Showing posts with label Redmond Derby Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Redmond Derby Days. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Hanging At Redmond Derby Days

Neil Diamond impressionist for the band Cherry Cherry wades into the crowd for "Kentucky Woman".

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Beatniks Rock Redmond Derby Days

Last Friday, all roads lead to Redmond Washington as we watched The Beatniks play at Redmond Derby Days. The Beatniks, while essentially a Beatles tribute band, have an expanded repertoire of pop hits from throughout the 60s and 70s. While they can do "spot-on" imitations of the Rolling Stones, CCR or whatever group they want to do, they take it farther with funny antics, like silly masks, drum stick twirling, and indescribable facial expressions guaranteed to engage the audience. By the end of the set nearly the entire audience was up dancing.