Showing posts with label Margot Potter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Margot Potter. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Designer Chat with Margot Potter

Designer Chat2

I have so privileged to meet so many super talented and amazing designers, crafters and artists over the last year from all over the world. They have have truly {inspired} me, so during this Christmas Season…. I decided to ask them to chat a little bit about Designing, Christmas & Love.
My first guest is the beautiful and super talented Margot Potter. I met her at the very first CHA the I ever went to and being the shy person that I can be (yes, this chatty little Ukrainian CAN be shy), Margot made me feel truly welcome. I think we chatted for maybe just five minutes but something about her lovely personality made me feel right so welcomed!
So… Without further ado, I would like to welcome…
Christmas Kindness
The Christmas season allows us a little glimpse into the best (and sometimes the worst) of human behaviour. The curtains are pulled back and people all get just a little bit more real this time of year. Everything moves at such a rapid pace, we’re busy and overwhelmed and disconnected. We spend more time staring at screens than we do staring at real people. It’s becoming epidemic, this constant need to be chatting or texting or messaging on social networking platforms. I’ve seen people stand in line at a checkout talking on their phone the entire time, completely ignoring the check out person as if they weren’t even there. People chat and text while driving, parking, shopping, dining. When we’re so distracted by virtual reality, it’s easy to forget to practice the little common courtesies, but I believe these have the biggest impact. A door opened for a frazzled shopper, a smile and quick conversation with the cashier, an extra something in the tip for the all has impact. I like to think these small kindnesses are like ripples on the water, as they push outward they get bigger turning into waves.
It’s easy to point to the grand gesture or write a big check at the holidays, but these small kindnesses are important too. In fact, these small kindnesses are becoming an endangered species and they matter immensely. If we can move outside of what I call our ‘me bubble’ and allow for the opportunity to connect with others, magical things happen for all of us.
I’m going to try to hold this in the front of my mind this holiday season as I move through the world outside of my little studio. I, too, am busy, distracted and disconnected. Random kindness and senseless acts of beauty are at the top of my agenda.
Whatever you celebrate this time of year, may it be merry and bright.
Margot Potter The Impatient Crafter™
The Fine Art of Shameless Self Promotion e-book is getting rave reviews, do you have your copy yet? (

be happy ornaments one
                       Be Happy DIY Feather Ornament
Thank-you SO much Margot for your wonderful words and for dropping by!
Stop by Margot Potter's Blog today... not only is she talking about the Christmas Love Campaign, but she has a little gift for you too!
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Please take some time to check out Margot Potter’s Blog cause it really rocks!!!  And…. Margot has a new eBook out that is really super neat that you can check out HERE.
Remember to stop by the Christmas Love Campaign Facebook page to see all the amazing contests and give aways that are going on! If you haven’t already…come on over and join in the fun and help #craftuplove!!! The Next Designer Chat will be on December 14.
Have a super CREATIVE day!

