Showing posts with label ottomans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ottomans. Show all posts

Sep 10, 2015

affordable find: sheepskin stool

these fun, textural stools are all over the place lately and for good reason--they add a great texture to any room and are super versatile.

if you are considering purchasing one, go ahead and do your self a favor and save some money!
(this stool can also be a fairly simple diy project with the right stool and some faux fur!)

outpost original tibetan lamp gold stool

sheepskin ottoman

happy shopping!

Jun 11, 2014

guess who's back? (with my new zebra ottomans and a side of ranting and raving)

ah, well.
as i have stated before, it is good for my soul to disconnect from the cyber world every once in a while. sometimes these breaks are planned, and sometimes (like the last two + weeks), the break is just a result of a busier than normal time in my life.

as you know, i have three kids, and if you have kids, you know that the end of the school year can get CRAZY! like, "the-week-before-christmas" type of crazy. parties, library books to hunt for, graduations, gifts to buy teachers, notes to write, field trips to attend, concerts, recitals...throw in a few lacrosse tournaments, orientations, terrible internet connection, plenty of e-design work, the stomach flu, a broken arm, a road trip, and family in town from tennessee, and the result is...well, a neglected blog.

but i don't feel guilty. 
is that bad? 
i don't blog for a living. i write this blog because i WANT to. because i LIKE sharing what i have learned, as well as tips that i feel can help you make your home a place you LOVE. sure, because of the blog, i have a small and thriving design business, and there are a few occasional perks that i get to enjoy (giveaways, sponsored posts), but overall, i am NOT a professional blogger. and honestly, i have no desire to make bajillions of dollars selling you stuff and bloggingposting/tweeting/instagramming about the free crap i am getting and how you should go and buy it even though i am getting it for nothing.
whew! was that too harsh?!
frankly, i am thrilled that some people can make a living blogging. i actually think it is fantastic!  but i appreciate those blogs that have meaningful and personal content. and yes, there are some "professional" bloggers who do a tremendous job at this, and i LOVE their blogs. but there are a whole lot of others who seem to be like yapping dogs, vying for my attention, always tweeting and posting and instgramming about....nothing
it's just noise.
visual and verbal noise. 
i have slowly stopped looking at blogs that i feel are  there for pure commercial profit. that care more about 'getting a post up' and selling me stuff than in a personal connection with their readers and in creating content that is relevant and original and inspiring.  (am i alone in feeling this way? are there blogs out there that you just tune out because they are too commercial?)

ANYWAY, i suppose that is enough of the philosophical mumbo jumbo.

lets talk zebra, shall we?
as you may know, i like animal prints. a lot.
(check out an older post about zebra print here. it has some killer picture that i scanned from old-ish magazines. other posts that show some zebra love are here, here and here.)

but, i like my animal prints them in controlled and sophisticated doses. i know, i know. some of you might be thinking "oh--so slathering leopard wallpaper all over your girls bathroom is CONTROLLED?" well, in a way, yes.
the print is small and rather monochromatic.

if the wallpaper had been strictly black and white it might have been overwhelming, but it has a softness to it and contains several taupe and gray tones that mute the pattern and make it read as a neutral.

NOW, that being said. (holy cow, i am really ON ONE today, aren't i??)
let me tell you about my transformed ottomans!

i bought these ottomans from jc penney about 4 years ago. i am so glad that i snagged them when i did, as they are no longer available.

they came with a beige micofiber top, which i recovered in  houndstooth shortly after i purchased them.

i have always dreamed of having some hide on hair ottomans in my house, but they are SO expensive! i knew that i could come up with a more affordable way to get that high-end look i was after.
after a couple months of hunting, i was able to find a new zebra printed cowhide from safavieh that had a small imperfection for $160. that isn't SUPER cheap, i realize, but if you have ever priced cow hide rugs (especially zebra ones) then you know that this is less than half of what they normally retail for.

(as you can see, the houndstooth top was showing some signs of wear and tear...)

ahhh, yeah! something good is about to happen!

because the cow hide is so thick, there is no way i would attempt this as a diy project! the cow hide would never run through my sewing machine. (plus, who am i kidding? i HATE sewing.) i took the tops and the rug to my upholstery shop and had them redo them and replace the foam with much thicker foam. each cushion with all the labor and the new foam cost about $45 each.
so, aside from the original cost of the ottomans, this redo cost me about $130 per ottoman. not too bad!

 i painted the frames with gold spray paint, which really brightened them up!

here is the finished product, which i am thrilled with!

the thicker foam makes the cushions look much more expensive...little changes like this can yield BIG results!

my living room refresh is almost complete!
you can see where i started here, and read about my progress here.
(hopefully in the next year i can replace this sofa. i am SO ready for something a little more streamlined and simple!)

anyway, it is good to be back!
i will be posting about a local nursery project soon, and give weekly updates on our progress, and i have some fun and easy projects to share in the coming, stay tuned.

May 24, 2013

affordable find: round burlap ottoman

looky what i found!

bullseye ottoman, $625
high fashion home

jasmine ottoman $459
home decorators

have a happy memorial day weekend!

Feb 16, 2012

my favorite budget ottomans

whew. is it just our family, or has the virus fairy been really, really busy lately? in the last few weeks, we have had strep throat, a cold, a sinus infection, two ear infections and bronchitis. i am hoping that we are ALL done for a while. 
while i was wallowing in bed this week (wishing i could pluck my achey eyeballs out of my head and throw them across the room), i had some time to think about some of my favorite budget-friendly pieces that i wanted to share with you.
i love the way ottomans can pull double and even triple duty in a room. i have two small ottomans in my family room that are constantly getting moved around and used as seats, footstools and even tables. 
we LOVE them. 
here are some stylish and affordable ottomans that you can add to YOUR space--my "best" budget ottomans:

1.  the price and metal legs are a great draw on this    x base ottoman. recovering the top with a more stylish fabric, or adding a welted box cushion with some railheads trim would make this ottoman a dead ringer for this one.

2. this tracie basic leather ottoman is available in several colors, and is the perfect portable seat/footstool.

3. if you are looking to add some texture to your room, consider these banana leaf stools....they are super affordable and have a fantastic shape.

4. the marie ottoman is classic all the way, and is available in many colors of velvet and linen. i have a crush on the matching marie chair.

5. i have used the red version of this barcelona-like  milano black leather ottoman in two different design plans, and have seen them in person. they are solid, and are a really great size. i especially love seeing them in a pair, side by side.

6. if you are looking for a classy little ottoman with some charming details, consider the chase pedestal ottoman. it is a fraction of the cost of similar ottomans.

7. remember those awesome jc penny footstools trellis that i managed to snag right before they stopped offering them? this palace stool  is a little more costly than the jc penny ones, but packs a similar style punch.

8. i really like the soft curvy lines of this course ottoman, it would fit with just about any decor.

9.this x-base ottoman is available in 2 finishes and dozens of fabrics.

do you have a favorite budget friendly ottoman? let me know!

Jul 18, 2011

ottoman pairs

a pair of anything in a room can add balance and interest. i really love the way a pair of ottomans looks in a room. they are very versatile and can be used in place of a single ottoman or a coffee table, and can be moved around the room as extra seating. take a look at some of my favorites:
decorpad windsor smith
here, a pair of ottomans take the place of side tables.
decorpad mansion 21
these zebra ottomans look so pretty tucked under this table, and can be ready at any moment for an impromptu seat.
 caitlin creer
i love the way caitlin used these round ottomans in the same way...the nailhead trim really adds some texture and interest.

 candace olsen

these simple square ottomans can be moved around as needed for seating.

 decorpad via bryn alexandra

x-base stools add a nice dose of white.


 amoroso design via decorpad

 nate fowler via decorpad

i love to use stools at the foot of a bed.
 urrutia desing via decorpad

william hefler vis decorpad

decor pad, Jeffry Weisman and Andrew Fisher
do you have a favorite way to use a pair of ottomans?