yeti

One of my good friends Austin Madison (animator extraordinaire) recently contributed this awesome wampa/yeti illustration to my yeti themed home art studio. Since moving into our new place, my wife and I have begun to transform my art studio into our very own yeti cave. I'm beginning to fill my studio space with yeti & sasquatch themed work from some of my favorite artists that inspire me. Austin is a friend who has inspired me from our days back in school at CAL ARTS and probably will continue to do so until the universe explodes.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Commission Painting

Here is another commission painting I recently finished. The concept was of course a Yeti bar, but one thing I thought would be fun with this piece was if all the patrons at the bar were either Yeti's or frozen climbers/campers that had been found in the snow. In the piece there is obviously a shortage of frozen co-eds in and around the mountains, so one of the Yeti's was stuck having a drink with a frozen dude. Really fun piece to work on, and one of the bigger ones I've painted in a while.

I'm always taking new requests, just email me if you are interested.

"Having a Couple of Cold Ones"
Acrylic and Collage
26" x 8"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Last winter was the first year that we made a holiday card for friends and family, so if this year didn't go fast enough... it's already that time again, so here is the holiday card my wife Crystal and I are sending around this year. We hope you all have a great holiday season!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Commission Work

So over the past year I have been doing more and more commission work and it's been such a blast. So I thought I would slowly post some of the commission pieces I have done. While most of the pieces I have done aren't Yeti related, I thought I'd post a few here to get started. Below are a couple of pieces I did a while back...

This one ( Above ) takes place deep in the dangerous arctic swamps. In these hostile frigid swamps lives the "Arctic Swamp Clops!" Slow moving, but extremely aggressive and irritable. However he his vulnerable to sharp objects like frozen branches and large ice picks.

This one ( Above ) had a bit of a cute story behind it. There is a little girl in Detroit who goes by the nickname "Yeti" and her younger brothers name is Griffin, so a painting for the family with a little Yeti and her Snow Griffin buddy.

I have a bunch more that I'll continue to post in the future.

Both pieces are acrylic / gouache / collage

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yeti Vs. Sas Two Pieces Left

Sorry these paintings have already sold.

There are only two pieces left from the show I recently was involved in down in LA, and they can be your's if you'd like. Each piece is 9 x 13" and is Acrylic and Collage and is framed and ready to hang. Email me or comment with your email if you are interested in either or both of the pieces. These will ship anywhere should you be near or far.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cereal Killers

So just before the break I was asked to be in this great book "Cereal Killers". I'm sure many of you are familiar with the great work that's being done for this book, but for those of you who don't here is the scoop. Doktor Viktor Von Kreep is assembling this great book which features a whole assortment of awesome artists illustrating spooky versions of some of their favorite cereal boxes.

For mine I wanted to do a fun sort of homage to the "Frostyo's" cereals from the past. So I came up with "Abominable Frost Bites." I just love the designs of their boxes and thought it would be fun to play with some of the visual ideas and text that they were using. I also tried to play with the balance of flat limited color, with some texture where needed.

The work that people are doing is really fun and inspiring, here is the link to the Blog that Viktor has set up featuring many of these pieces. Cereal Killers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

!Happy Holidays!

This year my Fiancee' and I decided to send out some holiday cards for our friends and family. And rather than picking some out at the store, we thought we should create our very own, so I painted this little piece of our Yeti friend decorating his tree and getting ready for Christmas. It's probably the one time out of the year he takes a break from killing mountain climbers and sasquatches, and for good reason. I hope everyone out there has a great holiday!

7" x 10" Gouache and Paper Cut-Out

Monday, November 26, 2007

Yeti Vs. Sasquatch

I did this Yeti vs. Sasquatch painting a few months back as a commissioned piece. It was fun to simplify and stylize the idea of these two characters and their two different worlds getting ready to go head to head. The battle hasn't happend yet so I can't say who wins, although I was told a long time ago to never bet against a Yeti.

13" x 20" Acrylic / Gouache / Paper-Cut Out

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Love

So about 2 weeks ago my fiancee Crystal celebrated her 23rd birthday and rather than just buying her a nice present I really wanted to make her something special. Something that you can't just get in a store. So in my downtime, I worked on this painting for her and suprised her with it on her birthday. Anyways, happy birthday love!