It is no longer just a day....'s turning into a week long celebration. Each year it seems like our birthdays are growing. Longer celebrations, more events, spreading out the joy of our birthdays. Last year Sis had seven days of celebrating her seventh birthday. This year G spent a whole week at the happiest place on earth for his birthday. Maybe that's where all of this stems from. I'm not complaining, this time it was my turn. I've had lunches with friends, meaningful cards, dinner with family, treats and an upcoming family mini-vaca....not too shabby.

Special thanks to my hubby for making it extra special and for giving me a new toy (a portrait lens) - I love it!!!!

Each birthday I count my blessings. There are so many it's really quite unreal. I know that God has His hand in every part of our lives and sometimes I can't even believe that He still loves me through all of my stumbling. His GRACE is the best GIFT of all.... thank you Lord!

I account for the blessings, but know that sometimes it's pretty hard down here. In the moments when we walk through the hard times, it just makes the peaks that much sweeter. The family that He gave to me, the friends that He placed in my life and the love that He shows is just a taste of what it will be like someday. Walking around in a place that does not feel like my home would be torture if it were not for the small glimpses of what is to come. So as I celebrate this birthday, I will keep my eye on the prize of coming home again someday. In the meantime, being "homesick for Eden" (HEAVEN by Alcorn)is a wonderful reminder that there is always HOPE.

I would be remiss if I did not keep in mind that this year marks nine years since my last surgery. I have plans to tell the story at my ten year anniversary (for those of you who do not know the way that God has changed my life). So this makes the smell of birthday cake that much sweeter :)

I want to also extend a special birthday wish to my brother. We share our birthdays and although we live miles apart he has a piece of my heart that is for him alone (maybe it's a twin thing). I love ya brother!


Nemeth family said…
I am a big fan of celebrating *birth weeks*. Enjoy it!! And happy birthday to one of my oldest (in time, not years :-) and dearest friends!!
Christine said…
Hope it's a great one!!!!!! I can tell it's already beginning that way!!
Lynette said…
Hope you have a great birthday Sis... Was there the minute you were born... one of the most exciting days of my life... to be there when my brother & sister was born... and to remember it.. A special day for a special person!!!!!!!love you.. wish I culd have grown up with you... i miss that about our life...
Keeker said…
Happy Happy Birtday!

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