
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Update on 123 Mystery Stitch Contest!

Since I have a break from the Shingles flare-up I did a little stitching on this.  New HINT: It is a Dimension kit and it is a OOP.  Here you see I have added some green to the pattern.  Here is the update
Anyone want to guess : )

Friday, June 22, 2012

Progress Update on My Mystery 123Stitch Giveaway!

I have an update on this mystery stitch!  Now I have 10% done.  I have more rust and dark brown done.  HINT: This kit was created in 2005! Any new guesses??
 Please look at my Contest page to see all the hints and all the things this pattern is not.  Happy Stitching and Good Luck!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Contest Update for June 18th 2012

Ok I have done 8 percent of the pattern so far if you are following my meters on the left of my blog.  We are now seeing a Rust color to the right.  Any guesses??

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch! June 14th Update!

I have put in some greys and browns to this pattern.  Anyone see anything yet? : ) lol Or is it still just a blob to you?  HINT: Time for Cookies : )  Am I like totally driving you crazy yet, LOL
Happy Stitching and Good Luck!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch! Update!

Hope everyone is having a great day today!
I have an update to show.  I have added 31 stitches in yellow and white.  HINT :  If you look at the left side of my blog and look at My UfO Stitching, you can see this pattern is not big.  Well here is my update!  Good Luck and Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch!

I am going to have a contest!  I will post my progress reports on this wip I am working on and the first to guess what the name of the kit is (HINT) AND the name of the designer will win! Keep watching and good luck! The gift is $10.00 GC from 123.  Here is my start and I know no one will now it right now lol!