
Showing posts with label love dovey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love dovey. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ayat-ayat cinta mengaburi mata!


Duhai makhluk yang lembut hatinya
Aku tak ada siapapun kecuali Allah di hatiku
Aku ingin menjadi yang halal bagimu
Yang dapat dengan sepenuh hati mengecup keningmu
Sehingga tak ada lagi resah yang menyelimuti qolbu
Untuk redamkan tiap riak-riak harapan itu
Bukan semata untukku
Tapi juga untuk-Nya…
Karena ku malu saat merindu-Nya
Ku juga merindumu
Ku berdoa mengharap kepada-Nya
Ternyata juga karena ku mengharapkanmu

Maafkan aku…
Sungguh, jodoh bukan milikku…
Ketidaksanggupanku saat ini menyisakan sebuah kepasrahan
Ku kan kembali kepada Ar-Rahmaan
Harapan menjadi harapan
Dan biarlah menjadi rahasia tak terungkap sepanjang zaman
Jika ku pun pantas menjemputmu
Maka biarlah Allah yang mengantarkanku padamu
Di saat yang tepat
Dengan proses yang cepat
Namun sungguh pun bila kita tak bertemu
Maka biarkan menjadi kisah sejati
Yang tak akan pernah mati
Ya! takkan pernah mati.

Ayat-ayat Cinta - Sebuah Puisi

Namamu tak terukir
Dalam Catatan harianku
Asal usulmu tak hadir
Dalam diskusi kehidupanku
Wajah wujudmu tak terlukis
Dalam sketsa mimpi-mimpiku
Indah suaramu tak terekam
Dalam pita bathinku
Namun kau hidup mengaliri pori-pori cinta dan semangatku
Kau adalah hadiah agung
Dari tuhan

dear readers,
i do not know what is in my mind now at 4.06am on tuesday morning dated 9 March 2010. feeling in a lovey dovey mood. haha. tetiba teringat novel ayat-ayat cinta. i think most probably because i listen to ketika cinta bertasbih by melly goeslow feat amee and selawat burdah from amar everyday makes me somewhat tenang. haha. but yeah, another thing is i try to be strong. kenapakah aqela selalu nangis? i know some of my friends are REALLY DAMN BORED of me being a crybaby these days. but what the hell? do i look like i care? oh well. hahaha. pandai je ckp aqela ni, tp nanti sedih lagi. but its okay. slowly i'll be mature and stronger. : ) though i know i am somewhat alone actually. i know i never had that person who will actually be there for me all along. i know there isn't anyone who actually can tahan with me. the problem is that i am so much of a manja person and crybaby as well as talk a lot about my problems that i never actually listen to other people feeling. my fault in a way, too taksub with my own problem. sedar jugak actually. tp kekadang cam x disengajakan. uuuuuwwww~ sorry sgt to my friends yang merasai begitu. anyway, me off to assignment balik! huhu.. aja-aja fighting~~

xoxoxo, aqela = )

Monday, March 1, 2010

pratonton DONE~!

our pratonton had just finish tonight~!
a date to remember.
though quite an audiences show up.
most of them thinks it was wonderful.
but we been commented that the main problem is the voices!
tak kuat. gaya dh keluar.
cume suara. tp even tu pun gaya kena mantap kan~
kami perlu pro. haha
so latihan akan datang, kami kena berusaha lebih sbb dh tinggal rata-rata 2 minggu je ni.
chaiyok~! kolej 8 boleh~!!
but basically it is one of those experience u never had after this.
or maybe the 1st among later.
great experience. hehe.
suka2. cam ni another experience yg best lepas PiTUM aritu la.
thanks to all NASYID members 09/10 for the great pratonton!
pastikan kita berjaya melakukan segala apa yg diusahakan walaupun tidak menang.
tp kita berjaya dlm suara, gaya dan penyampaian lagu nasyid itu. hehe.
let me introduce u to the nasyid groupies which are: wanie, amy, kiki, azrie, ain, iffa, timah mardiah, farah, zihah, aini, k.dila, salma, yus, yana, syahir, amin, hafiz and zahid. huuhu..
good job eve

Friday, October 2, 2009

the late SELAMAT HARI RAYA wishes! *haha*

haven't been update fo so long~
hehe. anyway, today is the 11th day of raya already, pretty fast right? if compared with the fasting month. :) but actually i don't felt like raya this year around of 2009. i do not know why. but there is something that amiss this time. i wonder why~! hehe.
this 4 weeks gonna be my HELLest month ever. i got tons of assignments need to be done and submitted next week and the week after. sigh so many things okay?! i'm EXTREMELY stressed. eventually, i got annoyed and pissed off easily these days cos i'm so tired. i hate the assignments month which make me older than ever. haha.
anyway, what the heck! to get rid of the stressful feeling, i went to NADHRAH's open house in sg buloh! weeee~! its so nice. suka suka. basically, we went with muadz's car along with him and his friends of 4(include him, it's 5!). 'we' mentioned before this paragraph is me, husna and azrie! it's a wonderful day and an amazing trip to nadhrah's home. huhu. it's a moment to cherish! quite a moment to remember. haha. dpt duit raya lak tu gi raya rumah nadhrah. hehe. syg aunty & nadhrah! hehe. XD
anyway, peeps, SELAMAT HARI RAYA again!
just a note to share today~! :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

gone baby gone

*happy it's holiday*
*loving holiday*

ok ok. haha. move on. can u believe the holiday got only 9 or 10 days left before the semester starts? *sigh* i want more holiday~! cis memang mengada. hahaha. dah ada 2 bulan cuti nak cuti lagi. :D anyway, i practically don't have the mood for the study season at the moment. *LOL* i dont wanna come back to UM. haha. but what to do? my home is practically behind UM itself~! haha. i can even see 10th college from my house. *aqela bengong* huhu.

anyway, i just read a friend's blog. she just came back from Umrah. it reminds me about my Umrah one year ago. exactly a year from the time she went. what she wrote was practically 'indah'~! haha. yeah, because at the time when i went to Mecca and Madinah, i felt completely free, happy. i didn't even think about my life here in KL. haha. it didn't even came up to me for the 2 whole weeks, except when i was going back home already. :p however reading her stories and side of view make me think about the feeling i had a year ago when i went for Umrah myself. what an experience though. :) nice moment and wanted to go again. i have a few places/countries myself that i want to visit in the future. you know, france, italy, korea, finland, indonesia (again~!). hehe.

so, this holiday i kinda have done a few things. i'm not sure of saying that i'm proud that i finished doing it. haha. here some:
serious task: PiTUM booklet.
my brother project booklet. (this one i wanna see the output. its gonna be
turned to be a book)

books that i read: stargirl by jerry spinelli
if u could see me now by cecilia ahern
milkweed by jerry spinelli
the broken bridge by phillip pullman.

night at the museum 2
state of play

boys over flower, korean
bloody monday
ryusei something2. (haha cannot remember the title)
ugly betty season 3 (half way. didn't download another half. hayya..)

okey dokey babes~! i'm lost in translation again. gonna finish here at the moment. am discussing with my brother what time are we going to watch Transformer 2. SHIA!! wait for me~!

here FIND by SS501. my jihu a.k.a kim hyung jool~!