I have used Deepin Linux earlier but never got time to actually pen down a review. It is based on Ubuntu but uses the GNOME shell rather than Unity and comes with great support for Chinese language. I am no expert in Chinese and hence, downloaded the 32-bit English version of Linux Deepin for this test.
Originally, Linux Deepin 12.12 was based on Ubuntu 12.10. However, the present release 12.12.1 is based on Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 with same Linux kernel 3.8.0 and GNOME 3.8 as desktop environment (though heavily tweaked in Deepin). Files 3.8.1 is the default file manager and possibly it is the best file manager available now for Linux.
From Deepin 12.12.1 http://mylinuxexplore.blogspot.in |
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