Our Little Clan

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This is Christmas day! I uploaded the pictures in reverse order and there are too many to switch them around...so this is it from night to morning. It was a really fun day. We love being with family!
We gave each of the kids their own book. I am trying to get all caught up on years of scrapbook slacking.
They had written and practiced this play-Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. It was so cute.
The night was complete with the nativity. Nana put it all together...She was a wonderful director. Notice the little lamb in the corner!
Talmage and Aunt Jenn and Kate opening presents.
Talmage and daddy on his First Christmas!
Christmas Dinner was delicioso! The kids set this table for them. Name tags and all.

Nathan, Sarah, and Molly with Nana!David, Emily, and Chase-Present time!
I think Talmage likes opening presents. He had so much fun for his First Christmas!
Nathan and his special stocking made by Nana. All the aunts and uncles have these from growing up-now all the cousins will have them too. They are really amazing and I think I may be the only one who has not mastered the art...someday!
Sarah by the tree! It was fun to do Christmas morning with so much family. Plus, it looked like a whole lot of presents for a whole lot of excitement!
Some of the cousins waiting on the stairs for some Christmas fun...we missed Jack, Madeline, Tyler and Carter.

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