Showing posts with label Shmuel Rosner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shmuel Rosner. Show all posts

Monday, March 05, 2018

You Know April 9 Is "Deir Yassin Day"?

I have blogged previously and profusely on Deir Yassin, the Arab village near Givat Shaul, in today's Har Nof neighborhood and specifically, the grounds of the Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center.

Here. And here.

It was overrun by Irgun and Lechi forces, assisted by a Palmach unit who provided mortar fire and the Hagana command who supplied ammunition and medical services during the fighting, on Friday, April 9, 1948. This year it falls on a Monday.  There's now a film.  There's a commemorance site. Even a Facebook page.

And now, Shmuel Rosner has reviewed the new book that has appeared in Hebrew in his The Truth of Deir Yassin.

The author is Eliezer Tauber, an Israeli academic who specializes in the modern history of the Middle East

The book's cover:

I have met him.

As Rosner notes, Tauber has published

a book arguing that there was no massacre in Deir Yassin. A detailed account of a fateful day, minute by minute, hour by hour. A convincing account. 

What really happened in Deir Yassin? Tauber is not the first scholar to argue that the large-scale massacre story is a myth. Professor Yoav Gelber, in “Palestine 1948: War, Escape and the Emergence of the Palestinian Refugee Problem,” makes a similar claim. Still, Tauber was more thorough than all of his predecessors in looking into this specific day of carnage. The result is a gripping narrative. 

...He counts one clear case of unjustified shooting. An Arab family evacuated a house in surrender. An Irgun fighter opened fire while his commander was shouting at him, “What are you doing? Stop it!” This incident, Tauber believes, gave credence to later overblown stories of larger-scale massacre, rape, mutilation and barbarity.

And to the crux. As I have noted, the Arabs themselves created the myth.

...the myth was perpetrated not because of confusion. It was a deliberate attempt by the Palestinian leadership to force the Arab militaries of surrounding countries to intervene in the battle over Palestine. The leaders of the Palestinians sowed a wind and reaped a whirlwind. 

Rosner, though, makes this important point:

Professor Tauber believed that his story would be of great interest to American publishers. He contacted university presses in the United States, and their response left him stunned. A representative of an elite university wrote back: “While everyone agreed on the book’s many strengths, in the end the consensus was that the book would only inflame a debate where positions have hardened.” Another one wrote: “We could sell well to the right-wing community here but we would end up with a terrible reputation.” Apparently, a book questioning the Palestinian narrative is not a book that American universities feel comfortable publishing.

Amazingly, though, he has made it into the Wikipedia entry

Israeli researcher Eliezer Tauber writes that a total of 101 people were killed, 61 definitely in combat circumstances (including 24 armed fighters, with the remained being their family members who were with them); 18 for whom the cause of death could not be determined; about 10 whose deaths are in a "grey zone" whose charactization can be debated; and a further 11 being members of a single family who were gunned down by a single Irgun member.

More references:

Avi Woolf

Dr. Arnon Groiss

Shimon Cohen



On the refusal of publishers at Legal Insurrection.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Comment at the New York Times

Here, at The Latitude Blog :-

    Yisrael Medad
    Shiloh, Israel

At the present moment, the United States' Consulate boycotts all of Jerusalem's new post-1967 neighborhoods' 200,000 Jewish residents when it comes to programs of art, music, democracy workshops, sports, science, agriculture - in essence, except for visas, passports & birth registrations, all cultural, etc. activities are confined to Arabs (see here just for 2013), not to speak of the 360,000 Jews of Judea and Samaria. That doesn't bother Israel's left-of-center territorial concessionists, much. If it were to become better know and an issue, this would be a different story.

Where is Rosner's stand on political independence on this?


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rosner Is Vibrating the Wrong Way

Shmuel Rosner, formerly op-ed editor at Haaretz, then its Washington correspondent and now of Commentary's Contentions blog and of the Jerusalem Post's blog (and, I presume, a temporary resident of the United States, but for how long?), is now blogging at The New Republic. He gets around.

There, in an anti-Bibi Netanyahu piece, he claims:-

Bibi was a divider, not a uniter. If this doesn't change, he will once again be a failed prime minister.

I have never met or read of a politician who fully succeeded to be a uniter but nevertheless, Bibi's coalition was derisively termed the "coaliton of the scorned" becuase he managed to unite the enemies of Haaretz, Rosner's then paper: nationalists, Mizrachim, Russians, and others.

And now, even before Bibi has had a chance to prove his ability to unite, especially when this country's leaders have proven to be so much more worse, Rosner seems to prove that once you hate someone, you only intensify your hate because hate feeds off of irrational and negative vibes. And Rosner seems to be vibrating the wrong way.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Again, Rosner

Again, I am amazed at Shmuel Rosner.

He writes for Israel's most liberal-minded newspaper, Haaretz (but is no longer employed by them but is a free-lancer)..

That paper supports the partition of Jerusalem and the yielding of all of the territories gained in the Six-Days War. It is anti-religious establishment. It is the place where the most viscious anti-Yesha / pro-Pal. writers publish.

And yet, here's what Rosner has written recently regarding the anti-Iran rally:-

Thus, what I think now is that the organizers’ real mistake was not disinviting Palin but inviting Clinton. If they had decided early on that the rally would not host politicians this year, the whole embarrassing affair would have been avoided. Apparently, they were giving Clinton credit that she doesn’t deserve, believing that she would be able to ignore the political pressures of the season in order to send a clear message. In that, they forgot that she is after all a Clinton.


And the funny thing is that Israeli journalists on tour of the US usually end up melding into the average American Jewish liberal mold.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Leftist and Lefter

Remember the film Dumb and Dumber?

Well, here's Leftist and Lefter.

Daniel Levy, a former Israeli [he's a Brit, no?] negotiator, and Shmuel Rosner of Ha'aretz debate whether Israel should pull out of disputed areas even if Palestinian attacks continue.

Just right (pun?) for the New York Times.