Showing posts with label nazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nazi. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2017

13807: High-Tech Hatemongers…?

This Lenovo video seems potentially insensitive given the increase of organized hate groups in places such as Charlottesville and beyond. Why, the Legion looks downright Klan-like with their high-tech hoods. And it doesn’t help that the creative co-conspirators include the ever-White advertising agency Ogilvy and Gentleman Scholar, a production company whose gentlemen-led staff appears to be typically exclusive.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

13464: Cadillac—Err Greatly.

A MultiCultClassics visitor spotted “Cadillac Cancels Neo-Nazi Ad After Online Outrage” at Gizmodo. The luxury car brand took heat over a casting call for a Cadillac commercial that sought fill a “neo-Nazi” role. Cadillac responded to the public protest as follows:

Cadillac did not authorize or approve a casting notice for an “alt-right (neo-nazi)” role in a commercial. We unequivocally condemn the notice and are seeking immediate answers from our creative agency, production company and any casting companies involved.

According to the Gizmodo report, the casting company became the initial scapegoat, immediately firing an allegedly rogue employee and also blaming an “outside third party” for further altering the specs. Really? When has a casting company ever initiated a call without direct instructions from an advertising agency? The casting company will probably declare, “Sorry, we misinterpreted what the White advertising agency—Publicis Worldwide—originally requested. They were actually seeking a neo-Yahtzee enthusiast. Our bad.”

Interestingly enough, Cadillac Chief Marketing Officer Uwe Ellinghaus is of German descent. So maybe there was some subliminal intent. Plus, according to the casting specs, Publicis Worldwide was looking for neo-Nazis of all ethnicities. This is in keeping with the White advertising agency’s faux commitment to diversity; that is, Publicis publicly professes a dedication to inclusiveness—while privately maintaining an Aryan Race-like workforce.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

13150: Mein Krap.

Adweek reported on a campaign by Ogilvy Berlin that countered the republishing of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf with the publication of “Mein Kampf gegen Rechts”—which translates to “My Struggle Against Racism.” Um, White advertising agencies should contemplate their own struggle with racism by looking in the mirror. Or looking in their hallways. Then again, Ogilvy Berlin is part of the WPP network, perhaps the most diverse example of diversity of any single organisation.

Ad of the Day: How Ogilvy Berlin Fought Back After the Republishing of Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Agency makes a competing book to combat resurgent racism amid refugee crisis

By David Gianatasio

Adolf Hitler’s notorious autobiography/fascist screed Mein Kampf (translation, My Struggle) was published in Germany this year for this first time since 1945—after the Bavarian government’s copyright expired.

Predictably, its appearance caused much Sturm und Drang. It also generated a powerful response from the Berlin office of Ogilvy & Mather, which produced a competing book, Mein Kampf gegen Rechts (My Struggle Against Racism), in an effort to combat right-wing extremism and intolerance.

Ogilvy’s effort spotlights 11 diverse individuals who have fought against xenophobia and injustice. They include concentration camp survivor Mosche Dagan, former Afghan refugee Wana Limar (now a host at MTV) and Irmela Mensah-Schramm, who has dedicated her life to removing Nazi graffiti wherever she finds it.

The latter, a white-haired granny, cuts an especially memorable figure in the project video below, proclaiming “I want to destroy hate” while brandishing a spray-paint can in one hand and a brush in the other.

It’s sobering to consider that Mensah-Schramm has removed more than 100,000 images of Nazi slogans and hate propaganda in the past 30 years, a fact that underscores the need for more ammunition in the struggle against bigotry and ignorance.

“Due to the immigration of refugees, we are facing in Germany a growing right-wing extremism and an open everyday racism,” Tim Stuebane, executive creative director at Ogilvy Berlin and leader of the book project, tells Adweek. “In the last election, a new right-wing party shot from 0 to 24 percent. All this is very painful to see. We had to do something against it, but what? Then we learned that Hitler’s Mein Kampf would be republished. We thought—absolutely the wrong signal at this point of time.”

The project seeks to “reclaim the conception of the words Mein Kampf from the Nazis [and] create a spectacular trigger for PR and social media to talk about the current situation of society in Germany” and elsewhere, Stuebane says.

Those missions have been largely accomplished. Clearly, Ogilvy’s book touched a nerve in Germany. The first printing of 11,000 volumes nearly sold out, with 1 euro from every sale supporting Gesicht Zeigen, a nonprofit group that fights for social justice. Copious media coverage has spurred a broader conversation, which Ogilvy hopes will turn Mein Kampf gegen Rechts into Unser Kampf gegen Rechts (Our Struggle Against Racism).

Stuebane calls on people working in media to join the cause. Their power to inform and shape public opinion, he says, could prove invaluable. “Imagine doctors watching an accident, doing nothing,” he says. “That’s [the same thing as] communication professionals [silently] watching the rise of right-wing populism. It’s our duty to do something against it.”

Indeed, there’s an urgent need for more voices of sanity to rise up and drown out the din of fearmongering that rings louder than ever these days.

Seven decades after Hitler’s demise and the defeat of the Nazis, the struggle continues.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

13003: B.S. From The Belgium Boys.

Adfreak reported on a campaign from Belgium, where top advertising executives are donating sperm and eggs to “ensure the nation’s creative future.” The goal is to perpetuate the creative ranks through selective breeding. Um, this is clearly one of the most racist endeavors in advertising history, reminiscent of Aryanism. The print ads for the campaign tell the story, in terms of the White maleness of the project. What’s so outrageous is the reality that typical hiring practices in our industry make the campaign completely unnecessary. That is, advertising agencies will extend the exclusivity via cronyism, nepotism, racism and all the other isms that have worked for generations. Sorry, but this idea is nothing more than a circle jerk for self-promotion and awards.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

10004: Three Stooges Offend Catholic League.


Catholic League: ‘Three Stooges’ full of offensive nunsense

By Pamela McClintock, The Hollywood Reporter

The Catholic League is in an uproar over the way nuns are depicted in Peter and Bobby Farrelly’s redo of “The Three Stooges,” which 20th Century Fox opens Friday domestically.

In a terse statement issued Thursday, Catholic League president Bill Donohue takes issue with a “nun bikini” and large rosary worn by swimsuit model Kate Upton in the slapstick comedy as well as with Larry David’s character.

David, like Upton, plays a nun in “Three Stooges,” and his character’s name is Sister Mary-Mengele—named after infamous Nazi Josef Mengele.

“In the 1950s, Hollywood generally avoided crude fare and was respectful of religion. Today it specializes in crudity and trashes Christianity, especially Catholicism,” Donohue said. “Enter ‘The Three Stooges.’ The movie is not just another remake: It is a cultural marker of sociological significance, and what it says about the way we’ve changed is not encouraging.”

Fox disagreed that Three Stooges diverges from the original series. “The movie, in keeping with the spirit of the original TV show and its stars, is a broad, slapstick comedy,” a Fox spokesperson said.

“As the Stooges have proved over time, laughter is a universal medicine. The nuns that Mr. Donohue alludes to, are in fact, caring, heroic characters in the movie, albeit within the framework of a very broad comedy,” the spokesperson continued. “And as far as the nun attire, I think we did the audience a favor by letting Kate Upton wear the nun-kini rather than Larry David—it could have gone either way. We invite you to see the movie and decide for yourselves.”

The Catholic League is the largest Catholic civil rights organization in the U.S.

Donohue also criticized comments made Wednesday night by David on TBS’ Conan.

“He said to Conan O’Brien that dressing as a nun in the film makes it easy to understand why nuns are ‘so mean,’ “ Donohue said. “He explains: ‘You know, the outfits might have something to do with that. Forget about the fact that they never have sex. If you give me a chance of no sex or having to wear that outfit the rest of my life, I would definitely take the no sex.’”

Donohue’s statement included the e-mail address of a top Fox executive.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

9593: Joe Simon (1913-2011).

From The New York Daily News…

Joe Simon dead at 98: Created Captain America with Jack Kirby

Hero was created as a response to Nazi menace

By Ethan Sacks, New York Daily News

Joe Simon, who dreamed up the star-spangled super hero Captain America while riding on a Manhattan bus during the early days of World War II, died Thursday after an undisclosed illness. He was 98.

As a Jewish New Yorker reading the increasingly grim news out of Germany, he fantasized about fighting the Nazis when inspiration hit.

“Wherever I was, I’d always be thinking up new characters — the idea for Cap came to me while I was riding a Fifth Ave. bus,” Simon, who co-created the character with artist Jack Kirby, told The News earlier this year, as the major motion picture featuring their hero hit theaters.

“Captain America was designed to be the perfect foil for the Führer, and the Nazi Bund didn’t like the fact that we were making fun of their great leader.”

When the first issue hit the stands in March 1941, readers snapped up almost a million copies of Captain America Comics — which featuring the shield-carring hero punching Hitler square in the jaw.

“Tall, deep-voiced, cigar smoking, always armed with a quip or a wise crack, Joe Simon was my first boss at Marvel which was then called Timely Comics,” says Stan Lee. “He was an incredibly talented artist as well as a writer… I couldn’t have had a better mentor.”

Simon and Kirby eventually left Timely in a battle over profits of the comic book. The collaborators would go to rival National Comics and create the Newsboy Legion and Boy Commandos, popular books in their time. In the late ‘40s, when super heroes were falling out of favor, the pair created “Young Romance,” a comic series focusing on “true love stories” that spawned a slew of imitators.

After decades of legal battles, Simon reached a settlement with Marvel in recent years and had both his and Kirby’s names restored on the comic books featuring his most famous creation.

“Among many accomplishments in the comic book field, Joe Simon co-created one of the most enduring super hero icons — indeed, American icons — of the 20th Century,” said Marvel Comics editor in Chief Axel Alonso. “If there ever were a super hero who needed less explanation than the red, white and blue-clad Captain America, I’ve yet to see him.”

News of Simon’s death hits the comic book industry just a week after the death of another icon, Jerry Robinson, who was credited with creating The Joker.

Simon, a native New Yorker until his death, is survived by two sons, three daughters and eight grandchildren.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

7681: Men Behaving Sadly.

Bad Boys in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced for up to five years in prison for violating terms of his probation. If his cell phone texting service is with AT&T, it will bring new meaning to, “More bars in more places.”

• Jesse James was criticized for appearing in a photo striking a Nazi pose. James said, “I think out of everything … dealing with losing my marriage and my son and embarrassing everyone and decimating my life, but to be called a racist on top of that is, it makes me really sad.” Yeah, this guy is sad.

• Rap mogul Suge Knight was arrested last week for threatening a man with a gun. To be clear, Knight had the gun. Although that was probably obvious, no?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

5725: Assorted Bull.

Sunday brunch with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Merrill Lynch reported 2Q losses at $4.65 billion, bringing the company’s grand total loss to $19 billion in the past year. Merrill Lynch tells consumers there are always smart places for your money. Wonder if the places include Merrill Lynch.

• Florida took the dubious distinction of being the state to lose the most jobs over the past year, dumping 78,100 positions. Wish someone would up the total to 78,101 by axing CSI: Miami star David Caruso.

• DMX was busted again, this time for giving a fake name to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona to avoid paying a $7,500 bill last April. “He’s back in jail again,” said the local sheriff. “I don’t know why judges keep letting this guy out. Every time he goes in there, he gets out on bond.” Better make sure he signs the right name on his release papers.

• As scheduled, Pope Benedict XVI apologized on Saturday for the sexual crimes committed against children by Australia’s Roman Catholic clergy. “I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering the victims have endured and I assure them as their pastor that I too share in their suffering,” said Benedict. The pope expressed similar regret in the U.S. last April. On Sunday, the pope called on young people to spurn materialism by declaring, “In so many of our societies, side by side with material prosperity, a spiritual desert is spreading: an interior emptiness, an unnamed fear, a quiet sense of despair.” Um, maybe the youth fear and despair has to do with encounters with Roman Catholic clergy.

• Brazil’s foreign minister sparked controversy during WTO meetings by declaring rich countries’ deception in trade talks were reminiscent of tactics employed by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels. Hey, nothing speeds up international negotiations like Nazi references.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Essay 4522

Morning O.J. in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Polls show Blacks and Whites have different opinions about O.J. Simpson again. 70 percent of Whites think Simpson is guilty of the current charges against him, versus only 41 percent of Blacks feeling that way; plus, 73 percent of Whites think he’ll get a fair trial, versus only 36 percent of Blacks agreeing on the point. The percentages indicate that CourtTV will have one of its best seasons ever.

• O.J. Simpson’s girlfriend, Christie Prody, is clearly in the minority regarding her positions on Simpson’s innocence. “People need to know he hasn’t done anything wrong,” declared Prody. Hey, give him time, give him time.

• The Navy is reworking a 40-year-old barracks facility that currently looks like a swastika from high above. “We don’t want to be associated with something as symbolic and hateful as a swastika,” said a Navy spokesperson. Of course, they have no problem being heavily associated with hateful wars.