In the box - Some tom yam noodles with fish balls, mocked curry chicken and stir fried green vegetables.
(Ahem, you can tell I put everything together in a rush!! Lolz)
s0metimes lifE geTs a littLe uNpredictable; juSt whEn y0u aRe getTinG c0mforTablE - a bIt anNoyinG acTuallY!!! bUt thAt is whAt maKes liFe inTereSting i sUpposE. MOVE AHEAD. TreAsure wHat you Can and LET GO the forGETables.
hahaha! Yeah.... I often do that too... if you noticed! :P
Angeleyes, actually thought you plan your bento box as they are all very well done.
I hardly plan... always very impromptu but I guess I'll have to do some planning for more 'canggih' bento soon! hahhaha Looks like all mommies are going for kyraben these days. My boy can't eat a lot especially for main meals so I try not to over pack his bento... don't want to waste food and my little boss's expensive mouth dont want to eat the same thing everyday!
angeleyes: Am grateful that my son doesn't tire eating bread everyday. Can't wait for more cool 'canggih' posts soon :)
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