Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Monday, 21 March 2011


(image by one of my family)

I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with the balloon, but given that this picture was taken Christmas day 1993 - anything could be going on.

In this picture I'm growing out my 'boy' haircut - not sure why that hairdresser listened to me when I asked for short hair. I think, I assumed that by making my hair shorter the curls would go away - no matter how short it will still curl! I had the curly mop haircut above in varying lengths for over 15 years until my current hairdresser insisted that I have much shorter layers put in. It was such an eye opener to no longer have triangular hair.

I still own the top I'm wearing in this picture - it is from the Guinness factory

I seem to have quite a few 'started' posts saved as draft but nothing that is fully thought through and ready to post.

I started drafting this post in November!

Friday, 4 June 2010

My Hen Do

On Friday night, two weeks ago, my sisters arrived two hours late - thanks sleazy jet!

Early Saturday morning we woke up and quickly had showers, I tried my wedding dress on for all of thirty seconds, we were running late, this was the first time they'd seen the dress so after a group hug we ran out to the car.

About an hour and a half later we arrived here. The weather was stunning! #1 and the friend who reads this blog headed to the flats that we had rented for the evening to drop off the mountain of food we had. We spent the day relaxing in the sunshine, swimming in the pool, some even went to the gym. We each had a treatment - full body massage, bliss. We arranged it all through here - would recommend them.

When all the relaxation was over we headed to the flats for food and games and fun. #2 had arranged a Mr and Mrs* quiz**, for every question I got right I got a prize, each of my girls had bought me a gift and I had to guess who they were from. There were also lots of random gifts including, huge pink hoop earrings, scrunchies and bride to be pants.

(picture of me by #1)

I had a great time, it was very sedate and relaxed but perfect for me. Thank you ladies!

*what they didn't realise is that O can not keep a secret from me. He never has been able to. So he told me about the quiz and then I tortured the questions and answers out of him. I tried really hard to play along with the quiz until the very last moment when I slipped up. I don't know who was the most angry. #2 at O for telling me about the quiz or O at me for telling them I knew about the quiz.
** turns out they know me quite well

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

My Life in Magazines

I got my first riding lesson for my 11th birthday. Little did my parents know that it would become an obsession for rest of my teens. Every Sunday they got rid of me to the stables, I think they enjoyed getting rid of me but not the early morning start. I stopped when I went to University because lessons were so expensive. I would love to start again but I'm a bit shy and skint. (image from here)

When I hit my teens I pretended to become interested in music. It didn't really last all that long. Fast Forward no longer exists so this is the only image I could find.

Then I became corrupted by fashion and make up and worrying that I didn't look like a pop star. (image from here)
Further corruption but this time with built in pressure to have sex. I had to hide these ones from my parents. (image from here)

Between the ages of 16 and my first years at University I wasn't really loyal to any one magazine. Also I wasn't buying that many magazines in a bid to save some money. But then I discovered Marie Claire and I've been a loyal reader since then.

Of course my tastes have temporarily changed. Although I do find wedding magazines scary. I've mostly learnt what I don't want for our wedding from the magazines I have read. (from here)

For after the wedding when we can save money to re-do our kitchen, buy new carpet and get some decent furniture. Oh and I can dream at the beautiful homes we can't afford. (from here)

Friday, 19 March 2010

I'm lost

You know I swear I used to have a personality. I just wish I could find the damn thing again. I used to be able to go for dinner with friends and have things to talk about other than the wedding. I can't for the life of me remember what those things were.

Last night I did the "what are you thinking about" to O. He was thinking about one of his friends but he added "don't worry you'll be glad to know I got here through a thought about the wedding" - as if I would be annoyed with him for not thinking about the wedding constantly. Ugh I don't want to be that girl.

I want my personality back - if you see it please let me know, reward offered.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Blog Award

Thank you to the lovely Rebecca for this award.

10 things about me - physically

1. I have very thick curly brown hair. From when I was born to approx 6 year old I had blonde curls (I remember the dinner ladies at school calling me Goldilocks), from the age of 6 to 10 I had mousy brown, straight with a kink hair. When I was 10 I had my hair permed (it was the fashion). The perm never went away and I’ve had curly hair ever since, I’m just about coming to terms with the fact that I was pre-destined to have curly hair and it wasn’t the perm’s fault.

2. I dislike my curly hair but O loves it. I came home having had my hair straightened at the hair dressers, he saw me with straight hair for the first time and freaked out. He refused to look at me because I looked so different.

3. I have dark blue eyes. O has incredibly piercing pale blue eyes (they make me swoon).

4. I have my Dad’s nose which handily comes with a shelf for my glasses to sit on! (If I were to ever have plastic surgery it’d be a nose job).

5. I have large hands. I should be good at the piano however having tried to learn for many years when I was younger I just don’t have any musical talent.

6. I have deceptively large tatty bojangles that I don’t like showing off. (Love Russell Howard)

7. I have a long torso. I discovered this while lining up for school photos. We had to line up in height order and then when we sat down I had to get moved as I was taller when sat than those next to me.

8. I had my belly button pierced when I was 18.

9. My skin is a very pale blue colour. I don’t tan. The only time I have ever tanned, to the extent that you would notice (rather than just comparing the white bits) was when I spent 3 weeks in Italy after 1 week on a water sports holiday in France. Seriously 4 weeks in the sun and I managed a vague tan.

10. My second and third toe on my right foot are slightly webbed (no it doesn’t help with swimming). Do you remember the socks that had individual toes? They were a total nightmare for me.

So I now have to pass this on to 10 other lovely blogs:

Anna and the Ring (welcome back)
Our day by Design
Some Vague Utopia
Seven Weddings (Gee’s getting married this month eeek! Congratulations)
Dreaming of an Aga
Adventures of a lady in training

Now I'm going to cheat because some of the blogs that I love most, that along with the above blogs I will always read first have already had this award (Thank you ladies).

Conversation Pieces
You can’t take it with you
Daydreams in lace

Thursday, 20 August 2009

About Me

I'm in my late 20's - and slowly trying to come to terms with that. In my head I'm still 23/24 (or to be honest 13/14). I haven't achieved all those things that you are supposed to have achieved by the time you hit your late 20's. I haven't seen the world or had great adventures.

I have however found the man of my dreams, bought a flat with him, become the parent to 2 of the most eccentric cats, gotten myself a job that I actually enjoy and I'm going to get married. Do these not count as achievements I hear you ask - not when I'm always wanting more?! Ok the man of my dreams certainly does help and thankfully he understands that my obsession for more includes taking him along for the ride.

I was born and raised in the North of England and I'm proud of being Northern.

I live in Scotland, and have done for the last 10 years (almost to the day in fact).

I came to Scotland for University - I stayed for love.