Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Friday, 6 November 2020

Doing in lockdown

waking upping

tea drinking

toast eating

bathroom ablutioning

clothes putting onning

bedding take offing

bedding washing

dishwasher stacking

 kitchen sweeping

cat tray emptying

trash recyling

water drinking

bread making

veg peeling

bedding spinning

bedding drying 

next lot inning

stew making

lunch preparing

lunch eating

water drinking

dishwasher stacking

washing folding

pastry making

DH garage helping

water drinking

nails breaking

nails cutting

computer playing

water drinking

facemask making



bread baking

evening meal preparing


evening meal eating

make the bed - ing

bath - ing

computering (here I am now)

will be tv -ing

will be reading

will, hopefully be zzzz -ing

Pattern from here. - Dead easy.

Think I've logged everything.

Stay safe.


Monday, 19 October 2020

Ready for this?

Kitchen floor clean and ready to be walked on.

Everything prepared  and ready for scrambled eggs with tomatoes for lunch.

Apples stored in the garden room ready to be eaten in the future.

Blankets ready in the lounge ready to snuggle down with this evening.

Ingredients prepared for a Queen of Puddings (apples with a sponge on top) for afters at teatime.

Notebook ready to list To Dos and ideas.

A Hallowe'en corner ready for Hallowe'en.

Sink clean and ready for the next onslaught.

Me - ready for a walk.

Then I'm ready for a rest.



Thursday, 3 September 2020


1. I shall sort out the edges by leaving a note in my diary which will say:-


Solved. Tick.

2. It came to me in the middle the night - it's the hanger that was at the top of some canvas hanging drawers that I had hanging in the wardrobe. When I got rid of the canvas I kept the hanger in case it would come in useful in the future.


Solved. Tick.

I rest easy. 


PS Where have my labels gone in this new Blogger? They are not at the side, nor are they listed. Do I have to type them in again? Oh no, another mystery.


Wednesday, 2 September 2020


 1. Every week I hoover the hall and stairs and every week I say that next week I'll do the edges (with the 'get in the corners' 'attachment). Next week never comes!

2. I found this hanger in my wardrobe. Don't know where it came from or how it came to be there. Must have picked it up from somewhere. But what is it for? It looks like a giant safety pin with a hook to hang it up and is the length of an ordinary hanger.

Stay safe.

Saturday, 29 August 2020

One small step

One old towelling dressing gown.

One pair of scissors, one pile of rags for cleaning, one pile of rags for the CS.

One huge heap still to sort from the ...

2 huge heaps (perhaps more) that came out of the bedroom ...

that's being decorated.

The de-clutter begins, one small step at a time!


Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Surreal times

From January up to now - what a year it's been. Never seen the like before in my lifetime,  A new way of living is upon us. 

Home is still the priority and things have happened in the garden.

The back garden is now only half edible - apples,

Kohl rabi,


runner beans, French beans, spring onions, courgettes, beetroot and kale

In the greenhouse with the tomatoes the vine is still producing over 50 bunches of grapes.

The other half is now a double patio with a profusion of flowers along with seating areas.

It is now a garden for rest and entertainment and next year the veggie plot will be grassed over for an area of play and lounging.

New times, new ideas, new directions. Onwards and upwards. Let's enjoy where and when we can,


PS Thank you for sticking with me while I've been absent. It means a lot.


Saturday, 25 May 2019

Tidy up day

Saturday is clean the fridge, microwave and hob day plus put everything away in its place. Let's get to it then. Fridge, microwave and hob were tackled first to get them out of the way and then a trip around every room began putting things away and straightening things up. Here's the kitchen bit.

Oh dear - dishwasher items to put away and new stuff to put in.

Toast crumbs to clear up and breakfast tray to sort out.

Quite a few bits fall to the floor everyday in this busy area so a quick sweep is necessary.

In the back room all the seeds that we were looking at yesterday were tidied away. The runner beans have now been planted.

We couldn't take the cat to a restaurant as it would put its food all over the floor and not clear its plate. Let's tidy it away and put some fresh down.

Next was a trip into the garden to gather salad greens for lunch.

We're eating the thinnings of the lettuce at the moment ...

... as well as leaves from the trio of lettuce bought from Liddle-iddle a few weeks ago.

They had to have a quick salt bath to get rid of any biddies. Whoops, messed the sink area up again.

Salad bowls at the ready waiting for tasty leaves. Nearly clear this side of the kitchen.

Nearly clear here too, just a shopping list that's been started. All the crumbs are gone. (Just wait until lunchtime!)

Table cleared and prettied up. (Won't stay that way for long!)

Oh my, just when the kitchen was sorted, the tumble drier finished and offered up a great pile of ironing.

What did I say about everything in its place? Nothing stays still long enough for that!


Monday, 4 February 2019

The bathroom

Just some views from different angles.

tiles behind the shower

shower soap dish

sink vanity drawer handle


towel radiator

the underside of the light fitting which is an uplighter

the textured wall 

loo push flush


towel rail

in on the action on a 'nice, warm towerl'