some rehearsing, a little music, telling, meeting people
and a flag..Greece was on my mind a lot, since we are being turned inside out by political powergames
a greek question mark in one of our singing bowls
colours on walls. the grey sky seems relentless, just as I suppose our sun is to people coming from grey skied countries
language learning outside the mens rest room. looks like broken english..I know its the other way round. And, Martine, do women need telling?
bench floor patterns during nightime
swans in couples
saw a raven
and fat self satisfied seagulls
ducks, and black ones that I learnt were called coots
I didn't spend much time in Amsterdam, but I saw people, met some I'm glad to have met, hung out with members of the pack, told and listened to stories
a good trip
maybe another time I will see the city, and, who knows, a blogging friend or two....