Monday, March 1, 2010

In Like a Lion...

Wow, I can't believe it is already March, that is C-R-A-Z-Y!

I have so many fun and exciting things going on this month, I just don't know what to do with myself!

First off...the whole month of March I am one of the sponsors on Leigh-Ann's blog, Freckled Nest and I am sooooo excited about this! I am really wanting Twisted Tree to take off this year and what better place to be seen than on her amazing blog! She even made me my very own blog widget, so keep an eye out for a new blog button to be added on here so that you can add it on to your blog....come on, all the cool kids are doing it! hehe!

My Quiet Nights Art Journal Class started today, taught by the vivacious Viv from Polka Dot Robot and I am so ready for my quiet nights and a little classroom bonding!

Today Leigh-Ann, Elsie and Jill released our workbook for the Indie Business Class to download, and can I just is absolutely beautiful! It is like a little piece of art, I don't know if I am going to want to write in it! Needless to say, I am pretty thrilled about this and I am counting down the days for the class to officially kick off...6 days and counting!

I have a fun Spring update in my shop coming really soon, I'm just waiting on the pretty yarn colors to come my way! I can't wait for you all to see them and give me your feedback!  


By the way, Alli from "One Pearl Button" is having an awesome giveaway celebrating her two years of blogging (congrats to her)! You have to check out the prizes she is giving away, they are pretty amazing!
~White vintage gloves
~ Vintage crocheted wool trivet and cute cotton potholder
~Vintage sewing notions
~Black cashmere sweater, for upcycling purposes
~A vintage thermos
~Vintage leather photo album, which has never been used
~An Argus Seventy-five box format camera, made between 1949 and 1958, yes, you read that correctly!
The giveaway ends on March 5th at midnight, hurry...GO!


I hope that you all are having a wonderful day/evening!

Thank you all so much for every wonderful comment that you make on this blog, it really makes me smile everytime I read one!! I am truely blessed to have all of you!



  1. Wow, you do have a lot going on. Busy girl!

  2. So cool that you are a Freckled Nest sponsor - I've been thinking about buying some ad space for OPB, so I'll be really interested in seeing how it goes! I hope it sends tons of traffic over!

  3. It's so exciting..
    It's going to be super busy month for you then.

  4. What a fantastic month your going to have! Thats great that you are a sponsor on a Freckled Nest. Hope your husband had a great birthday. Have a fun week :) xxxx

  5. March is going to be a great month for you!! Everything sounds like so much fun, I can't wait to see your new spring items in your shop!! <3 Sonja

  6. I sure do wish I took that indie class now :( Kinda sad I didnt! bleh :( I am super excited our online journal class started, I still dont have my journal though >.< I am trying to get the perfect one!!! You are going to stay so busy but its the fun kind of busy!! Love you girlie!!! Guess what I framed and am about to hang on my wall??? Posting the pics tomorrow!!!!


I LOVE comments, they make my day! Thank you so much for visiting my little bubble, come back soon!