Thanks for all of your prayer and support. After all of the "drama" of the last few months, today's transfer did seem a little anti-climactic! It was a very calm and peaceful process, and our RE transferred 2 embryos that both looked wonderful (according to him and the embryologist -- glad they knew what they were looking at!). So now, we wait. And we hope. And we pray.
Stopping vs. Continuing
1 day ago
Definitely keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you are doing alright :)
your only job now is to stay positive, take care of yourself, and wait :) i say get a pedi...that's always wonderful! ;)
Thinking of you and praying! Hoping this is it! Take it easy and take care of yourself!
Glad to hear it went so smoothly! I can imagine how there is so much anticipation built up towards it... then it's kinda like "That's it?!" LOL
How many of your other little ones made it to freeze? Hopefully all four! :)
Take it easy, girl! Sure hope & pray THIS is the time!
Praying for you!!
I have been thinking of you so much! Fingers crossed and lots of prayers from KY!!
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