1. Izbrani motiv Pikapolonice sem 5x prekopirala. Prvi motiv je za osnovo in vse robove sem osenčila s temno barvo, da se pozneje pri lepljenju ne bi videle bele lise. Ostale štiri motive sem barvala po delčkih, oziroma po vrsti, kot se bodo pozneje lepili na prvo osnovo.
First I copied
selected motive Scene-it--Ladybugs which I copied 5 times. First motive was for the base. Than I
shadow all the edges with dark colour, so later when you glue it, there would
be not white spots. Other 4 motives I paint step by step. When you finish
colouring all motives you will glue them on the first base motive.
2.Osnovnemu motivu sem s
Distress ink blazinicami dodala
ozadje. S šablono in modro blazinico sem oblikovala oblake. Z zeleno blazinico
sem pobarvala spodnji del motiva in s copic markerji narisala šope trav.
For basic
motive I made background with DISTRESS INK PADS. Whit the template and blue pad
I vised the clouds, with green pad I coloured the lover part of the motive.
With green COPIC MARKERS I draw grass.
3.Vse pobarvane del sem
izrezala s skalpelom in jim s temnim svinčnikom pobarvala robove. Vse
izrezane delčke sem povaljala z oblikovalno palčko, da sem dobila bolj izbočeno
obliko. Sama delčke oblikujem na sivi peni.
All painted
parts I cut whith scalpel and then colur
the edges with dark pencil. Than I roller all pieces whith design stick, so you
got more convex shape. For me is easier formed clouds on the grey penny.
4.Tako zgleda nalepljen motiv
voščilnica :-)
Now you can
see how it look from a side… 3D shape :-)