Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Blook Club

Did you notice my shiny new badge? Over there, there, down on the right hand side! I'm a member of blook club, organised by the clever and delightful Zoe from Conversation Pieces
I say that I'm a member, however I'm unfortunately having to miss the first one. Cannot wait to hear how it went and what everyone thought of the book: How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran.
Enough of me wittering check out Zoe's post. She is much better at explaining.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

It's a book

I'm a very lucky lady and was given a kindle for Christmas. I love it, I love going away for a week and only having to carry the kindle even though I read three and a half books in that time. I love being able to buy and receive books instantly (I'm an instant gratification type of a girl).

I still love books, our overflowing book shelves are testament to that. I got my love of books from my parents, while staying with them we managed to spend a long time browsing through a book shop. My Dad, a local primary school governor, came across this book and bought it for the school. 

Kind of optimises modern day thinking on books.

I cringed when a colleague suggested buying a kindle for her 10 year old daughter. I just kind of think at that age you should still be enjoying the feel of a book and turning a page.

It's a book by Lane Smith (Amazon)

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My husband the robot


I think O might be a robot.
He sheds nuts and bolts randomly** all over our home.
Thankfully he isn't broken despite missing all these bits.

*I loved this book as a child
**I think they might come from his pockets but really why are his pockets so full of 'things'

Monday, 25 October 2010

Writing a list

Check out the other wonderful books from badbooks

Monday, 21 June 2010

Just finished reading

(image from here)

Bloggers you have to read this book, if you enjoy crime “who dunnit” novels. I’ll try not to spoil the story but the plot revolves around a blog writer, the subject of a blogpost and the comments that the post sparks – a warning not to give too much away on the internet and to watch what you say. So if you want to freak yourself about your anonymity in blogosphere this is the perfect book for you.

If you want more cultured book recommendations, please visit Stacy and see her “I just finished reading” series.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

I pledge to read the printed word

I've finally got round to adding my pledge to read button.

I've struggled with adding it and have been privately sitting on the fence.

I love reading and read as much as possible. I get most of my books from the library except those I'm too impatient to wait for. I believe that we should all read more - quite a strange campaign for a community of people who write online but I suppose it does make sense that people who love to read also love to write.

But I don't really agree with the dislike of Kindle and other e-readers, they make a lot of sense for me. For someone who usually takes at least 15 books on holiday that is a lot of luggage weight so the idea of an electronic device which can store loads of books in one place is very exciting. No I still haven't got my head round reading by the pool or in the bath. And the number of times I leave my paperback on the sun lounger when I take a dip in the pool or go for a drink would be seriously reduced if it cost £300+.

At work it would also come in handy, I blame the appalling condition of my eye sight on the amount of time I spend in front of a computer screen. My job involves reading a lot of lengthy documents, I tend to print them so I can read on paper. However the eco-warriors are asking us to print less and less. An e-reader screen flickers less than that of a computer so it would be better for saving my eye sight - or so I tell myself.

Hmm through writing these spare thoughts it would appear that I'm not sitting on the fence about reading the printed word but e-readers instead. That is about as clear a point as I've come to.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Bitten by those pesky vampires

In my family we read a lot. When we visited #1 to babysit my niece and nephew for the week she had just finished reading the Twilight series and out of idle curiosity I borrowed the books thinking I’d get round to them eventually. Well eventually arrived between Christmas and New Year when I consumed the whole saga. The books seems to divide people some hate them, some love them, I have to admit I enjoyed them. I’m going to hold off a while and then watch the films (I hate watching films of books I’ve recently read they are never as good – I visualise the characters differently from the filmmakers – funny huh?!)

(image from here)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Books I have read recently....

As I may have mentioned before I read a lot of blogs - they are all so lovely it is difficult to stop.

What I've found is that all the lovely bloggers out there are wonderful intelligent women, who all seem to have a very sophisticated taste in literature.

I don't! As mentioned previously I love crime novels so here are a few that I have read recently. Most of them I read on holiday, I don't read as much as I used to when I had a long commute.

Currently I'm reading:

Am I the only one who likes to read without the need for brain power?

(all images)