Showing posts with label humanitarian aid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humanitarian aid. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

What Happened to the Starvation? And the Famine and Malnutrition?

On March 18, 2024, an Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) was published.

It read:

The IPC acute food insecurity analysis conducted in December 2023 warned of a risk that Famine may occur by the end of May 2024 if an immediate cessation of hostilities and sustained access for the provision of essential supplies and services to the population did not take place. Since then, the conditions necessary to prevent famine have not been met and the latest evidence confirms that Famine is imminent in the northern governorates and projected to occur anytime between mid-March and May 2024.

According to the most likely scenario, both North Gaza and Gaza Governorates are classified in IPC Phase 5 (Famine) with reasonable evidence, with 70% (around 210,000 people) of the population in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe)...The famine threshold for household acute food insecurity has already been far exceeded and, given the latest data showing a steeply increasing trend in cases of acute malnutrition, it is highly likely that the famine threshold for acute malnutrition has also been exceeded. The upward trend in non-trauma mortality is also expected to accelerate, resulting in all famine thresholds likely to be passed imminently.

The southern governorates of Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis, and the Governorate of Rafah, are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). However, in a worst-case scenario, these governorates face a risk of Famine through July 2024.The entire population in the Gaza Strip (2.23 million) is facing high levels of acute food insecurity. 

The IPC latest report, published June 4 reads (FRC=Famine Review Committee):

The FRC does not find the FEWS NET analysis plausible given the uncertainty and lack of  convergence of the supporting evidence employed in the analysis. Therefore, the FRC is unable to make a determination as to whether or not famine thresholds have been passed during April. As the FRC does not find the FEWS NET analysis plausible for the current period, the FRC is unable to endorse the IPC Phase 5 (Famine) classification for the projection period. However, this FEWS NET projection is in line with the FRC projection done in March 2024, which has not yet been updated.

In other words, there is no starvation, nor famine nor malnutrition in Gaza.


Sunday, January 09, 2011

Do You Want To Help Arabs In The Territory of the Former Mandate of Palestine?

Are you a humanitarian?

Someone who deeply cares about civil liberties, freedoms and rights?

Are you appalled by arbitrary governmental actions, lack of transparency of official procedures, police torture, insufficient legal avenues?

Are you excited by assisting the Arabs residing in the former territory of the Mandate of Palestine?

Well, go to this site (Kippah tip: MH) and learn about

Violations of Human Rights and Public Freedoms for November 2010


Violations of Human Rights and Public Freedoms for October 2010

and read the

Fifteenth Annual report on the Status of Human Rights in Palestine during 2009

as well as read

A Legal Review of Provisions on Torture in the Palestinain Legal System, 2009

and you can learn about the

Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights.

And none of it about Israel.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dangot's Message Miffed

Major General Eitan Dangot testified before the Turkel Committee and said there is a direct correlation between rockets fired at Israel and aid transferred into the Gaza Strip

...the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj. Gen. Eitan Dangot spoke about Israel’s economic-civilian policy toward the Gaza Strip and the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip over time.

“Israel tried the entire time to not harm but the civilian and humanitarian activities for the sake of the citizens of the Gaza Strip, even when Hamas came to power. To our dismay the body responsible for forcing the situation whereby we were obliged to change our policy is not Israel nor the IDF, but Hamas,” he testified.

...Maj. Gen. Dangot presented a summary with data of humanitarian aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip on a daily basis carrying food and equipment, from 2006 and until today. Based on the data, in the first four years there was a constant flow of 60-70 trucks with equipment entering the Gaza Strip every day...

“There is a direct connection between the number of rockets fired toward Israel and our ability to operate the crossings,” he said. “If in the year 2006 we continued to see an average of 80 rockets per month, we could have entered much more equipment into the Gaza Strip. But when the average number of rockets shot up in 2007 to 215 and later 288 rockets per month, the amount of equipment entering into the Gaza Strip decreased, reaching its lowest point in 2008 when 400 rockets were fired. Still, it is important to see that quantities of food entering the Gaza Strip show no significant changes and we have continued entering amounts according to Palestinian needs.”

This is a bit different from the report I heard over Channel One TV which claimed as the main lead that Dangot asserted there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF Spokesperson couldn't get that out?

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Pals. At Fault

Just got this Press Release

COGAT briefing to EU High Representative Ashton
18 July 2010
Communicated by COGAT Spokesman

which informs us that

On Sunday, 18 July 2010, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Maj. Gen. Eytan Dangot and MFA Director General Yossi Gal met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Baroness Catherine Ashton at the Erez Coordination, Liaison and Administration (CLA) office. During the meeting Maj. Gen. Dangot explained the steps taken as part of the implementation of the civilian policy towards the Gaza Strip and presented the daily coordination of truckloads...The Defense Ministry Crossing Authority representative also emphasized that the crossing capacity has already increased to 150 truckloads per day via Kerem Shalom, and that, since July 4, the PA has begun construction work on the Palestinian side of the crossing in order to increase the crossing capacity to 250 truckloads a day as of July 31, 2010.

So, to upgrade to 250 is a Pal. problem.

Let's go guys. We do want to help.



And I received this now:-

19 July 2010

Coordination for delivery of medical equipment and construction material to the Gaza Strip
(Communicated by the COGAT Spokesperson)

...COGAT spokesperson announced that the transfer of the cargo from the Libyan ship through the Kerem Shalom crossing continued today with the delivery of 27 truckloads, in addition to the 35 truckloads that were transferred yesterday. The delivery of the cargo from the ship will continue without interrupting the daily coordination of roughly 150 truckloads.

So, the Libyan ship really didn't bring in more than about one day's worth of shipments?

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Friday, June 18, 2010

America's "National Interest"?

Here's what these people think about Helen Thomas:-

Fearless, decent seeker-of-truth Helen Thomas, 89, the preeminent challenger of political power for a half-century as dean of White House correspondents, has resigned her position with Hearts Newspapers. She acted in the wake of controversy that erupted when she told reporters “Jews should get the hell out of Palestine.” While speaking plainly on behalf of the rule of law in Occupied Palestine, her message was submerged when reporters gave it an anti-Semitic twist by quoting words out of context.

Here's their mission:-

CNI seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values, protects our national interests, and contributes to a just solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as to restore a political environment in America in which voters and their elected officials are free from the undue influence and pressure of foreign countries.

So, it isn't any surprise to know this:-

Dear CNI Volunteer in Place,

We know that you have probably received our email about the "Boat Brigade" from Lebanon to Gaza. Currently the boats are scheduled to leave on Friday, July 2nd. If you are interested in joining this new attempt to break the siege on Gaza all expenses will be paid. The boat will likely depart from the port of Tarabulus on Friday July 2nd. It would require a week to ten days of your time. We are excited about the possibilities of this "Boat Brigade" which promises to include some interesting people, including CNI chairwoman Harriet Fulbright (widower of Senator William J. Fulbright).

You can scan a copy of the first two pages of your passport and send them with a message to Franklin Lamb at: ).

It would be a good idea to send a copy to us at:

Hope you can make the tour and feel free to call at any time at 1-202-863-2951.

Eugene Bird

President CNIF/CNI

One thing, though, Helen is a widow.

Secondly, who guys all have lifejackets, right?

(Kippah tip: BPO)

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Word Is Out on That "Humanitarian Aid Ship"

Was informed:

someone who was at the Tzrifin IDF base where part of the cargo of the ships is stored confirmed that the head of the logistics department of the Israeli Defense Ministry informed those present that there was no humanitarian aid (cargo) on the Mavi Marmara.

The logistics department is in charge with unloading and repacking the humanitarian aid. Only money and personal belongings were found on the ship. Other foreign journalists were also present when the statement above was made, among them reporters form FOX News and Walla.

Waiting for official confirmation.

More sneaking out:

heard from senior israeli official, there was no Humanitarian Aid on the Marmara. All they found was cash and personal belongings. maybe the journos on board were planning to give gazans their personal stashes of tylenol, ambien and prozac and call that humanitarian aid.

there was plenty of aid on the other ships, which is currently sitting in tzrifin base waiting for hamas to let it in.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Guest Post

BT wrote to me:

I have a question for the experts -

Right next to a brief article in my paper entitled "Palestinian man shot dead during rampage in Jerusalem" (which I assume is phrased to make those who merely glance but don't read it think rampaging Israelis shot an innocent Palestinian [again!]), is another one on Sudan and its ouster of aid agencies.

Text is at.

What I am asking about is:

The humanitarian operation in Darfur is the largest and most complex in the world, and relief officials warned of devastating consequences for many of the 4.2 million people in Darfur who depend on outside agencies for services that the central government doesn't provide.

How does the above compare to the efforts of the UN for the Pals, which I have often read is the largest?

Anybody have an opinion?

Shabbat shalom!

Monday, March 02, 2009

What 's The Money For?

The news:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday will propose an aid package of over $900 million for the Palestinians, but only $300 million will be earmarked to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to State Department spokesman Robert Wood.

The rest of the funds that Clinton will pledge—roughly $600 million—will go to support the Palestinian Authority, headquartered on the West Bank, in an effort to bypass Hamas, the militant group that rules Gaza...

So, one-third of US charity will support, what?




Lack of government transparency?

Violations of human liberties and civil rights?

And I'm referring to the Fatah-dominated Pal. Authority recall.

Why not more for humanitarian concerns?

Or does Clinton and staff and advisors and State Dep't officials know that the "humanitarian card" is not all it's trumped up to be?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Brit Discovers His Backbone

I think a genteel round of applause is in order:

BBC Trust chairman attacks politicians over Gaza appeal pressure

The chairman of the BBC Trust has attacked political criticism of the controversial decision not to broadcast a Gaza charity appeal.

Sir Michael Lyons told businessmen and women that the BBC faced "undue external pressure" over its refusal to show the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal. Speaking to the Cardiff Business Club, he said he had supported director-general Mark Thompson's decision despite "intense controversy".

Sir Michael said: "I began to feel that some of the political criticism of his decision was crossing the delicate line between fair comment and undue interference in the editorial independence of the BBC.

"At that point I thought, and still do, that a red card was in order."

Hillary Clinton Is Coming - Part I

Ahead of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's arrival, it seems official Israel is getting busy:

Steps to improve Palestinian daily life in Judea and Samaria

(Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)

In accordance with the decision made by the political echelon, the IDF and the Civil Administration took a series of steps in order to significantly improve the Palestinian routine of life in Judea and Samaria. These steps were implemented following meetings between the IDF commanders in the Judea and Samaria region, the heads of the Palestinian Security Authority and other Palestinian senior officials.

The steps that were taken as part of the effort include:

Widening of Palestinian free movement

A road connecting the village of Bani Na'im to road number 60 was opened in the Hebron region, after being blocked due to security reasons since 2001. The checkpoints in the Tulkarm region were reinforced and the passage conditions of the Huwwara checkpoint were dramatically improved. Furthermore, over 135 additional roadblocks were removed in the past year, including the main ones in Rimonim and Atzira A-Shamalia.

Strengthening of the Palestinian Security Forces

Authorization has been given for the opening of 12 new Palestinian police stations, in addition to the 20 new Palestinians police stations authorized last year. Nineteen new Police stations have been built so far.

190 certificates were handed out to Palestinian public figures and security forces personnel (from the rank of Battalion Commander) that allow maximum freedom of movement, as an addition to the 200 people currently holding these certificates.

Following a strict security examination, an individual authorization was given to few senior personnel in the Palestinian security forces, allowing them to have armed security due to real life threat.

Strengthening of the Palestinian economy

The entrance of Israeli Arabs into the city of Nablus is now authorized during weekends. A similar step was taken in the city of Jenin, bringing a significant increase in income to local businesses. The quantity of Palestinian workers permitted to enter Israel has increased, while making the eligibility criteria more flexible.

Relief in the humanitarian sector

An extension was authorized concerning the entrance passes into Israel for those with chronic medical needs and their escorts, as well as medical students doing residencies in Israeli hospitals. The authorizations were extended from a period of three to six months.

Of course, things do go on as normal:

IDF Arrests Eight Terror Suspects

Reported: 08:07 AM - Feb/24/09

( The IDF arrested eight terror suspects over the course of Tuesday night in the Bethlehem, Hevron, Jenin and Kalkilye areas of Judea and Samaria.

The suspects were turned over to the security services for questioning.


Rock Attack next to El Aroub

Reported: 21:20 PM - Feb/23/09

( An Israeli bus was damaged by rocks thrown next to El Aroub, between Bethlehem and Hevron, south of Jerusalem Monday evening.

No injuries were reported in the attack.


Rock Attack next to El Funduk

Reported: 20:56 PM - Feb/23/09

( Two Israeli vehicles were damaged Monday night by rocks thrown at them next to the Palestinian Authority Samarian village of El Funduk, southwest of Shechem.

No injuries were reported in the incident. Israeli troops were summoned to carry out a search of the scene.


Arabs Attack Jews in Samaria, Negev

Reported: 10:32 AM - Feb/23/09

( In Judea and Samaria police are looking for two Arabs who tried to stab a Jew while attempting to hijack his vehicle near the community of Shavei Shomron, south of Jenin. The terrorists faked a traffic accident and tried to steal the Jew’s vehicle when he stopped to help. The victim fought off the attackers who tried to stab him with a screwdriver.

In the Negev, police are searching for Bedouins who attacked Jewish National Fund (JNF) workers as they were preparing land for planting approximately three miles north of Be'er Sheva. No one was wounded, but the Bedouins damaged the equipment before fleeing.

and on and on and on...