Showing posts with label month 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month 1. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2009

Month 1!

I cannot believe it has been a month already. Some of the things I have experienced this month have been quite different. My hair is still changing. I have a lot of itch going on, but not as much as when I first started. I love being able to just put water on my hair and just go. I went to see my locktician on Wednesday because a lot of my locks at the top slipped (because it is permed, dumb decision when i wanted a weave to look good back in it doesn't want to leave :( ) and she told me I may be putting too much water on them. It is killing me that I cannot put anything on them, because they feel dry at times. I don't know, but I trust her and she obviously knows what she is doing so I'm all ears. I keep driving my sister crazy asking her should I wear them for everyone to see. Lol. She likes them, and says I shouldn't be scared of how I will be received, because as long as I love them what else matters right? Every time I go to my moms house he immediately starts to fiddle around in my hair. She likes them and can't believe how long they actually are (my hair shrinks up a lot unless its straightened which i refuse to do, absolutely refuse to use curlers, I feel they take away from my babies) I don't know if this has happened to anyone else but I was tripping out for a while, thinking what did I do? I really paid this much money to get my hair like this? Then I started having these weird dreams that someone had permed my hair and I got really frantic because I was trying to get locks and i just knew this perm wouldn't grow up. I have had that dream at least twice. smh. I just wake up glad that it was a dream and run and look and mirror and smile at my babies. I guess you can in a sense call it postpartum anxiety. I'm definitely learning a lot of patience that's for sure. I think a lot about them and wonder how they will look next month at 6 months and at a year. But only time will tell. Well that's it for today. Ttyl8r! I'm so excited to watch them mature... *_*