Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Friday, October 05, 2012

Liz! in Adventures with Bookcases and some important news

I've not blogged about the madness that is my bookshelves for the longest time.

This Sunday past we had a "let's tidy the house" day which invariably means in Mark-speak: "Liz, you get to tackle the bookcases in the dining room and I'll clean the rest of the house and I'll be done before you".

I accepted the challenge.  I've known for some time now that I need to tidy the shelves - they've become a health and safety risk, along with the piles on the floor and the piles ontop of the piles on the floor.

I've tidied.  I "got rid" of around 200 titles.  These will either go to the charity shops down the road or to one of my blogger pals - both of whom look after libraries.   You can't actually see a that I've made a dent on the shelves, at all, which is both frightening and (I think) pretty damn cool.  Here are photos my "tidied" shelves.  There is no rhyme or reason to them - some authors are put together, but not always.  Some are by publisher, but not always. Some are literally just put together because they fit together by size - again, not always.  These shelves are all double shelved.  And these photos are only the four book cases in the dining room.  I've not yet touched the two bookcases upstairs or the three in lounge.  Please don't think I need an intervention.

Because I will fight you.

Here we go: (the text between the photos refer to the photos above the text)

The first bookcase only has two double stacked shelves on it as it also contains our glasses and music and all my creatures which don't feature in any of these pics.

This is the second large fully stacked bookcase - a lot of hardbacks are hidden away on this behind the smaller paperbacks on the front.

This is the bookcase that I tend to use and peruse the most - it is because (very deep this) it is directly in my line of sight when I sit at my spot at the dining room table.  Some of my favourite titles tend to migrate to this bookcase as I like looking at them.  Told you I was deep and complex.

This is the higgledy piggledy bookcase - this is the one next to me so I very rarely get to see what awful state it's in.  But it's the one Mark sees from his side of the dining room table.  When this bookcase gets too much is when we have the "Liz, we need to tidy the house" talk.

That's not too bad, is it?  I don't think so either.

Now, for a change of pace and the news:

My Favourite Books will be closing its blogging doors on 31st December 2012.

It's been a long time coming.   Mark, Sarah and I have been talking about this for some time and we decided that this would be our final year of posting reviews on MFB.  It's probably one of the hardest decisions we've had to make, yet also one of the easiest.

I've been running MFB since 2005/2006 - Mark joined later (I say "joined" but he was coerced and bribed with books) and then we met Sarah, and we got her to write some reviews, the bug bit and hey presto: Team MFB was born.

We've had possibly the best time running MFB.  We read widely, wildly and fell in love with a variety of characters, genres and authors.  We met a vast amount of truly great people and became good friends with all of them.  But this year, is definitely our last year of being online as Team MFB.

All three of us are fledgling writers.  I recently nabbed an agent which I'm ecstatic about.  I hope we get to sell my books.  Both Mark and Sarah are working hard at their respective manuscripts and building their craft.

As our lives are getting busier and our priorities are changing, we've decided that continuing with MFB would mean something will suffer - either the blog or our writing and everyday lives.  It wouldn't be fair on us or to the publishers and the authors whom we love for entertaining us.   You can't do something like blogging and reviewing half-heartedly.  Your readers can tell and if it's one thing we're super proud of, it is the integrity that's kept MFB afloat and our mad-love for well written stories by talented writers.

The three of us are girding our loins for the last reviewing stretch to the end of the year - as the shelves above show there are some fantastic books out there that we want to review and we hope we get to scratch the surface.

Hang out with us till the end of 2012 and we'll reward you with reviews, interviews and the occasional give-away.  I reckon this year we'll end up doing a big old Christmas give-away too as there will be a lot of books to go to new homes.

Here's to the next 88 days!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Young Adults Book Boom

Last night on Channel 4 there was a segment on how YA book sales are booming, compared to other book "markets" - please, YA is not a GENRE.

It makes for interesting watching - the school kids they talk to utterly hit it on the nose about why you want to read and why people continue reading and it is exactly the same thing I heard time and again when I spoke to kids in the past at the school I've visited giving talks about reading and writing.

And importantly - gods, I hope this was not staged - the boys they showed spoke enthusiastically about reading for pleasure.  My heart soared.  Can we have more of these kids, please?
Apart from the fact that a part of the segment was shot in Foyles, of course, it has a great interview with Charlie Higson and it made me grin about how truthful he was: his books are about zombie adults eating children.  Cheeky beggar.

The segment ends, with a boy holding the most loved and tattered copy of Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl.  I know how that kid feels.  I have a lot of books who are that loved and that tattered.

It's an interesting segment and one that really can quite easily be expanded on into a full programme or even series. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part as a geek girl who loves reading?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

YALSA 2012 Popular Paperbacks

I love lists of books and book recommendations. When someone tweeted about the YALSA (Young Adult Librarian Association) 2012 Popular Paperback nominations, I had to go and look.  I love how they broke up the books in different sections. I am really pleased to see such a wide spread of UK, US and international writers on this list.  It is superb.

Adventure Seekers
Discover Your Destiny, Accept the Challenge; Tights and Cape Not Required

Elizabeth Schneider, subcommittee chair
Amber Creager
Mari Smith
Franklin Escobedo
Jennifer Korn
Karen Grenke
Ellen Loughran
Sarah Hill

Armstrong, Jennifer. Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World:The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance. Random House. 2000. $12.95.978-0375810497
A boatload of scientists and sailors are stranded in Antarctica for over a year when their ship is surrounded by ice.

Bray, Libba. Going Bovine. Delacorte Books for Young Readers.2010. $9.99. 978-0385733984
It's a crazy quixotic road trip about life, love, loss, faith, the American Dream, physics, and all the words for snow you can handle

Bunce, Elizabeth. Starcrossed. Arthur A.Levine Books. 2011. $9.99. 978-0545136068
Adventure and intrigue always find Digger, a female thief, in this kingdom on the verge of war.

Carroll, Michael. Super Human. Speak. 2010. $8.99. 978-0142419052
In an attempt to bring back a 4,000 year old demigod, a group of villains unleash a plague on the world, that incapacitates all of the adults, including the adult super humans. Leaving a group of ragtag teens to try and save the world.

Cashore, Kristin. Graceling. Graphia . 2008.$9.99. 978-0547258300
Fantasy, action and adventure featuring a girl who has the ultimate power - the power to kill.

Cox, Lynne. Swimming to Antarctica: Tales of a long-distance swimmer.Mariner Books.2005. $14.95.978-0156031301
Cox discovered she wasn't meant to be a speed swimmer before she was 10 and started doing open-ocean work.

De la Pena, Matt. We were here. Delacorte Press. 2010. $8.99. 978-0385736701
Running from the law, looking for redemption.

Dowd, Siobhan. Solace of the Road. David Fickling Book . 2011. $14.95.978-0375861246
Determined to find her mother, Holly appropriates her foster mother's blond wig and takes to the road.

Farmer, Nancy. Sea of Trolls. Atheneum.2006. $9.99. 978-0689867460
When Jacks little sister is taken by Vikings, he must set out to rescue her.

Fisher, Catherine. Incarceron. Dial/Firebird. 2011. $9.99. 978-0142418529
A prison unlike any you've ever seen, where escape is impossible and no one is ever paroled.

Flanagan, John. Ranger's Apprentice: Book One: The Ruins of Gorlan. Puffin.2006. $7.99.978-0142406632
Small and scrawny, Will becomes a warrior and saves the day

Freedman, Russell. Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Holiday House.2008. $12.95.978-0823421954
The African-American residents of Montgomery, Alabama chose this adventure by refusing to use segregated buses for over a year.

Funke, Cornelia . Reckless. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. $8.99. 2011. 978-0316056076
It's a race to save his brother's life before he turns to stone.

Gaiman, Neil. Stardust.Harper Collins.2008. $6.99. 978-0061689246
He went into Faerie in search of a star, and found more than he bargained for.

Gordon, Roderick and Brian Williams. Tunnels. Scholastic.2009.$8.99. 978-0545078818
Escape from the cult underground!

Green, John. Paper Towns. Speak. 2009.$9.99.978-0142414934
Is Q following the map to love, or the map to nowhere?

Hawkins, Rachel . Hex Hall.Hyperion.2011. $8.99. 978-1423121398
When her love spell goes awry, teen witch, Sophie Mercer, is sentenced to a reform school for paranormals.

Headley, Justina Chen. North of Beautiful.Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2010. $8.99.978-0316025065
Following her own map to self-acceptance, friendship, and adventure.

Hoose, Phillip. Claudette Colvin: Twice Towards Justice.Square Fish.2010. $9.99. 978-0312661052
The forgotten story of a 15 year-old who was arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus, six months before Rosa Parks did the same.

Jacques, Brian. Martin the Warrior: A Tale of Redwall. Firebird.2004. $8.99. 978-0142400555
Martin and friends fight to free themselves from enslavement by the evil Bedrang the Stoat.

Jones, Diana Wynne. Dark Lord of Derkholm . Greenwillow Books.2001. $7.99.978-0064473361
Divisions between worlds can be thin and dangerous; or they can be so safe that entrepreneurs set up tourist group visits.

Krakauer, John. Into the Wild. Anchor. 2007. $14.95. 978-0307387172
He was hoping to find refuge in the wilderness, but found death instead.

Lyga, Barry. Hero Type. Graphia. 2008.$8.99. 9780547248776
Kevin catches everybody's attention when he stops a man from attacking a classmate, but hero status is very uncomfortable for him. Why was he in the right place at the right time?

Marchetta, Melina. Finnikin of the Rock.Candlewick.2011. $9.99.978-0763652920
Lumaterre, once a country of culture and peace, was taken over by in a bloody coup by a usurper who murdered the royal family - or did he?

McClintock, Norah. Taken. Orca.2009. $12.95. 978-1554691524
First you have to escape, and then the true adventure begins.

McCreery, Conor, Anthony Del Col and Andy Belanger. Kill Shakespeare, volume 1.IDW Publishing.2010.$19.99. 978-1600107818
Something is rotten in the land of Shakespeare, and Prince Hamlet is the only man who can save, or destroy, it.

McKillip, Patricia. Riddle-Master: The Complete Triology. Ace.1999. $18.00.978-0441005963
This trilogy, originally published in the 1970's, follows the journey of Morgon, land-ruler of Hed from the small island.

McMann, Lisa. Wake. Simon Pulse. 2008. $8.99.978-1416974475
Your dreams aren't private...

Meyer, L.A. BloodyJack:Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary Jacky" Faber. Graphia. 2010. $8.99 978-0152050856
A girl takes on the high seas.

Moore, Perry. Hero. Hyperion.2009. $8.99. 978-1423101963
Gay teens can be superheroes, too.

O'Malley, Bryan Lee. Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life. Oni Press. 2004. $11.99. 978-1932664089
All that stands between Scott and true love is a League of evil ex boyfriends.

Pearson, Ridley. Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark. Hyperion.2009. $8.99.978-1423123118
What if all the Disney Villains were real?

Polly, Matthew. American Shaolin:Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in theNew China. Gotham. 2007. $16.00 978-1616798956
Tired of his classification as a wimp, Polly decided to leave the United States to study with the Shaolin monks in China.

Reeve, Philip. Fever Crumb.Scholastic.2011. $8.99. 978-0545222150
Her name is Fever.

Rollins, James. Jake Ransom and the Skull King’s Shadow.Harper Collins.2010 $7.99.978-0061473814
Missing Archeologist Parents.Mayan Gold Coin. Time travel back to the land time forgot.

Scieszka, Casey. To Timbuktu.Roaring Books Press.2011. $19.99.978-1596435278
They traveled all over the world, learning a little about themselves along the way.

Shahan, Sherry. Death Mountain.Peachtree.2005. $7.95.978-1561454280
Two girls, very different in skills and personalities, become caught on a mountain during a deadly storm.

Shulman, Polly. Grimm Legacy. Puffin. 2011. $7.99. 978-0142419045
What if the Grimm fairytales were real?

Smith, Roland. Peak. Harcourt.2008. $6.95. 978-0152062682
He can scale tall buildings like Spiderman, but can he make it to the top of Mount Everest?

Somper, Justin. Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2007. $6.99. 978-0316014441
These pirates will steal your treasure and drink your blood.

Tennapel, Doug. Bad Island. Graphix. 2011. $7.99. 978-0545314800
You thought your family vacations were bad.

Trueman, Terry. Inside Out. HarperTeens.2004. $8.99. 978-0064473767
Zach's mental illness has him seeing strange things sometimes. When the coffee shop he's in gets held up and he becomes a hostage he's not sure what real and what’s not

Walden, Mark. H.I.V.E: The Overlord Protocol. Simon & Schuster.2009. $7.99.978-1416935742
Does fighting evil make you a hero?

Waldorf, Heather. Tripping.Red Deer Press.2009.$12.95. 978-0889954267
Rainey may have a prosthetic leg, but can set up camp, hike, swim, and kick butt with the rest of two-legged crew.

Zusak, Markus. I am the Messenger. Knopf Books for Young Readers.2006.$10.99. 978-0375836671
Life dealt the cards, now Ed must decide how to play them.

Forbidden Romance
Oh so wrong, but oh so right.

Franklin Escobedo, subcommittee chair
Amber Creager
Mari Smith
Kate Toebbe
Sarah Townsend
Jennifer Korn
Valerie Davis
Shanna Smith

Adornetto,Alexandra. Halo.Square Fish.2011. $9.99. 978-0312674366
Is love strong enough to stop hell on earth?

Booth, Coe . Kendra. Push. 2010. $8.99. 978-0439925372
Kendra tries to be the good girl her grandmother wants, but the finest boy in school is paying her the best kind of attention.

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. HarperTeen.2011. $8.99.978-0062015624
Mr. Rochester is her employer, has extreme mood swings, and holds dark secrets, but Jane can't help but fall in love with him.

Caletti, Deb. Six Rules of Maybe . Simon and Schuster.2011. $9.99. 978-1416979715
Scarlett adores Hayden and doesn't think Juliet is good enough for him. The problem is, Juliet is her sister.

Cashore, Kristin. Fire. Firebird. 2011. $9.99. 978-142415917
Who could love such a monster?

Colasanti, Susane. SomethingLike Fate. Viking.2011. $8.99. 978-0142418826
Lani has found the love of her life! Too bad it's her best friend's boyfriend.

Conde, Ally. Matched. Speak. 2011. $9.99. 978-0142419779
In a world where nothing is left to chance, Cassie discovers she actually has one or does she?

Cremer, Andrea. Nightshade. Speak. 2011. $9.99 978-0142419809
Calla is the alpha promised to another, but when Shay enters the picture, will she forsake her pack and her masters for love.

Davidson, Dana. Jason and Kyra.Hyperion.2005. $5.99. 978-0786836536
Does basketball god Jason + brianiac Kyra = a match made in heaven, or disaster?

Davis, Heather. The Clearing. Graphia. 2010. $8.99. 978-0547263670
Love can cross great distances, but not the barrier of time.

Divine, L. Drama High: Second Chance. Kensington. 2006. $9.95. 978-0758216359
Jayd is smart, fly, and could have any boy in the school, so why is she kicking it with the rich-boy dealer?

Dolamore, Jaclyn. Magic Under Glass. Bloomsbury.2011. $8.99. 978-1599905877
A trapped fairy prince and the girl who sees beyond. Star-crossed doesn't cover it.

Elkeles, Simone. Perfect Chemistry. Walker Books for Young Readers. 2008. $9.99 .978-080279822
Can two lab partners be perfect match when they come from two different backgrounds?

Fox, Janet. Forgiven. Speak. 2011. $8.99 .978-0142414149
In San Francisco at the turn of the 20th century, is society ready for love to cross racial barriers?

Gardner, Sally. The Red Necklace: A Novel of the French Revolution. Speak. 2009. $8.99. 978-0142414880
Can their love survive an evil parent, a disapproving society, and one of the world's bloodiest wars?

Giles, Gail. Dark Song.Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2011. $8.99. 978-0316068864
Ames Ford's life was perfect then everything fell apart. Enter Marc her knight in shining armor, or is he?

Godbersen, Anna. Bright Young Things. Harper Collins. 2011. $9.99. 978-0061962677
Letty Larkspur and Cordelia Grey leave their small Ohio town in 1929 for New York City. Letty wants to be a star and Cordelia wants to find her father, who turns out to be a famous bootlegger. Cordelia wants to please her father, but not enough to stay away from the son of his enemy.

Hino, Matsuri. Vampire Knights: Vol 1. Viz Media. 2007. $8.99 978-1421508221
She's supposed to protect her classmates from the vampires, not fall in love with one.

Hino, Matsuri. Vampire Knights: Vol2. Viz Media. 2007. $8.99 978-1421511306
She's supposed to protect her classmates from the vampires, not fall in love with one.

Hopkins, Ellen. Burned. McElderry.2007. $10.99. 978-1416903550
Trapped by a faith * Embraced by a new found love * Happiness shattered

Hubbard, Jennifer. The Secret Year. Speak. 2010. $7.99. 978-0142417799
Not every romance has a happy ending.

Katcher, Brian. Almost Perfect. Delacorte Press. 2009. $8.99. 978-0385736657
Logan is distraught when his girlfriend of three years cheats on him. Things start to look up when a new girl shows up at his small town high school.

Korman, Gordan. Son of the Mob. Hyperion Book CH. 2004. $7.99. 798-0786815937
Mob prince seeks FBI princess. Must enjoy romantic walks on the beach, candlight dinners, and the occasional body in the trunk.

Kulver, Cayla. Legacy. Harlequin Teen. $9.99. 978-0373210343
In a kingdom filled with treachery and magic, Princess Alera may have fallen in love with the enemy.

Lindner, April. Jane. Poppy. 2011. $8.99. 978-0316084192
A modern retelling of Jane Eyre.

Lo, Malinsa. Ash. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2010. $9.99. 978-0316040105
Will her love for a mortal be enough to break the bind that ties her to a fairie?

Miller, Kirsten. Eternal Ones. Penguin. 2011. $9.99. 978-1595143754
Haven keeps having flashbacks of her past life with a guy named Ethan. She flees her small town for New York where she finds Iain, who used to be Ethan

Mitchard, Jacquelyn . All We Know of Heaven. Harper Teen.2011.$8.99. 978-0061345807
Maureen and Bridget's identities are mixed up in a deadly car accident. Maureen survives, and the one person who sticks by her side is Danny, Bridget's boyfriend.

Nelson, Jandy. The Sky is Everywhere. Speak. 2011. $8.99. 978-0142417805
Is it really so wrong to have the hots for your dead sisters boyfriend?

Nelson, RA. Teach Me. Razorbill. 2007. $8.99. 978-1595140852
Caroline gets more of an education than she bargains for from her new English teacher.

Perkins, Stephanie. Anna and the French Kiss. 2011. $8.99. 978-0142419403
Anna isn't thrilled she's being forced to go to a boarding school in Paris her senior year. That is until she befriends Etienne St.Clair.

Schroeder, Lisa. Chasing Brooklyn . Simon Pulse. 2011. $8.99
Brooklyn is still dealing with the death of her boyfriend. A year after Lucca's death, another student and Lucca's best friend, dies from an overdose. This death not only shakes Brooklyn, but Lucca's brother Nico. Brooklyn and Nico come together through their grief.

Scott, Elizabeth. The Unwritten Rule.Simon and Schuster.2011. $9.99. 978-1416978923
Sarah is breaking the Unwritten Rule- she's in love with her best friend's boyfriend

Smith, Cynthia Leitich. Eternal. Candlewick.2010. $8.99. 978-0763647735
Can an angel love a vampire?

Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Bleed. Hyperion.2008. $8.99. 978-07868385
Over the course of a single day, the lives of ten teenagers will intersect in powerful and unexpected ways.

Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Deadly Little Secret.Hyperion.2008. $8.99. 978-1423111986
Until three months ago, everything about sixteen-year-old Camellia’s life had been fairly ordinary

Tsang, Evonne. My Boyfriend is a Monster #1. Lerner/Graphic Universe.2011. $9.95.978-0761370796
Jock girl Dicey and nerd Jack never expected to fall for each other, but is their clique-crossing romance the cause of the zombie apocalypse?

Get Your Geek On
They could rule your world

Melanie Wachsmann, subcommittee chair
Kelly Metzger
Kate Toebbe
Sarah Townsend
Lisa Goldstein
Karen Grenke
Ellen Loughran

Almond, Steve. Candyfreak : A Journey Through the Chocolate Underbelly of America. Mariner.2005. $16.95. 978-0156032933
Teens who love their candy (and some who don't) can enjoy vicariously the exhausting trip across the country to find new candy to add to Almond's already large stash.

Anderson, Laurie Halse. Twisted. Speak. 2008. $9.99. 978-0142411841
Tyler Miller tried to evade high school invisibility by creating a spray paint graffiti that got him sentenced to a summer of physical labor. With his newly muscled physique, Tyler comes to learn that being a geek and not being one come with difficult choices that are equally painful.

Barnes, John. Tales of the Madman Underground. Speak. 2011. $9.99. 978-0142417027
Karl Shumaker, co-head nerd of the high school therapy group (The Madman Underground) is geeky, loyal when it doesn't help him and determined to get away from the small town he lives in.

Banks, Piper. Revenge of the Geek.NAL Trade.2010. $9.99.978-0451231345
Miranda wonders if she can trust the new girl at Geek High.

Beal, Susan. World of Geekcraft: Step-by-Step Instructions for 25 Super-Cool Craft Projects. Chronicle Books. 2011. $19.95. 978-0811874618
Crafts for the geek in all of us.

Black, Holly and Cecil Castellucci (ed.) Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2010. $8.99.978-0316008105
Short stories for all the geeks and nerds out there.

Bloss, Josie. Band Geek Love. Flux.2008. $9.95. 978-0738713588
Love: It's a band geek's worst nightmare!

Brande, Robin. Fat Cat. Ember.2011. $9.99. 978-0440240334
Cat's experiment will change her but will it be enough to win the prize?

Burton, Bonnie. The Star Wars Craft Book. Lucas Books. 2011. $20.00. 978-0345511164
May the force be with you and your crafty self.

Chamberlain, Adrian. Rock Star. Orca Books. 2010. $9.95. 978-1554692354
Dorkville or rock star god...the choice is yours.

Castellucci, Cecil. The Queen of Cool. Candlewick Press.2006. $7.99.978-0763634131
Libby is bored with her super popular life. When she signs up for a zoo internship, her perspectives about what's cool and what's not begin to change.

Chmakova,Svetlana. DramaconVol 1. TokyoPop.2005. $9.99. 978-1598161298
What better place for love than an anime convention?

Conley, Erin Elisabeth . Uncool: A Girl's Guide to Misfitting In. Zest Books. 2007. $7.99. 978-0977266074
Fitting in is so last year.

Dessen, Sarah. Along for the Ride. Penguin. 2011. $8.99. 978-0142415566
Auden has focused on nothing but school her entire life, thanks to her academic, demanding parents. When she goes to stay at her father's beach house the summer before starting college, she starts to realize there is more to life than perfect grades.

Doyle, Larry. I Love You, Beth Cooper. Ecco. 2007. $14.99. 978-0061236174
Classic tale of geek in love with the most popular girl in school, if that classic tale involved high speed car stunts, beat downs, air-born microwaves, tampons up the nose, and a cheerleader that's perhaps more crazy than cool.

Falkner, Brian. Brain Jack.Ember.2011. $9.99.978-0375843679
Being a computer hacker can bring destruction, death and maybe even the end of the world.

Going, K.L. Fat Kid Rules the World. Speak. 2004. $6.99. 978-0142402085.
Troy trades suicide for rock stardom.

Hale, Stephanie. The Alpha Bet.Flux.2010. $9.95. 978-0738715742
For this science geek, college means sorority rush, panty raids and first kisses

Halpern, Julie. Into the Wild Nerd Yonder. Square Fish. 2011. $9.99. 978-0312653071
When Jessie's friends start to join the punk scene, and one of them gets involved with Jessie's long-time crush, she decidesit’s time to get some new friends.

Kraft, Erik P. Miracle Wimp. Little Brown Books for Young Readers.2009. $7.99. 978-0316011662
The musings of a wimp trying to make it.

Loux, Matthew. Sidescrollers. Oni Press. 2006. $11.99. 9781932664508
Three gamers fight football jocks and a cat from Satan to save the day and win the girl.

Lyga, Barry. Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy& Goth Girl.Graphia.2007. $8.99. 978-0618916528
Fanboy finally meets his match in Goth Girl.

Luen Yang, Gene. Level Up. First Second. 2011. $15.99. 978-1596432352.
Gamer becomes gastroenterologist.

Mancusi, Mari. Gamer Girl. Dutton Children's Books.2010. $7.99. 978-0142415092
When Maddy starts at a new school, she is labeled a geeky "Freak Girl." She knows she needs to stop hiding in her virtual world and take control of her destiny, but that is easier said than done.

Nelson, Blake. Destroy All Cars. Scholastic Paperbacks.2011. $9.99. 978-0545104753
James Hoff has a POINT TO MAKE. Or maybe it's a manifesto. Or maybe he just wants his ex-girlfriend to notice him again. Whatever it is, James is trying to find meaning in his world no matter what.

Nielsen, Susin. Word Nerd. Tundra.2010. $12.95. 978-0887769900
Ambrose is homeschooled by his overprotective mother. But while she works in the evening, he attends a Scrabble Club
with his upstairs neighbor.

Palmer, Robin. Geek Charming . Penguin.2010.$7.99. 978-0142411223
Rich and popular Dylan allows film geek Josh to film her for his documentary on high school popularity.

Portman, Frank. King Dork. Delacorte. 2008. $8.99. 978-0385734509
The story of a high school kid who belongs to the underbelly of the school status groups.

Preble, Laura. The Queen Geek Social Club .Berkley Jam Books.2006. $9.99.978-0425211649
Shelby and her new best friend Becca set out to find others like themselves to start the Queen Geek Social Club.

Scott, Keiran. Geek Magnet. Speak. 2009. $8.99.978-0142414170
When KJ starts fending off her geek admirers, she also starts to lose some of her best friends.

Soto, Gary . Accidental Love. Graphia.2008. $6.95.978-0152061135
She's a feisty Latina; he's a shy nerd- they're a match made in geek heaven.

Spinelli, Jerry. Smiles to Go.HarperCollins.2009. $6.99.978-0064471978
A proton dies and Will's life takes a dive

St.Onge, Cassie. Jane Jones: Worst. Vampire. Ever. Random House. 2011. $8.99. 978-0375868917
Jane's unlife as a nerdy vampire sucks.

Tahmaseb, Charity and Darcy Vance. The Geek Girl’s Guide to Cheerleading. Simon Pulse. 2009. $8.99. 978-1416978343.
Geeks Bethany and Moni try out for cheerleading on a whim and make it. Now they have to try to navigate their way in super short skirts.

Tevis, Walter. The Queen’s Gambit. Vintage. $14.00. 978-1400030606
When 8 year old orphaned Beth Harmon discovers chess she grabs it like a life-line.

Truss, Lynn. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. Gotham. $12.00. 9781592402038
Geeks can fixate on anything, for example Lynne Truss. This book on punctuation is a collection of rants on Truss's favorite subject.

Tsang, Evonne. My Boyfriend is a Monster #1:I Love Him to Pieces. . Lerner/Graphic Universe.2011. $9.95.978-0761370796
Can love between a geek and a jock survive the zombie apocalypse?

Zadoff, Allen. Food, Girls, and Other Things I Can't Have. Egmont USA. 2011. $8.99. 978-1606841518
Go from geek to jock in a few months.

Sticks and Stones
From cyberbullying to cold shoulders, it all hurts.

Kelly Metzger, subcommittee chair
Shanna Smith
Elizabeth Schneider
Melanie Wachsmann
Valerie Davis
Sarah Hill
Lisa Goldstein

Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why. Puffin.2011. $9.99. 978-1595141880
Clay receives a box of cassette tapes from Hannah, who committed suicide two weeks ago.

Berk, Josh. The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin.Ember.2011. $8.99. 978-0375846250
A deaf sleuth investigates the mysterious death of the school bully.

Brande, Robin. Evolution, Me and Other Freaks of Nature.Knopf Books for Young Readers.2009. $7.99.978-0440240303
A lesson on evolution leads to a division between Mena and her church.

Brown, Jennifer. Hate List. Little Brown Books for Young Readers.2010. $8.99. 978-0316041454
A hate list leads to disaster and coping with the aftermath.

Cassidy, Kay. The Cinderella Society. Egmont USA. 2011. $8.99. 978-1606841501.
It's a fight between the Cindys and the Wickeds to control the school.

De La Pena, Matt. Mexican White Boy. Delacorte Books. 2010. $8.99. 978-0440239383
To fit in, Danny must first find himself.

Duey, Kathleen. Skin Hunger. Orca. 2010. $9.95. 978-1554692354
Not all magical worlds are happy ones, and wizards lead especially grim lives. Hahp, a wizard in training, can only hope that he will survive both his deadly professors and vicious classmates in this story.

Ellis, Ann Dee. This is What I Did. Little Brown Books for Young Readers.2009. $7.99. 978-0316013628
Sometimes doing something is the hardest part.

Garsee, Jeannine . Before, After, and Somebody in Between. Bloomsbury.2008. $8.99. 978-1599902920
Can a fairy tale ending happen to a girl living in the ghetto?

Giles, Gail. Shattering Glass. Simon Pulse. 2003. $7.99. 978-0689858000
Bullying comes in many forms...

Goldman Koss, Amy. The Girls. Puffin Books.2000. $5.99.978-0142300336
The only thing worse than being kicked out of the "in crowd," a group of gossiping, backstabbing girls, is not being kicked out.

Goldman Koss, Amy. Poison Ivy. Square Fish.2008. $6.99. 978-0312384531
Bullies on trial

Gonzalez, Julie. Ricochet. Delacorte Press. 2007. $6.50. 978-0385732284
Connor gives in to a bully's dare, and his life changes forever.

Griffin, Adele. The Julian Game. Speak. 2011. $7.99. 978-0142419731
Sometimes you don't know who to trust and the cyber world makes it more confusing.

Harbison, Paige. Here Lies Bridget. Harlequin Teen.2011. $9.99. 978-0373210282
A bully walks around in her victim's shoes.

Harmon, Michael. Brutal. Knopf Books for Young Readers.2011.$8.99. 978-0440239956
Sometimes bullying can be deadly.

Hillestad Butler, Dori. The Truth about Truman School. Albert Whitman & Company. 2009. $7.99.978-0807580967
Words, even on a computer screen, can still hurt.

Hopkins, Ellen. Burned. McElderry. 2007. $10.99. 978-1416903550
Pattyn finally escapes from her abusive family only to find out you can never escape your demons.

Howe, James. The Misfits. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing. 2003. $5.99. 978-0689839566
Four friends who have been bullied for years decide to run against their popular classmates in the next student election.

Kelley Hall, Megan and Carrie Jones. Dear Bully:70 Authors Tell Their Stories. HarperTeen. 2011. $9.99. 978-00620606976
You are not alone.

Knowles, Jo. Lessons from a Dead Girl. Candlewick Press. 2009. $7.99. 978-0763644857
Laine's wish came true: Leah Greene is dead.

Langan, Paul. Payback. Scholastic Inc. 2007.$3.99. 978-0439865463
Tyray Hobbs wants his reputation back and he wants revenge

Langan, Paul. The Bully. Scholastic Inc. 2007.$3.99. 978-0439904872
On his first day at Bluford High, Darrell becomes bully Tyray Hobb's latest victim.

Klass, David. You Don't Know Me. Square Fish. 2010. $8.99.978-0312653026
No one knows what John suffers at the hands of his stepfather.

Mac, Carrie. The Beckoners. Orca. 2007. $9.95. 978-1551437293
Beware of the The Beckoners!

McKay, Hilary. Indigo's Star . Margaret K. McElderry. 2006. $6.99. 978-1416914037
When an American student comes to his school, Indigo is relieved that the bullies attention has been distracted, but finds that he can't sit by and watch them pick on another kid.

Myers, Walter Dean. Shooter. Amistad. 2005. $8.99. 978-0064472906
Questions remain after a school shooting.

Oliver Lauren. Before I Fall. HarperCollins.2011. $9.99.978-0061726811
Going from mean girl to dead girl means living your last day the right way.

Peters, Julie Anne. By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead. Disney Press. 2011. $8.99. 978-1423130215
Life sucks. So why bother living?

Phillips, Suzanne. Burn.Little, Brown Books for Young Adults. 2009. $7.99. 978-0316001663
A life filled with bullying can make you snap.

Pignat, Caroline. Egghead. Red Deer Press. 2007. $11.95. 978-0889953994
Sometimes those who are bullied become the bully.

Polak, Monique. 121 Express. Orca Books. 2008. $9.95. 978-19349364323
Bullies on the bus.

Prose, Francine. Bullyville. HarperTeen. 2008. $7.99. 978-0060574994
This prep school is a nightmare.

Rich, Jamie S. and Joelle Jones. Spell Checkers Vol 1. Oni Press. 2010. $11.99. 978-19349364323
The mean girls at this school are witches.

Ruby, Laura . Bad Apple. HarperCollins. 2009. $8.99. 978-0061243332
Fairy tale elements an evil stepmother, a Prince Charming by the unlikely name of Seven, a depressed older sister who would like to sleep forever are modernized and weaved throughout this inventive, original book about family drama, cyberbullying, and the power of creativity

Simmons, Rachel. Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls. Harvest Books. 2003. $14.95. 978-0156027342
Combining interviews and research, this reveals the bullying that takes place among girls.

Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Bleed. Hyperion. 2006. $8.99. 978-0786838554
Over the course of a single day, the lives of ten teenagers will intersect in powerful and unexpected ways.

Summers, Courtney. Some Girls Are. St. Martin’s Griffin.2010.$9.99. 978-0312573805
When your best friends turn out to be your enemies.

Teller, Janne. Nothing. Atheneum. 2011. $8.99.978-0545078818
The search for the meaning of life turns into a Lord of the Flies moment.

Toliver, Wendy. Lifted. Simon Pulse. 2010. $9.99. 978-1416990482
A student who goes to a new parochial school learns that not all students are as pious as they seem. She meets up and becomes friends with a shoplifting clique and gets in over head

Williams, Carol Lynch. The Chosen One.St. Martin's Griffin.2010.$8.99. 978-0312627751
You can't tell me who to love!

Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped. Amistad. 2010. $8.99. 978-0060760939
The mean girls at this school are witches.

Wiseman, Rosalind. Boys, Girls & Other Hazardous Materials. Penguin.2001. $8.99. 978-0142418192
Charlie thinks a new high school will change her life, but she can't escape the mean girls in her past.


There are some great titles on here, like I said above.  The titles I've put in italics are the titles I know I have on my bookshelf - and most of them are unread.  It's heartbreaking...but with the new MFB ready to rock and roll, now is our chance to read these and get the word out about them "locally".   Please note that I have nothing to do, neither does in MFB, with YALSA and I am highlighting this list merely because it is fun and interesting to see what other people have voted on and read and loved. makes a great shopping list, come Christmas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Book Gifts this Yule

John over at Grasping for the Wind has pumped a few bloggers from the blogosphere for some ideas for presents to fill those Christmas stockings this year, with the outline being: what five sf and/or fantasy novels or anthologies from within the last year would you recommend for gift giving this holiday season? And why?

I added my five pence along with some noteable others. If you are in need of some inspiration either for others or for more books to be added to your teetering TBR pile, follow the link!