Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

Home made granola and Etsy shop!

Hi everyone!
 My Etsy shop is officially up and running!!

I'm so excited, I've put on there the headbands I've made, the rick rack flower earrings, the hand knit embroidery floss earrings, the rick rack flower pendants, pen and ink art work, and princess tutus. There is so much more to come, but it's been exciting to have so many things online!

Another favorite of mine to make is granola!

I use: almonds, oats, pumpkin seeds, shelled sunflower seeds, agave nectar, butter, brown sugar, coconut, and chocolate chips.

My stomach has a hard time breaking down nuts, so I put all the nuts in my ninja mini chopper and get the seeds and nuts to small chunks. This also makes it easier for my kids to digest as well, and provides a lot of healthy fats and protein at the same time.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Chop up any seeds or nuts, pour into large bowl.

2. Brown coconut in sauce pan using 1/4 cup butter, and 1/2 cup brown sugar.

3. Pour browned coconut into the large bowl.

4. Add about 2/3 cup agave nectar and mix ingredients. The granola mixture should be fully coated with the agave nectar, if you need to add more, do so about 1 tablespoon at a time.

5. Melt 1/4 cup butter and pour over mixture. Mix until everything is coated and sticky.

6. Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray. Pour mixture onto cookie sheet and spread to a thin layer, reaching all the corners.
The top is done, the bottom one is how it looks when you first put it in the oven. ( I burnt the bottom one because I didn't use a small enough pan and fill it to the corners.)

7. Press any kind of chocolate chips into the granola on the pan. I use white and semi sweet chocolate, but butterscotch or peanut butter chips would taste great too.

8. Bake in the over until granola has turned to a dark golden brown. (About 15-20 min)

9. Let cool. Once completely cool, cut up into desired bar shapes and wrap in wax paper. Store in air tight container. These will go quickly so I've never had a problem worrying how long they will last ;)

We couldn't wait to cut them into bars ;)
Oven 350 degrees
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup coconut
2 cups almonds
2 cups sunflower seeds
2 cups pumpkin seeds
3-4 cups oats
2/3 cups + extra as needed
1/2 cup butter
your choice chocolate chips

Back 15-20 minutes until dark golden brown

Enjoy!!! And don't forget to check out my new Etsy shop to see what beautiful creations I have made in the craft department!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Allergic Reaction, Life lessons, and Happiness

So I have the MOST amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe that I made up myself. ( I know, bragging is rude, but seriously, these are made with PUDDING! Amazing!!!) The cookie gets cooked all the way through but stays super soft and the chocolate chips are mini, so each bite is loaded with flavor!! I used some new organic eggs we got.

 In Maine we had our own chickens, and organic eggs are amazing! Although I HATED cleaning out the chicken coop, they just smell sooooo yucky! Also, our llama would back be into the feed room and shove her face in the feed bin and she was crazy strong, so not the fondest of farm chores.

Organic eggs or fresh eggs have an almost orange yolk, the white is a bit thicker, and you can practically see the delicious yummy protein goodness, so that is a plus. And they have a slightly different and stronger flavor, I highly recommend them!

So I also am in love with Cupcake Wars, and would love to have a bakery someday called the Pink Stiletto ( I have the shop, uniforms and menu already planned out ;) ) I've been trying to learn how to make my own cupcake batters that are original, so after I made some cookies I decided to try to turn the batter into cake batter by adding whipping cream. It worked very well, the cake is very moist and fluffy, but the middles fell, they didn't puff up. Surprisingly they didn't turn out dense or weird, they just didn't have much volume.

Does anyone know how much baking soda I should use in ratio to the flour? I think that will make them puff up instead of sink down.

But here's where things get exciting! So after eating 1 cookie, I see these weird spots on my thumb. It kind of looked like I had left my hand on something with a pattern that caused an indentation, but it wouldn't go away, and then I started to get worried!

I called Ken who was 20 minutes away donating platelets and plasma which takes FOREVER but saves lives so it's amazing that he dos that, but if he leaves before they are done, they can't use his blood. Then I got this rash.
I am so grateful to have an amazing and thoughtful husband, for his prayers for me, and for all the other prayers from friends and family on my behalf! I'm doing great!

It's a little hard to see in this picture but my skin started turning pink all over and these little red bumps started to appear. Then, my fingers, hands and wrists started swelling right in front of me, and fast! So I called Ken and as I was talking to him he said " Rachel, go unlock the door and sit down, you are sounding really confused, I'm calling 911". So I did, and the fire truck came! ( In less than 3 minutes too, we have an awesome fire station)

My chest started to get tight, I had a little fever, the rash spread and the itchiness got worse. Then my ankles started to swell and all these nice firemen and paramedics were there, calm as cucumbers telling me it was ok since I was still able to talk. I had taken Benadryl but it hadn't set in yet so they took me to the hospital.

Ken had to go get the kids so he came to the hospital for like 5 minutes then went to get the kids from school. My friend who is a PA was on shift so that was cool to say hi! They gave me some more antihistamine medicine and some nausea medicine, and just watched to see if the reaction would calm down. It did so I got to go home! exciting huh?! I told Ken not to eat the cookies or cupcakes and what does he do? Eats some!
But he didn't have a reaction so the doctor said that our bodies change about every 7 years and you can develop food allergies, so I just have to o one of those skin allergy tests and stay away from eggs!
So life lesson: don't be afraid of paramedics and firemen, they are very helpful, call 911 if you get a strange rash and have chest pain, and let your mom come get you and take you home. It just makes everything less stressful!!
So yesterday was exciting! I'm very happy to be fine and that the reaction was not worse. I'm also very happy to be using Thrive, because I had plenty of energy, had no discomfort besides the itching, and was able to think clearly about what I was allergic too, even though I was a bit confused from the reaction. Thrive isn't a magical cure, but it provides your body the necessary nutrients for it to function at it's best. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been using my Thrive!
And Ken liked the cupcakes and is probably going to eat them all. If you have any egg free yummy recipes I'd love to try making them!! oh, and Benadryl is an excellent thing to have on hand, especially if you don't know you might be allergic to eggs!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Holy Cow THRIVE!!!

So I'm conducting an experiment to see if I can get my body feeling at it's best. I started the Thrive 8 week challenge TODAY. It's a nutraceutical product full of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and all natural ingredients. I wanted to try it to help mainly with my overall inflammation and immune support. And boy am I HAPPY with it!

 My friends Denise Dexter introduced it to me because they know about the different health and wellness issues I've struggled with. My body has constant inflammation which causes severe discomfort and swelling. I have trouble focusing when reading for long periods of time which gives me headaches, I don't sleep well at night and I have busy days trying to take care of foster kids so I can't afford not to feel my best.

I called to say thank you to Denise and Dexter, told them about how amazing I'm feeling already, and was asked to share the incredible change in my body in just this first day! I'm going to share how Thrive has made a difference on a thrive experience call.

I would really love it if you would listen in and support me as I offer support and my experience to others! It's Wednesday the 18th at 7:30pm MST. The phone number is 605-562-3140 with access code 559464#  you will be on mute and get to hear me! ahh I'm so excited and nervous!!

Here's me Thriving! It's so easy and I can't even begin to tell you how great I feel. I'm going to take detailed notes on the amazing changes I see in my body. It works differently for everyone and is for anyone at any health level. I'm so excited to see "The Places I'll Go!"

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sutton Diet update!

So I did great on the diet and I noticed a difference and felt pretty good! My tummy didn't like some foods but that's ok. Ken and I decided we hate eggplant- did you know if has weird seeds? gross

We started a new fertility medicine called Femara. It's a medication for breast cancer patients, and has been used to help women with infertility issues ovulate. It has the same desired outcome as clomid but less side effects, which is why my doctors gave it  to me. Things were going well, just a few hot flashes here and there, and then one night I took of my shoes and freaked out. I weighed myself and was shocked. The next day I weighed myself and went in to the doctor and I had gained 15 pounds in about 3 days!

This was the day I went to the doctor for the swelling. They said it was from the medicine but things look ok in blood tests. They also did an ultra sound to see if my ovaries were causing the issue, and an ultrasound of my legs to make sure there were no blood clots. They aren't sure why my body decided to do this, but they said I was in no real danger.

This is my face as I wait for the OB to tell me what's happening. Its pretty swollen, and that's my worried and bored face. There is always lots of waiting at the doctor.
And this lovely picture below is what my feet look like today.

Yes, my body is more swollen today that a few days ago. I'm going to go back to the doctor on Monday and try to find a solution. We are also trying to decide if we want to do another round of the medicine since it did not work this time- the ultrasound of my ovaries proved nothing happened. We don't want to give up and move right into invitro, but we also don't want to put me or a baby at risk by another reaction, maybe worse the next time. So we are praying about it and moving forward with faith. I have learned that having faith and doing the best you can makes the questions and frustration at the back of my mind and I can focus on peace and moving forward with the knowledge that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and is blessing us in so many ways.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sutton Diet Plan

For this diet I've done a lot of research and talked to several people about their diets and what works for them. My diet is a compilation of all of these and my own personal beliefs and ideas.

I believe in the Word of Wisdom which was a commandment from the Lord that is a code of health that if we follow, we are promised blessings.

Doctrine and Covenants 89:7-21
7 And, again, astrong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not for the abody, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.  And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome aherbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man— Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with aprudence and bthanksgiving. Yea, aflesh also of bbeasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used csparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be aused, only in times of winter, or of cold, or bfamine. All agrain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth; And athese hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. All grain is good for the afood of man; as also the bfruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground—Nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain.  And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, ashall receive bhealth in their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall afind bwisdom and great ctreasures of dknowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall arun and not be bweary, and shall walk and not faint.  And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the adestroying angel shall bpass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.
So that's basically my diet right there. Some people like the diets that are meat based, others only want to eat vegetables and no meat. I believe the above passage to be the word of God and I am basing my diet off of what He says.
My doctors say no yeast, no sugar, no processed foods, no soda.
Its basically this: no processed foods, no sugar, fruits and veggies with grains and meat on occasion, and no yeast because my body does not do well with it.
Food to eat:
(I'm not eating much wheat because it usually has yeast in it)
all, especially leafy greens
Spaghetti squash is a great substitute for noodles
mostly fish and chicken
(red meat doesn't make me feel very well)
only plain yogurt- especially ones with probiotics!
(I'm lactose intolerant and my body needs a break)
Almond milk is my milk substitute
I have some almond slices in my granola but yeast free diets recommend staying away from all nuts so I'm compromising with the almonds 
honey- in smallll amounts
coconut oil
olive oil
ranch dressing- this is my one compromise
All other condiments usually have sugar or yeast
homemade fruit Popsicles

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sutton Diet

Some of you may have noticed that I've been getting a bit roundy all over, and no it's not from a baby. All the hormones in my body are freaking out as I'm trying to have a baby, and my body is starting to show the internal war it's been fighting on the outside.

I'm tired of going to the doctors and taking medicine and working really hard to be healthy so I can get pregnant, with no results. And to top it off, I'm swelling up. Like a lot, and its embarrassing. So I talked to several doctors about this annoying phenomenon and they are a bit puzzled. They've all told me it's from the hormones and it's to be expected. But I don't like that answer. My acupuncturist said that I probably have an infection in my gut, and my family practice doctor thinks that sugar is the cause of all illnesses. These events and ideas have prompted me to invent a diet that will help me loose the weird blubber that I seem to be attracting, and get my body in peak condition to grow a baby.

One doctor recommended a version of the Paleo diet. Emily has been doing this diet for about 2 months now and has lost 45 pounds! Great job Emily! But some things I don't agree with on the diet, or I notice make me feel sick or if I don't have make me feel sick. So I've been doing a lot of experimenting to find the right foods that will help me feel my best self. I don't want to be a skinny stick, I just want to be healthy, and gaining about a pound a day for no reason doesn't seem healthy so I'm doing something about it. right not.

Have you ever watched those documentaries on netflix about juicing, or curing cancer from eating vegan or raw or to loosing weight on a McDonald's diet? Well I've watched allllll of them and have laughed a lot, and learned some interesting things. So here is my version of one of those diet experiments, maybe someday it will be a netflix original series!!!

Also please understand this is very embarrassing and has never happened to me before. I've never been chunky and I have no idea what happened. Also this isn't just me not eating right, I've gained 30 pounds in 3-4 months, something is definitely wrong. This experiment is being monitored by my doctor, and I may not see the huge results I'm hoping for due to the hormones in my body going crazy and the addition of hormones from my fertility treatment. So please as you read and follow my journey, be supportive and encouraging, and leave all judgemental rudeness at home.

Day 1:
Here is what I look like today

I weigh: 162lbs
I fit in size 10 clothes- I HATE things being tight on my stomach, so I really would be about an 8 if I wore clothes that fit snugly on my waist.

My fibromyalgia is ok today, but I've heard the first 48 hours of a major healthy overhaul eating plan make you a little sick and your tummy clears and tries to figure out how to work at optimum.

I ate today:
gluten free cereal, no sugar
almond milk
plain yogurt with a few nuts and coconut shreds
apple with peanut butter

More foods that I can and cannot eat, exercise plan, and details about how I'm going to get healthy to come on the next post!

So here goes!!! Sutton Diet Experiment is underway!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Yummy foods lately

I've made some yummy things lately! Cream cheese sugar cookies, caramel apples, homemade chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries, and my own recipe of caramel for chocolate caramels but it turned into toffee so I'm going to make toffee cupcakes tomorrow! I also made homemade red sauce, meatballs, and sweet potato stuffed shells with Alfredo sauce! Message me if you would like any recipes!
meatballs and sauce


lemon and orange chocolate creams

sweet potato stuffed shells

Friday, April 12, 2013

More deliciousness- enchiladas

I decided I was hungry, and what did I find in my fridge? oh just all the ingredients to make enchiladas( thanks to my careful grocery/menu planning ;))

I'm beginning to do cuponing and looking at the weekly ads to see what is on sale. I never buy things we don't like or won't use- just because it's on sale doesn't mean you need it. I know, I once spent way over budget by using cupons on everything and buying things I really didn't want or need. ( embarassing but we all have to learn somehow!) And I'm not super awesome at it yet so I just get good deals on things, nothing really free yet. But I will get there! And fulfill my lifelong dream of being on extreme cuponers!

 Moving on. I bought some chicken in bulk and cooked it the other day. I seasoned it with a dressing pack mix of some kind of ranch. I think it accidentally got into our food when we went camping with my friends, so I decided to try it out! ( I baked it on 350 for 40 minutes)

Here's what I made:

I put the shredded already cooked chicken in a bowl with 1 can corn and 1 can black beans. I mixed it all up to spread the deliciousness equally!

I only added half the jar to my chicken mixture.
Then I added this delicious enchilada sauce that seems to always be on sale at Fry's. Perfect!

( Hey look! It's my finger trying to have the spotlight, again!)


I used these super soft flour tortillas ( also on sale). I hate corn tortillas because they have a weird texture and make my mouth taste weird, so we stay away from those.

Then I spooned some chicken stuff into the center of a tortilla, made it into a line, and rolled up one side, then the other the opposite way. Basically just roll it so the good stuff doesn't fall out.

I then poured the rest of the sauce over the enchiladas. In all my awesome planning to match up with sales I thought we had enough cheese to last a lifetime so I didn't need to take advantage of the awesome amazing sale on cheeses, apparently I was dead wrong. So if you have cheese in your house, here would be a great time to add it- right on top. Lots of it!

Now while I wait for that to cook 20 minutes on 350, I will show you the easiest way to do dishes! Seriously the best thing to happen in the world!

Dishes used to stress me out so badly that I wouldn't do them for a long time, like wait until there was absolutely no room to wash hands. ( I learned I am an amazing dirty dish stacker, you don't want to know my record).

And Ken, being amazing as he always is, taught me a super simple way. It sounds like a no brainer but its a big deal!! So, first you empty out all the clean just washed dishes. Right away if you can, if not then run the washer overnight and unload it in the morning. This is key- get the clean dishes out as soon as you can.

Now that you have a clean washer, put soap in the little boxy thing and close it. That signifies to everyone that this washer is ready for dirty dishes. When the dishwasher has run that thing pops open, letting you know it's clean.

Next, as soon as you use anything, rinse it off and put it in the now-ready-for-dirty-dishes dish washer. Amazing! Now you won't have crusty dishes because you took 2 seconds to rinse it and put it in. How easy is that?! Now my sink is amazingly clean, and doing dishes is STRESS FREE!

 Amazing clean sink!!!! ahhh don't you just love it?!

Chocolate chip cookie cake- yes it is as amazing as it sounds!

I have been baking again! Which as you probably have figured out means experimenting and making delicious concoctions out of ideas from my head, not a recipe. But hey, that's where all good recipes came from- other peoples ideas and trial and error!

So for today I have chocolate chip cookie cake- let's just say, its DELICIOUS!!!!

First, cream together 1 stick of butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar

Here's the awesome part- add 1 pkg yellow cake mix

 Then add 2 eggs and 1/2 cup white sugar. cream together
This is what it looks like all mixed it- and it smells like a butterscotch caramel something yummy


 Next add chocolate chips, mix through and spread in a pan


 Bake at 350 for about 17 minutes. my knife came out clean. It should look crunchy and amazing on top, but wait till you see the middle...... oooh its sooooooooooo good!
Ta-da! amazing!!! It's suuuuuper gooey on the inside, but you can tell its cooked( its not runny or anything) and the outside is a delicious crisp light crust. It's heavenly!

1 stick butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1pkg yellow cake mix

Mix all together, add 1 bag chocolate chips. (it's really chocolatey so if that's not your thing, add l/2 bag instead)

Spread in greased pan, bake at 350 for around 17-20 minutes

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My own recipe!!

So, today I decided to be daring like the great cooks of old and make up... my own banana bread recipe! Ken had his doubts, which he lovingly expressed over his chedderwurst siracha tortilla wrapped hot mess I made him. So if he likes that, it's definitely a bit concerning for him to be worried about my bread.

I am desperately trying to use up my half and half and I thought it would be delicious in bread, and since our bananas were past the delicious stage and on to speckled, I figured I should use those too.

so here is what I came up with:
5 speckled bananas
1/2 cup half and half
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder( it says baking on it so I figured I couldn't go wrong adding it to my bread)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups flour

mix it all together. pop in a 350 oven for 40 minutes. It actually turned out really good. It's super sweet and really "mushy" as the handsome one puts it. Definitely a bread for kids! So I'm going to give it to my young woman tomorrow during my lesson! I'm pleased with it, it doesn't look very pretty in slices though... oh well, excellent I'd say for a first time made up baked bread!

UPDATE: it tates like fudge and has the consistency of fudge, so if you add 1 and 1/2 more flour and 1/2 cup white sugar it will come out more like traditional banana bread!

Homemade Chocolate

This was a HUGE hit with everyone at church. I made them for my young womens class, mostly because I love chocolate and I had to give them away or I'd become a fatty. THis amazing lady named Eileen took lots of time with me when I was in high school to teach me how to host parties, bake delicious goodies, cook amazing food, and most importantly make chocolate. I can't seem to get ahold of her so I had to make do with this recipe I found online, but they turned out wicked sweet. I'm going to call Mrs Eileen and sell my left arm if that's what it takes to get her recipe, but for now here you go-

Chocolate filling-
2 1/4 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsps softened butter
2 tsp extract (I broke up the batch then put in the extract and some food coloring)
2 tbsps cream ( I used half and half)

Mix ingredients together. roll in powdered sugar to make a log, then wrap in plastic wrap and chill.
Then you take out the logs and pull pieces apart and roll them to the shape and size you want, I'm way far from a perfectionist when it comes to making food look pretty, so here are mine. Then pop back in the fridge so they firm up for dipping!

I melted 2 bags of ghiradelli dark chocolate chips and 1 bad milk chocolate chips. I used a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water. the water should not touch the base of the bowl or you could burn the chocolate.

Then I dipped, popped them back in the fridge for 10 minutes and they were ready to go! I made butter-rum, lemon and orange

No picture of the finished product because they were all eaten up!!

MOre fOOd

Hello lovelies! Today I'm going to show you some of my cooking sucesses and my stumblings along the way!
First I will start off with a main course. This is cilantro pork. I don't cupon because our paper has really bad sunday supons for some reason... so I jsut shop whats on super sale and use my rewards card like for frys or bashas and get really good deals. Like this pork, buy one get on free! sweet! so as you can see there is a bit of a mess, this bag happens to have a whole in it, a very big whole, which I did not realize until it was too late. no matter, the food tasted good anyway.
I mixed in a bag-
4 pork chops
a bunch of cilantro, I picked the leaves off half the stems because I don't like stems
some steak seasoning from frys
garlic powder
onion powder
half and half- because I have some in my fridge and need to get rid of it
then I mised that up really good then put crushed saltines in( i don't have breadcrumbs) and shook it all about, probably doing some awesome dance moves around my kitchen to give it more of a rachel flair! and then I dumped it all out on an aluminum foil lined cookie sheet. Our brand new meat thermometer is broken, so I had no idea when the pork was fully cooked so I didn't take a final picture because we had to eat the side dishes of dinner and dessert before ken said it must be done since i had it in the oven so long. so there you have it, cilantro pork. I served it with appleauce and cooked squash.
and now for a bit of dessert.

I made this chocolate cake out of a box because i tried to make chocolate cupcakes from scratch and something went horribly wrong and they sunk all the way down in the middle with super hard crunchy edges. yes those went to the trash. so I decided to make a fool proof dessert and make a cake. super easy out of a boc. walmart or frys usually has them the cheapest.
Icing- 1 stick butter
1/2 package powdered sugar
dash of vanilla
maybe some half and half- still trying to use it all up

So there you have it, a delicious entre with fool proof dessert.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

our food storage/ emergency preparedness!!!

What I did and how I spend so little!!!
What I bought...... at WINCO!!! it's amazing!!

4 bags pasta
4 boxes baking soda
1 large can baking powder
1 large can cornstarch
1 large can oats
4 cans black beans
4 cans chick peas
12 cans peas
12 cans green beans
12 cans tuna
2 boxes cake
2 large 5 gallon food safe buckets with gasket lids
30 lbs rice
3 10 lb bags flour
oil- large
2 jars of chicken bullion
5 lbs sugar
and some cereal and bread and other things for food for right now
and I only spent.... $89.00

Then at the dollar store I got:
aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen
gauze pads
a thermometer
10 razors
2 deodorant
1 50ft poly rope
50 alchohol prep pads
hydrogen peroxide
rubbing alchohol
1 4 pkg toilet paper
creams for wounds
2 ace bandages

I am putting all of these plus some other supplies I already had in my backpack
We are storing everything under the bunk beds so there is easy access and not everything is in the kitchen- 2 reasons, there isn't enough space and what if there was a fire in the kitchen? or the room? that way we can have a back up system
we also have a first aid kit in each car

I had a dream a few nights ago that there was a major disaster and we had no food and no emergency supplies, it was awful! I woke up all afraid! so then I went and got prepared!

My goal is to spend $100 each month to add to our food storage/ emergency preparedness-
each trip to the store I buy 2 water jugs, and 4 more cans of food
next month I need to buy 2 tarps and 2 emergency blankets

when we have foster children my goal is to have enough food and supplies to tend to their needs in an event of an emergency! if you have any one you know who would like a service project, we an always use childrens blankets, books and clothes for them!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I've been baking and cooking all kinds of tasty things lately!!!

apple pie about to get butter and ready for the oven! I used apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, butter, a bit of flour.

Whole chicken in the crock pot!
butter, onions, chopped green onions, carrots, salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder, onion powder

cookie pie! 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar,1/2 cup flour, 1 egg, 1 stick butter, half bag chocolate chip, bake 350 about 45 min


veg base for fried rice
green onion, white onion, carrot, garlic, salt, pepper, soy sauce, worchester sauce, can add peas, cashews, pineapple! toss with left over rice

never fail fluff fudge, found recipe online, you can just use abag of mini marshmallos instead of a can of fluff, because the fluff in arizona is not the same fluff as in maine

pumpkin cake cookies, 1 box yellow cake, 1 can pumpkin, mix and bake 350 about 18 min

mini zucchini pizzas, gluten free! just broil 3-5 min each slice each side, then add sauce and topings, broil tll cheese looks good

apple pie with the butter, ready to go
I'm going to be better about putting the full recipe with steps, I just wanted to update everything!