At the dentist, Shannon was bribed with stickers and a little toothbrush! With that, she went of the chair!
Picture taken on 31 July 2008
Shannon has 2 teeth missing at her bottom front teeth and her top jaw is protruding due to the pacifier she takes. The dentist advise the sooner we take her off the pacifier the better. She also told us to continue to brush her teeth twice daily till she’s 9 or 10 years old.
The damage for our visit to the dentist is a great one. The total cost for the whole family is AUD 562.00. Thank God for insurance and we paid AUD 84.00.
I never did scaling in my entire life and this dentist actually did it for me. She even flossed my teeth! Each one of them! I have a cavity on my right wisdom tooth and that needs filling up. She also advised me to remove my last 2 wisdom teeth soon.
David’s teeth needs gum treatment. We have yet to make another appointment with the dentist to get the next treatment. Mine would take 45 minutes and David’s about an hour. The estimated total cost for our next treatment is AUD 471. Mine costs AUD 171 and David’s AUD 300. Mine is partly covered by insurance while David’s is not!
Anyway, after our visit to the dentist, I brought Shannon to “TARGET” a shopping mall nearby to get toys for her as she has promised Daddy to give up her pacifier that day. Apparently the 2 of them made a deal when it was my turn to be on the dentist chair. We visited the dentist during David’s lunch break and he has left for work after paying the bill.
Outside the mall, I asked her again, “Are you prepared to give up your dum- dum?” Sadly, she said, “No….” So we went back home empty handed.
2 weeks later, when Ah Khoo Ben (Benji ) was around, she actually did. We went shopping that day and Shannon saw a roller blade and wanted it. Daddy said he will get it for her if she stops her dum-dum. She said OK. The moment she reached home, she stepped on her pacifier and threw the pacifier herself in the dustbin. I even video taped the ceremony. I will post the video on another day.