* tables
DATA: bdc_tab TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata.
* structures
DATA: bdc_line TYPE bdcdata.
DEFINE bdc_dynpro.
CLEAR bdc_line.
bdc_line-PROGRAM = &1.
bdc_line-DYNPRO = &2.
bdc_line-DYNBEGIN = 'X'.
APPEND bdc_line TO bdc_tab.
DEFINE bdc_field.
CLEAR bdc_line.
bdc_line-FNAM = &1.
bdc_line-FVAL = &2.
APPEND bdc_line TO bdc_tab.
* %MODE%
* "A" Processing with display of screens
* "E" Display of screens only if an error occurs
* "N" Processing without display of screens. If a breakpoint is reached in one of the called transactions, processing is terminated with sy-subrc same as 1001. The field sy-msgty contains "S", sy-msgid contains "00", sy-msgno contains "344", sy-msgv1 contains "SAPMSSY3", and sy-msgv2 contains "0131".
* "P" Processing without display of the screens. If a breakpoint is reached in one of the called transactions, the system branches to the ABAP Debugger.
* Others Like "A".
* "A" Asynchronous update. Updates of called programs are executed in the same way as if in the COMMIT WORK statement the AND WAIT addition was not specified.
* "S" Synchronous processing. Updates of the called programs are executed in the same way as if in the COMMIT WORK statement the AND WAIT addition had been specified.
* "L" Local update. Updates of the called program are executed in such a way as if the SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement had been executed in it.
* Other As for "A".