
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Spicy Thai Roast Chicken

These chicken wings are real easy to make and since you can prepare them ahead and bake them when required, I find them a great party dish to serve to hungry guest.


1 dozen chicken wings, washed
4 cloves garlic
2 stalks lemongrass
small knob of ginger
handful of cilantrol
2 fresh or dried chillies
2 small red onions
3 tbsp palm sugar or honey
2 limes, zest and juice
3 kaffir lime leaves, minced finely
2 tbsp fish sauce
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a food processor, pulse all ingredients together (except chicken and honey) until you get a paste.

2. Marinate the chicken with the paste and honey overnight.

3. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

4. Line baking pan with aluminum foil (for faster and easier clean-up later).

5. Bake chicken skin down first 15-20min, then turn over halfway and continue to bake the other side until cooked through and the skin is nice and brown.


Happy Little Bento said...

Wow, that sounds fantastic!! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I would love to try it :)

Lia Chen said...

Looks absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I might try it later :)

coffeesncookies said...

ahh.. this looks tangy and yummy..

jacss said...

wuah...chicken wings also marinate overnight, didn't know so much of hardwork involved behind a nice & brown plus spicy wing, slurpp :D

btw, got yr comment abt streaming class, what's that???

javapot said...

hey jacss, will reply 'streaming' of classes at your post.

marinate overnight yummier mah :) but if lack of time in the morning oso ok.