Showing posts with label interracial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interracial. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2020

14949: SafeAuto Continues To Create Contrived And Crappy Commercial Car Wrecks.

A new campaign for SafeAuto from Joan includes this commercial featuring an interracial couple that is pure garbage. So it looks like a women-run White advertising agency is just as capable of producing awful work for a clearly shitty client as any male-run White advertising agency. Bravo.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

14202: Flo, No!

Progressive is trying to be progressive with this commercial featuring an interracial couple. The idiots responsible for the casting and concept should inquire if Progressive covers acts of cultural cluelessness, as they’d be eligible to claim major benefits.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

13885: Interracial Peas In A Pod.

Wonder if the interracial couple in this Peapod commercial met at the grocery store—in the “awkward casting” aisle.

Monday, April 17, 2017

13644: USAA Today.

This USAA commercial features an interracial family. Would the financial services company’s former White advertising agency—Campbell Ewald—have produced such a spot? Not sure the new White advertising agency from Publicis Groupe is much better. While the comments at YouTube have been disabled, there are currently more dislikes than likes for the commercial. Maybe disgruntled Campbell Ewald employees are casting the negative votes.

Friday, March 31, 2017

13616: Addicted To Controversy.

Adweek spotlighted a campaign from VML in Kansas City that asks, “What if we treated people with cancer the way we treat people with addiction?” Not sure why the White advertising agency sought to spike the controversy in the commercial by casting the family as interracial. Oh, and the comments at YouTube show people are not exactly buying the overall premise.

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

13486: Tired Interracial Imagery…?

Is this Peugeot ad from Bruckner Yaar Levi in Israel promoting interracial relationships? Hey, somebody nominate it for an I&C award pronto.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

13105: Kohl’s Is Mixed Up.

Did Kohl’s try to bring diversity to the Academy Awards with its interracial family? The retailer deserves a nomination for Best Patronizing Pap.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

13006: Northwestern Mutual Mixed Up.

This Northwestern Mutual commercial encourages you to “Live Life Differently”—by depicting an interracial family. Wow, that’s different.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

12880: Cheerios Diversity…?

Oh, look! The latest Cheerios commercial features an all-Black cast, with no over-the-top interracial or lifestyle quirkiness. The only quirky thing: it’s highly unlikely that an all-Black creative team hatched the spot.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

12698: Cheerios Force Feeds Bullshit.

Advertising Age spotlighted a new Cheerios commercial featuring another mixed-race kid. However, this spot doesn’t include a Dad, so it’s hard to determine the real point of the casting. According to Ad Age, it might be a nod to Mom feeding her son a variety of flavors. If so, someone at Saatchi & Saatchi New York should be beaten with a variety of sticks. The “concept” is forced and offensive. Besides, for Mom to be stuffing her kid with a range of breakfast cereals borders on child abuse. And the commercial borders beyond viewer abuse.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

12358: Interracial Luxury Bedmates.

Chicago Luxury Beds ran the advertisement above in Mandarin Quarterly. Interesting casting choice to show an Asian guy with his blonde trophy wife. Below is another image from the photo shoot.

Hallie Duesenberg Photography