Showing posts with label Primeval World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primeval World. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Two Triceratops Postcard from Primeval World


Triceratops hover protectively over their hatching young ... ever watchful for the hidden dangers of a prehistoric land ... all part of the Santa Fe and Disneyland's train journey back into the realm of Primeval World.
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Living again in Walt Disney's dramatic primeval world adventure viewed from the Santa Fe and Disneyland railroad trains, two horned dinosaurs, called triceratops, watch as their young hatch from eggs.
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The way they word this, it looks like triceratops have two horns, but they have three (tri), but there are two dinosaurs. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Primeval World Dinosaurs

The Magic Kingdom

Primeval World
Surrounded by exploding volcanos and rivers of molten lava, Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex engage in mortal combat . . . a terrifying finish to the Santa Fe and Disneyland railroad trip into Primeval World.

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The Primeval World is a short attraction on the Disneyland Railroad at Disneyland in Anaheim, California and on the Western River Railroad at Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan. In Disneyland, it comes immediately after the Grand Canyon between Tomorrowland Station and Main Street Station. In Tokyo Disneyland, it comes just before you arrive back at the Adventureland Station. At the Primeval World, there are many dinosaurs in a supposed natural habitat after traveling back in time.

Primeval World Dinosaurs


Primeval World
Ponderous Brontosauri wallow in the tangled swaps of Primeval World as the Santa Fe and Disneyland railroad plunges 150 million years back through a magic tunnel of time.

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The Primeval World is a short attraction on the Disneyland Railroad at Disneyland in Anaheim, California and on the Western River Railroad at Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan. In Disneyland, it comes immediately after the Grand Canyon between Tomorrowland Station and Main Street Station. In Tokyo Disneyland, it comes just before you arrive back at the Adventureland Station. At the Primeval World, there are many dinosaurs in a supposed natural habitat after traveling back in time.