Showing posts with label wild boar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild boar. Show all posts

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Unmentionable Pig

One of the stranger aspects of Israel's ultra-Orthodox, "Chareidi" press, is their determination not to use the word "pig."

Last night, 2 Israelis were killed when their car smashed into a wild boar on Highway 5, East of Tapuach Junction.  Here is how the Chareidi newspaper, HaModia reported it:

HaModia Newspaper reports on the unmentionable wild boar.

"In a head on collision last night, in which 2 "wild other things" ran into the road, 2 men in their 40's were killed.

The accident took place in the area between Tapuach and Migdalim in the Shomron.  Magen David Adom's (Israel's emergency medical and rescue service) attempts failed to save the wounded, and doctors pronounced the men dead on the scene.  MDA reported that next to the car were 2 dead "wild other things" and it is assumed they caused the fatal accident."

It's a bit ridiculous that HaModia can't even use the word, "pig" (or wild boar).

Had this not been such a tragic story of 2 people being killed, I would have added a picture from Maurice Sendak's book, "Where the Wild Things Are."

May their memories be blessed. 

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

When Wild Boars Attack

Wild Boar are indigenous to Israel's hilly regions, specifically the Shomron and Galil.

This sounds like a joke, but these animals terrorize local populations of Jews and Arabs alike. I know of a community in the Shomron where Wild Boar have moved into the community uninvited, and they've chased people at night.

This past Monday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in the Western Galil when he hit a wild boar on the road.

Don't be fooled -- these beasts can weigh up to 200 pounds, the males have very sharp tusks, and it takes more than a handgun's bullet to knock a charging wild boar off its feet.

While the Shomron Jews fret and wait for the State-licensed hunters to come and get rid of their boars, the local Arabs have decided its simply easier to blame their wild boar issues...on the Settlers, of course.

The Always-Reliable (and Objective) Maan Palestinian News Agency has the "scoop":
Salfit – Ma'an – A sounder [Jameel: What the heck is a sounder?] of wild boars destroyed several dunums of Palestinian farm land in the Salfit district on Sunday, local farmers said, prompting accusations of settler involvement.

Adjacent to the largest Israeli settlement in the West Bank, Ari'el, Salfit farmers are enclosed on all sides by urban centers that specialists say disrupt grazing patterns for the large animals.

What are termed "pig attacks" by farmers are often blamed on settlers, with rumors of malicious intentions based on repeated settler attacks on the area, with olive groves ruined and sewage pumped continuously into a local spring.

Considerable damage was done in the Al-Matwi, Ash-Shala and An-Nejarah areas, farmers said, with Othman Balasmah reporting that "the fields in Al-Matwi were totally destroyed."
I don't really follow their logic. First they claim it was the wild boar who destroyed their fields. Then the Arab farmers claim "Jewish involvement." Being adjacent to Ariel disrupts the grazing patterns of the Wild Boar?

Unfortunately for the Maan fact checkers and the "Salfit specialists", Ariel doesn't enclose Salfit...its only adjacent...there's more than a mile between them, and there's nothing on the other 3 sides of Salfit. See for yourself (Salfit is in the center, Ariel is to the North)

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What are termed "pig attacks" by farmers are often blamed on settlers, with rumors of malicious intentions based on repeated settler attacks on the area, with olive groves ruined and sewage pumped continuously into a local spring.

Are they calling settlers pigs?

And if we're already blaming settlers, a mosque in the Arab village of Luban al-Sharqiyya (Southern Shomron region) caught fire yesterday causing some serious damage. Israel radio announced that the IDF, Border Police, Shin Bet, Israeli Fire Department, and Palestinian Authority all immediately cooperated to determine the guilt of the settler arsonists...but alas, there's no proof of arson, and it looks like the fire was a result of a short circuit and was completely accidental.

That doesn't stop wacko news sites from unequivocally stating:

"Extremist Israeli settlers broke into a mosque in the Palestinian village of Luban al-Sharqiyya (near Nablus, North of West Bank) on Tuesday early morning, gathered flammables and set them fire, seriously damaging the 80% of the mosque."

And it doesn't stop the PA President, Mahmoud Abbas from calling the fire a "criminal" act that "represented a threat to the efforts to revive the peace process" because the Israeli army protects the settlers.

Slander is a criminal act, especially when said with malicious intent. Yet criminal behavior is nothing new to a terrorist like Mahmoud Abbas, who denies the Holocaust in his spare time.

He might also enjoy raising wild boar.

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