Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts

Upgrade Me!

>> Monday, August 23, 2010

How was every one's weekend? Mine was just awesome...I shopped more for the girlies (I know they have enough stuff, but I couldn't help it), we ate at our new favorite restaurant, Kick Back Jacks (and I stuck to my diet, more on that later) and we finally picked pictures for our album and made our thank you cards (we are so bad!).

While watching TV yesterday, S looked at my ring and said he wanted to get me something nicer. I just about fell off the bed because I think my ring is gorgeous but would I turn down more bling? Hell-to-the no! When we were ring shopping, I initially picked out a Hearts on Fire band but when I looked at the price I knew it wasn't going to work, we had a budget and I was hell bent on sticking to it, so I did. For our anniversary he wants to upgrade my ring, I'm excited but the ring that I have holds special meaning to me because it the ring he put on my fingers during our vows. It looks a lot like the ring I have now except it has more diamonds and they go all the way around the ring. Are any of you ladies upgrading or did you get your dream ring on wedding day?

Here's the bling....its gorgeous!


{{We Finally Got Our Rings}}

>> Thursday, February 4, 2010

We have rings people! After much procrastination and lots of searching the beau and I finally decided on rings. I love my ring, its simple yet beautiful, in the end I decided against the Tacori band that matched my ring because I didn't like the way it fit and I didn't like that it couldn't be worn by itself. The ring that I got actually has the same milgrain as my band and I get a little diamond bling to go with it. My FH decided to go with a tugsten carbide ring because he works out 5 days a week and wanted to get something that could get scratched and not matter, he really likes it. Thanks to Carolyn at Ben David's for her help and patience!


{{VOTE}}::Which Ring

>> Monday, July 6, 2009

We went to look for rings again this past weekend, because I had a day off on Friday. I have narrowed the search down to two rings and I cannot decide between the two, so please help me out! I found a gorgeous Hearts On Fire ring called Identity Milgrain Band, it had diamonds and actually looks so pretty with my e-ring which is a Tacori band with an aquamarine stone. The other ring was the Tacori wedding band that goes with my Tacori e-ring. The difference between the two is that the Tacori band will be custom made just for my ring and my finger. I would have to send my e-ring back to the Tacori headquarters so they can make the band to match my handcarving that is already on my e-ring and they have to mold it to make sure it fits snug with my e-ring. This process could take 4-6 weeks (eeek! how will I go without my ring for so long). The HOF ring is just gorgeous and has diamonds which the Tacori band does not, also the HOF ring can be worn and look good without my e-ring but The Tacori band will only look good with my Tacori e-ring. Both rings cost about the same at $1800 so the price really doesn't make a huge difference. Vote in the poll to the left----->

{{My E-Ring}}

{{Tacori Band}}

{{Tacori Band}}

{Hearts on Fire Band}}


We Looked @ Wedding Bands!!!

>> Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well because last Friday was suppose to be our e-pic day and that didn't happen. I already had the day off so FH and I went to look at wedding bands for the first time. I think we were both a little overwhelmed by the many selections that were available and by the fact that in a little over 9 months we will be hubby & wife!! Eeek so, exciting!!! Unfortunately the wedding band that matches my Tacori e-ring has been discontinued so I won't be having the set. I will admit that I was really up set but I knew that I would find something just as beautiful to wear with my ring.

I was under the impression that because I have an aquamarine stone that a diamond band would clash with my ring. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I tried on a number of diamond bands and found that they actually look quite good with my colored stone. It actually brings it out more and it gives me a chance to have some diamonds on my finger!

My FH, bless his heart had the sweatiest, shakiest hands, Mr. Cool is never frazzled by anything but this almost made him faint. I hadn't seen him this nervous since the birth of our babies,! He wants a ring with the hammered or rough finish because he lifts weights and works out so much, he wants something that can take a hit and not show the blemish. He found a couple that he liked but wanted to try a few more before he makes his final decision.

We decided to go to one more store that we both love next week before we choose our rings. The other jewelry store that we like carries different designers from the rings we tried on this past weekend. So I am looking forward to trying on more BLING!!



>> Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OMG! I lost my ring this morning, yep I can't believe it. It all started last night when I cooked dinner and removed it to run my hand around in bowl of boneless chicken breasts. I cooked dinner, washed dishes and took a bath with my ring still in the kitchen. I went to bed and woke up this morning at about 2 a.m. to head to the ladies room. I finally noticed that my ring wasn't on my finger, EEEEK!!! So I go in search in a sleepy stupor, and found it where I left it on the counter in the kitchen. I went back to bed and got up this morning to get my daughter ready for school, I took my ring off again to put gel on her curls and I didn't want my ring to get sticky. Well we were running late and I was rushing out the door and left my ring on the bed (or at least I thought). Again I didn't notice until I got to work and my finger was bare once again! I called my fiance who didn't answer the phone because he was still sleeping. After 15 calls he sleepily answered the phone and asked what was wrong and I broke the bad news that I had lost my ring!
At this point I was somewhat calm because I said I left it on the bed. He searched and it was nowhere to be found in our bed. OK, so total anxiety is now settling in and I am shaking like a leaf on a tree. He said he would search for it and call me back. I hung up and waited all of 2 seconds and called him back. He went downstairs and it was on the kitchen counter. I must have left it there while cooking breakfast, the funny thing is I don't remember picking it up off the bed. During my lunch break and I went and purchased two ring stands, one for downstairs and one for upstairs where I will put my ring when I need to take it off!


It Starts With My Dream Ring......

>> Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm Jeana and this is my journey to the alter. Since getting engaged on 7/16/08 I have been so happy and excited about planning our wedding! This blog is for my family, friends and the many strangers who I will graciously accept helpful information, ideas and encouragement from. This is only the beginning because our wedding date is not until March 27, 2010(my late fathers birthday). I chose this date because my father could not be here with me in the flesh, I will honor him by marrying on his birthday!

The reason for the name of my blog is because of my engagement ring. I have waited 8 years to get engaged. So throughout those eight years I sent hint after hint that I love Tocori jewelry, I love the handcrafted work on each ring. I also hinted that I love aquamarines, even though diamonds are a girls best friend, I love different and aquamarines have just always been my favorite. It is also my dads birthstone and we are getting married in March (how neat!) see the pattern?

I plan to write daily if possible but if I skip a day forgive me!!


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