If you have additional meme suggestions, comment.
and here is a closer, cropped view:
It is an anti-modernist/female poster directed at Chareidi women who dress modern and here's my translation:
Modern Lady, 'Hardilonit'
(A Hareidi Female Who Looks Like A Secularist)
Do You Know
That Without Paying Attention You Are Sabotaging
The Nation of Israel In Your Goyisch Appearance?
Short and Form-fitting Apparel
Makeup and Perfume
Transparent or Flesh-coloredStockings
You Are Relaxing the Guardianship!
Return from your Ways! Don't Defile the Camp!
If there is no modesty, the Creator Will Remove Himsefl
and then there will be sorrows, and diseases and attacks and poverty
(G-d Forbid!)
and Jewish blood will spill like water!!!
"Your brother's blood calls out to you from the earth"
If you missed it, there's a "Yellow Star" and ovens and hands reaching heaveward.
And the pistol.
Sick. And dangerous.
Imagine if they saw this.
If a college campus is not a suitable environment for free speech, but instead we hear only calls for self-censorship and lockstep obedience, what future can this generation offer? If students are so weak-minded that they are afraid of ideas, even hating any idea with which they disagree, but can only respond with anger and calling security for censorship instead of rational consideration or discussion, what have they learned for all of their time spent pursuing education? These are people soon to enter the adult world after spending years evaluating grammatical structures, molecular balances, and Renaissance art, yet they are unable to evaluate a flier sensibly?
Surely there are also students who still have enough youth left in them to laugh at absurdity, and enough self-confidence to not desire other ideas censored when they find them disagreeable.