Showing posts with label Hallowe'en. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hallowe'en. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

Haunting Entities

Ghosts aren't the only haunting entities in our world. Faerie hosts have been thought, occasionally, to have breached the portal between realms and to have haunted our culture for centuries. 

One should be so lucky to see a sight such as this:

Johan August Malmstrom — Faerie Host — 1866

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Them Witches

Gettin' them witches ready to RIDE . . .

William Mortensen — 1926

Graveyard Dancing

This uncommon Frazetta painting demonstrates the joy of graveyard dancing, especially when sky clad and witchy.

Frank Frazetta

Punkin Guts

O boy! Time to harvest those greasy grimy punkin guts!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Witches Come Forth

Witches come forth in many forms from an artist's vision.

Virgil Finlay 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ghosts and Their Funny Ways

This is a Rackham that you don't often see . . .

Arthur Rackham — Ghosts and Their Funny Ways — 1902

Sunday, October 26, 2014

That Painting

This fellow's portrait has my vote to be that painting in the massive frame in the dark cold hallway of a spooky castle, whose eyes follow you as you walk past.

Portrait of Willem II painted in the 1690s
by Godfried Schalcken

Hideous and Beautiful

Now this is what I expect a ghost to look like, hideous and beautiful.

Takato Yamamoto

Reading Such Books

And of course reading such books can heighten your imagination!

Both images: Anna & Elena Balbusso

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Writer of Supernatural Fiction

Many a time, a writer of supernatural fiction will write most effectively so as to scare themselves. 
Many a time that works only too well.

Howard McCormick — Collier's Magazine cover 10-24-1908
This art published exactly 106 years ago 
(with the background color knocked out) 

Ghosts on Stairs

I've allus been afeared of ghosts on stairs. It's a phobia of mine.

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Little Halllowe'en-ish

Yep, it's always gotta be Sin mediating between Satan and Death...

William Hogarth — Satan, Sin & Death — somewhere in the 1700s

Actually, the story line here is a bit intriguing, as it emanates from Milton's Paradise Lost. Satan confronts the old guy, Death, who is blocking the way from Hell to Earth. Sin, in the middle here, reveals to Satan that she's his daughter...and get this...that Death is their incestuous child!

The engraving, below, is based on Hogarth's painting, losing in the translation, particularly in Satan's features. In the painting, Satan looks like he would if Peter Jackson were to film Milton's epic poem.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Oh, those vivid colors of Autumn!

William Welsh — Autumn 

If the Porch Light isn't On

If the porch light isn't on, 
you probably shouldn't expect candy for a treat.

Stephan Fabian

Odd Doings at Strathmore Manor

Ferdinand Staeger

Monday, October 20, 2014

More Autumn Loveliness

Frederick Sands Brunner — 1923

Autumn Sprite

It's such a beautiful Autumn day here. Thank you Sprite!

Margaret Tarrant — Autumn Sprite

Saturday, October 18, 2014

That Damn Bell

Art: After Alfred Rethel — Death as a Friend — circa 1885

Don't go asking who that damn bell is ringing for . . .
you just don't wanna know.

Hmm, I wonder how I could phrase that in a classier way.

The Horror that Awaits

Demons make for excellent gondoliers, especially for transport to demonically mystic realms. 

These folks think they're going to a costume party, little suspecting the horror that awaits them—unemployment with outrageously outstanding student loans to repay!!!

Babil & Bijou — circa 1900

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hell Island

Devils are part of Hallowe'en lore aren't they? Aren't they? C'mon, I need to justify including this way cool painting of a submachine-gun-toting-gangster-devil, because, well, because it IS a way cool Mephistophelian characterization.

Artist, year? I dunno. 
This art was used for an Argosy pulp cover 
somewhere in the '30s or '40s.