Showing posts with label tolerance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tolerance. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do you have any idea how offensive that is?

Found on Facebook.
I think Islam's religious tolerance can be more than appreciated by the way the Palestinians burned down and destroyed all the synagogues in Gush Katif after Israel left Gaza in 2005.

Or the way they burned down Kever Yosef / Joseph's Tomb in Shechem.

Or the way they can't even be bothered to do maintenance work on Islam's third "holiest" site, in a way without desecrating the rock of the "Dome of the Rock."  Instead, Muslims think (or behave) as if the gold dome is more important and holy than the rock itself, and place scaffolding ON THE ROCK.

Or the way they routinely play football/soccer on the Temple Mount.

Bottom line is that the Islamic world is far more upset over a silly film than the routine, daily slaughter of Moslems (by Moslems) in Syria or anywhere else in the world.

From Daryl Cage, Facebook

Or as in the words of Thomas Friedman, who I rarely agree with:
" insult — even one as stupid and ugly as the anti-Islam video on YouTube that started all of this — does not entitle people to go out and attack embassies and kill innocent diplomats. That is not how a proper self-governing people behave. There is no excuse for it. It is shameful"

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Modi'in residents try to keep away Arabs with fee to public park

Imagine, if you will the following article from Haaretz...
Modi'in residents try to keep away Arabs with fee to public park

The park, near the center of the city, features grassy areas, a lake with paddleboating, a large playground and is currently open to all, with no parking or entrance fees.

Modi'in residents want the municipality to institute an entrance fee to the city's Park Anabe, which they think may stem the flow of Arabs from surrounding towns to the popular park.

The park, near the center of the city, features grassy areas, a lake with paddleboating, a large playground and is open to all, with no parking or entrance fees. Since opening last year it has becoming a popular idyll for city residents and outsiders, including Arab residents of nearby villages.

Recently, a Facebook page was started by residents calling for a fee. Last week, online forums serving the city became populated with calls for the park to be cleaned up and a debate over the institution of a fee for outsiders, eventually sparking a petition.

"If someone wants to enjoy the facilities, they are welcome, but it is appropriate that they pay!" the petition reads. "There is an absurdity in Modi'in where the citizens no longer visit the site because it is overcrowded and dirty. This must be brought to an end."

As of yesterday the online petition had garnered 60 signatures.

Avi Elbaz, a former city council member active in the Free Modi'in NGO, wants the city to maintain a secular character. He says that "there is an awakening here, and I have also experienced it. [At the park], every night there is a celebration of hundreds of Arab families coming here. They come in masses, with organized transportation from all over."

Elbaz says those who take the most from the park are outsiders.

"The citizens of [Modi'in] paid with their taxes for the construction of the park, while those who mostly enjoy the use of the park are outsiders, and it does not really matter if they are Arab or others," Elbaz said. "Some of the city residents avoid going to the park because of the crowding with the Arab families which come there in droves. They leave a lot of trash behind them, disorder and dirt. They do not clean and do not upkeep the place, and do not pay for the payments made by the municipality each month for cleaning the place and upkeep."

A quick visit to the park revealed that indeed, the place is crowded in the summer. People are there from Taibe, Teira, Kfar Qassam and other areas.

Charging for a park would run counter to a 2007 decision that parks cannot charge fees. That year the the Knesset Internal Affairs and Environment Committee rejected an Interior Ministry proposal to alter the rules governing entrance fees for parks following a legal challenge to the Ra'anana park's practice of charging an entrance fee. Following the decision, Ra'anana instead began charging non-residents for parking near the park, an idea that some in Modi'in would like to see in their city as well.

The municipality admits that the situation is problematic, saying they can't restrict entry, but cleanup and maintenance in the summer is costly. But they say residents need not fear the Islamification of the city.

"We do not advertise the park too much," a municipality source said. "It is convenient that it is known only to the local residents and those of nearby communities. However, some of the residents are experiencing a genuine phobia against Arabs, especially those who fled Jaffa, and now fear that they will have to flee the turning of Modi'in into an Arab town. This is not the case."

In its official response the municipality said that the park sees thousands of visitors daily and is well-maintained. But they added charging for parking is not an option. "The municipality has set up three parking areas, with the cooperation of Israel Railroads nearby, and we have no intention of limiting parking or charging a fee for it," the city said.
Actually, the above article in Haaretz did appear, right here! The only difference is that I swapped the word "Ultra Orthodox/Chareidi" with the word "Arab".

I doubt the above article would ever have appeared in Haaretz, with the same tone towards pluralistic Modi'in. Note the pluralistic, anti-Chareidi talkbacks...who would never dare say a racist word about Arabs.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Chareidi Positive Mental Attitude

The Jerusalem neighborhood of "Shaarei Chesed" is often described as "Meah Shearim with a smile." (sound like a promo for the Muqata House of Waffles)

What better positive mental attitude is there, than broadcasting this message:

"Please pass through our neighborhood!
We want you to visit! Please drop by...
but please wear modest clothes."

A simple wave of the black graffiti marker and a negative sign becomes so much more appealing...and it's message, so much more understandable.

Much nicer than the original:

Equal Opportunity Sign Modification: They did the exact same on the Hebrew posters.

These graffiti masters should work for a Chareidi Ad agency -- they certainly know how to get the right message across, in a gentler way.

hat-tip: My former Shaarei-Chessed flatmate, CG

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