look what greeted me this morning when i walked downstairs...DANDE...sitting in the kitchen window...YEP..we have all the doors and windows wide open...it is suppose to reach 90 here in san luis obispo today...yeah...you read that right. 90 degrees. i can't beleive it either to tell you the truth...
she loves looking out at the little birdies in the feeder....
what's ya got here, mama? Easter decorations in the kitchen too....
look at that little face...i just LOVE Dande-Girl....
corn needs to be planted...i have planted corn every year of my life since i was 5. no matter where i have lived there is ALWAYS corn in the garden in the summer...i love to watch it grow...watch it turn golden brown in late summer...listen to it rustle in the wind ... and best of all...tie it to the lampost in the Fall....
i knew it would be hot today so i hit the Farm Supply yesterday for a flat of impatiens to plant in my window box by my kitchen window..the window Dande sits in....
these are the pots...i love that old green french wire shelf..i got it years ago in an antique shop....
my first sweet pea...i planted the whole fence..i didn't do it last year because i was in depression over losing Buddy...
my daffodils are blooming...
there he is...that's teddy on his new lawn playing with his FIREPOP...his most favorite toy...i have to tell you...this is my second attempt at this post...i was almost finished earlier this morning and BOOM. the computer just died. blank. black. i just about had a heart attack... i loaded it up and went over to Best Buy. looks like somebody chewed the power cord. what? hhmmmm....i wonder who that would be...i saw him over in the corner the other day and wondered what he was doing there. now i know.
well, my zinfandel grapes have come to life....
i have these big pots planted with dwarf meyer lemon trees by the doors as you walk into Farmhouse...
and i planted underneath with johnny-jump-ups.....
got out my old HOLLYHOCKS sign from Maine...love it....
there is little Teddy in the sweet peas this morning...
and Teddy smelling that fresh green grass and lavendar...we have lots of planting to do...so off we go...
the night will never stay, the night will still go by, though with a million stars you pin it to the sky; though you bind it with the blowing wind, and buckle it with the moon, the night will slip away like sorrow or a tune.