Showing posts with label Dundee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dundee. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Scottish Paper on Whisky Counter Boycott

Finally! After more than a week of ignoring the global Whisky counter boycott, the newspapers in West Dunbartonshire are informing their residents of the news.
"ANGRY Israeli nationals have launched a counter-boycott against Scotch Whisky companies, including Dumbarton's Chivas Brothers.

The move was arranged by a group of online bloggers in response to West Dunbartonshire Council's (WDC) decision to ban the importation of any goods manufactured or produced in the Middle-eastern state." (Dumbarton Reporter)
The Dumbarton Reporter thinks the counter boycott is limited to Israel? Haven't they been following the news? This is a HUGE, GLOBAL boycott...with tens of thousands of participants!
The West Dunbartonshire Council is simply a pack of morons. Here's what their spokesman had to say;
But a spokesman for WDC hit back at the latest move saying: "The boycott on the purchase of Israeli goods was a decision taken unanimously by West Dunbartonshire councillors in January 2009 in an attempt to highlight the Israeli state's unacceptable use of force in the Occupied Territories. The recent coverage of this decision has been utterly sensationalist, with reports of a ban on Israeli books in our libraries nothing more than a fabrication by mischievous sections of the media.
Actually, the whisky counter-boycott specifically mentions the unanimous decision of the WDC, and my letter of protest iniating the boycott clearly relates to their malicous claims of the "Israeli state's unacceptable use of force in the Occupied Territories."

I guess knowing how to read isn't a qualification for the West Dunbartonshire Council's spokesman.
"These articles have incited complaints, many of them unsavoury, from people who don't know the facts.
Yes, we are complaining that the WDC initiated a one-sided, immoral boycott against the only democracy in the Middle East, without any mention whatsoever of the brutal Palestinian terrorism against Israel's civilian population.

Once again, its the WDC that doesn't know that facts...and is in fact, rather clueless.
"The latest of these is the threat of a counter-boycott. We appreciate the concerns of local business and recognise their importance to the economy of West Dunbartonshire. We have asked to be kept informed of any impact on sales in the coming weeks and months to determine the credibility of these threats."

He added: "The council unreservedly stands behind its decision on the boycott and the fact Stirling Council has taken the same stance, and councillors in Dundee are keen to follow suit clearly shows we do not stand alone on this issue."

I guess the Dundee Council voting against the resolution 24-2 shows the WDC does indeed, stand alone on the issue.

Please don't confuse the WDC with the could upset their anti-Semitism.

Keep on writing the Distillers of West Dunbartonshire!

Keep the counter-boycott going strong!

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Dundee Scottish Council Rejects Boycott Against Israel

As if you needed any more proof that the Scotch Whisky Counter-Boycott against the West Dunbartonshire Council is working -- yesterday the Dundee Council in Scotland voted overwhelmingly (24 - 2) AGAINST condemning Israel, and they rejected a similar boycott of Israel.

Our global counter-boycott of the West Dunbartonshire Council is now a proven deterrence against Scottish Councils boycotting Israel.

For some odd reason, Scottish councils have the need to blather on and on about the Middle East and offering their "expert" opinion on how it should run. Aren't they responsible simply for running the local municipality and making sure the garbage gets collected?

Despite the best efforts of the BDS Anti-Semites, the Dundee Council rejected the proposed boycott of Israel and emphatically stated;

It should be noted that there has never been a ban on buying or lending books by Israeli authors in libraries in Dundee.

Dundee City Council does not boycott any goods or services from Israel. (source and source)
Keep the counter-boycott pressure on the Whisky Distillers and Bottlers...and the West Dunbartonshire Council will drop their boycott as well.

Read all about the Updated Counter Boycott, here.

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