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Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Decorative Tassels: It’s Official, I’m Addicted! and more about my trip to Houston.

Hi everyone!  I wanted to tell you a little bit about what happened when I went to Houston.  My sweet hubby dropped me off at the airport and I had packed everything in a carry-on.  That way I wouldn’t have to deal with waiting and waiting at the airport in Houston.  If you’ve never been there, there are tons and tons of people.  The wait for checked luggage is a little too long for me.  I thought it would be easier just to have a carry-on.  I get to the area where you pass thru security.  I didn’t sound off the alarm or anything.  My carry-on bag did!  Actually, they had to take a closer look in my bag.  I was wondering what was going on.  I knew I didn’t have anything illegal, lol.  Lots of hair products for sure.   The gal proceeds to ask me if I have anything sharp that might poke her….ummmm no I don’t.  She goes thru my bag and my hair products were a little too big.  I had a gloss oil for hair that was 5 oz and I had another type of oil that tames the hair from becoming frizzy that was a 6 oz bottle.  I also had a small bottle of body wash.  I had forgotten that nothing can be more than 3 oz because of security reasons.  Oh my gosh!  My hubby had already left and I didn’t want my bag to become a “checked” bag either.  These three products ended up in the trash can.  It was a good thing that those three bottles were just about empty anyway or I would have cried right there.  Just kidding.  Anyway, lesson learned here, definitely. When flying, do not carry more than 3 oz bottles, my friends.  Everything else during the flight was just fine. :)

Friends, I am addicted to making tassels.  Everyone says that once you make one tassel, you end up making more and I believe it.  LOL  I made this one more springy or Easter like.   I just happen to place the tassel there and really liked how it looks.  :)  The framed sign is from Hobby Lobby as is the bunny, ribbons, and metal art. 


I used ribbons in purple, pink, and flower patterned.  The fringe is an off white color as is the ribbon the tassel is hanging from.


Here is another tassel I made.  This one is made with colors of black, ivory, light beige, and the fringe in an ivory color.  The little bird is from Dollar Tree.  Guess what though.  My sweet hubby tried to drill a hole on top of it and he couldn’t get thru it.  I don’t know what material this little bird is made of but he just couldn’t drill thru it.  So here I am holding just to show it to you guys.  I need to find something I can glue to the top so that it can be hung.  ugh,,,


I added a bow to the back. I thought it gave it a more finished look.


Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could use up on top of the bird to be able to hang it? 

I am linking this post to Make it for Monday.


Met Monday



Please visit these wonderful blogs for a list of other participants and their inspiring ideas. :)
Have a Wonderful Wonderful Day!
Ta Ta For Now

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Tassel.

Hi everyone!  How is your Monday so far?  I hope your day is wonderful full of happiness. :)

I am linking this post to DIY Tuesday!   Have you visited any of the wonderful blogs that participate in DIY Tuesday?  So many great ideas!

I made a tassel using Marty's instructions. Thank you Marty!

kimbaDIYDIY Tuesday!

Last night I decided to try my hand at making a tassel like Marty from  She had a wonderful (and easy) tutorial on making a tassel using a thread spool.  Here is her post containing her tutorial.

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I had an empty black spool and I am sooo glad that I hadn’t chunked it into the trashcan!  IMG_0228 (800x600) 

I used different sized ribbons.  Some of the ribbon was from the Christmas ribbon H.L. had.  It looks perfect for Valentine’s Day. :)IMG_0230 (800x600)

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It was a very easy project.  Just be careful as your are gluing the ribbon onto the spool.  Oh! Another thing to be careful…..make sure that the ribbon you are using is facing the right side!  I had to take a couple  (more like four of them) of ribbons off because I had glued the wrong side!  (blushing here) IMG_0225 (600x800)

Have a wonderful Monday and Ta Ta For Now. :)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Name Plaques.


I’m linking this post to DIY DAY with Kimba.  Please visit her blog and visit the other participants. :) 

I don’t know if you guys have started your spring cleaning (like I have) or not?  I may have jumped the gun but I’m ready to welcome spring!  Oh my!  Hubby is off these few days so I am taking advantage of that!  He hung these letter plaques for me.  I started cleaning in my twins’ bedroom and I thought I was never going to finish!  Whew! I made it though!  Thank the Lord for that!  I went thru all of their toys and threw away old toys that they no longer play with.  I also went thru their clothes and got rid of some that didn’t fit anymore.  I organize everything in the closet.   I still have some things to hang on the walls but I wanted to share with you all a little project I made for them.  :) The color on the wall is Benjamin Moore, Wedgewood Gray.  It is a soft blue.  Love the color.  I intend to paint another bedroom in this color.  IMG_0170 (800x617)

The back part of each letter is  made of wood plaques.  I found these at Hobby Lobby but I do believe I saw them at Walmart too. The letters are also made of wood and I found those at Hobby Lobby.  I used scrap paper and Mod-Podge.  Love that Mod-Podge!  IMG_0173 (800x600)

For the blue, I did use the same paper on both names.  For the black and white , I used different paper but still in the black and white colors.  IMG_0174 (800x424)

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And there you have it.  I am also going to make a little valance for that window.  I’d like to find a black and blue fabric though.  I am changing their room to a blue and black theme.  The boys told me that they don’t really care what theme their room will be, as long as it’s for boys. :D  I’m planning on looking for some posters or pictures that are black and white.  Hmm?  I might just make a couple of their pictures into black and white and then frame them.  Oh my brain is working here.  hee heeIMG_0176 (800x314)

Well I hope you guys liked this little project.  I’d like to finish that room this week.  I have so many projects going on right now but I like staying busy like this. :)  I don’t think we ever finish making our house look spiffy, do we? *wink*



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Decorative Towels

Hi everyone. Today I am linking with Susan at Between Naps On The Porch for Met Monday
Met Monday

 Kimba at DIY Day Tuesday.

I made another set of decorative towels for a friend. This time I used white towels. I added fabric using my sewing machine. Let me tell you that I am not experienced in sewing at all. lol I added some trim by using this glue. So easy peasy. :) If you use glue, let it dry at least 24 hours before handling whatever you used the glue on. IMG_0160 (383x800)

They looks so much better embellished, don’t you think? So pretty and feminine. IMG_0156 (800x600) IMG_0159 (600x800) IMG_0155 (800x600)

I really hope my friend likes them. They were made especially for her. :) She loves roses too. I’ll let you know what she thought about them.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.


Friday, January 15, 2010

A Project I’m Working On.

What a beautiful day today was!  Our temperature was in the upper 50s.  Aaaah, I am looking forward to spring. 

Today I will be linking with Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for Met Monday and Kimba @ for DIY Day Tuesday.  Please visit their blogs for other participant’s inspirational photos. 

So today I decided to take out my sewing machine and do some sewing.  I had to dust it off a little because it’s been a while.  It’s been a while since I’ve used it.  *blushing here*  A sweet friend suggested to me that I should buy the Janome 405 sewing machine and that’s the one I bought for me. :)  I really need to put it to more use though. 

I am changing the colors in my front bathroom and went shopping for towels.  Decorative towels can get expensive, can’t they?  I got this bright idea to make my own decorative towels and found some inexpensive towels at Target.  The colors I chose are Brown and Aqua.  I don’t think this picture is showing the true colors.  IMG_0076 (800x600) 

I found a beautiful fabric at Hobby Lobby that matches the aqua towels.  So I cut some strips and sewed it on to the edge of the towels.  IMG_0077 (600x800) 

I may add a decorative tassel to the bottom of the towels.  Hmmm?IMG_0083 (800x600)

Don’t look at the stitching close up please! I am a newby in the world of sewing. :)IMG_0079 (600x800) 

I need to look for a shower curtain and some accessories for the bathroom.  I think I will make a little valance in the same fabric as well.  What do you think?   Oooh!  I will be sewing like a pro before you know it. :) 

To everyone that follows my blog…who read my blog. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.   Thank  you for stopping by my blog.

