Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One Month

I cannot believe it's been a month! Sam is so much fun, and things at home are returning to normal. Sam is a pretty content baby and has been pretty easy so far. He has the cutest smile, although so far he has only smiled in his sleep and a couple of other random times (I'm sure it was gas, but I'd love to say he was smiling at me!) He loves to eat, and luckily we've gotten his nursing down from over an hour to about 30-40 minutes. :-)
Sam has also started to sleep a lot better at night. I swear the kid hardly needs any sleep in the first place. Aren't newborns supposed to sleep a lot? Last night he did great though and let mama sleep for 5 hours before needing fed! YEAH!
Max is such a proud big brother, he is doing great with Sam. Today when Sam was crying he said it was "so cute". He loves to help us out around the house and go and get whatever mom needs. He's also content to entertain himself when I'm feeding Sam or taking a much needed rest. Max is also watching out for Sam, and whenever there is a commercial on TV for a "toddler" toy, Max makes sure that I am paying attention so that we can buy it for Sam and save it until he's a toddler. :-) He's got a mental list going of all the toys that Sam "needs". What a good big brother!


Heather Whitworth said...

Oh it is so good to see your cute little family. You guys are darling. Sam is adorable and Max is so big! Wow how time flies! How are you? Love ya, Heather

Unknown said...

I love your pictures! They are so cute!!!!

Rachael Grotegut said...

Oh man he is so cute! I love the last one of he and Max. Does he look a lot like Max did as a baby? I am glad everything is going well!

James and Cassidee said...

I totally know what you mean with those long nursing sessions. Its always when its 2:00 in the morning and my head won't stop bobbing because I am soooo tired.

Catherine Glazner said...

Awww!! Nicole the pictures turned out perfect!!! I think Sam is getting his own little look!! He is so cute!! I love his baby shoes!!! I love their pictures together!! Nicole I can't believe its been a month!!!

Terrie Petersen said...

The pictures are so darling. You are the best little parents! Love you all!

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

Your boys are so dang cute. Time does fly when you have newborns dont we just wish the pregnancy went that fast.