Saturday, May 24, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week has been a crazy one! We have been so busy with Max getting sick, home projects, the end of school, and the dance concert!

Last Friday at about 5pm, Max spiked a fever of 103. He had no other symptoms, so I was pretty nervous about WHY he had such a high fever. When we gave him tylenol and motrin, his fever would go down, but then a few hours later, it was back. On Saturday afternoon, he started telling me that he needed cold water to make his throat feel better, so Riley looked in his throat (which we had already checked multiple times), and sure enough, he had Strep. After about 1/2 hour and an unholy amount of money, we were out of the instacare with some anti-b's. Max told the Dr. that the "strip bug" was eating his throat and that he needed some meddies to help get rid of it. He was such a trooper while he was sick, and for the most part he stayed pretty happy (especially when his fever was under control). Lucky for us, he was pretty much back to normal on Sunday evening.On Sunday morning, Riley and his dad painted the playset that we gave Max for his birthday. It only took them a few hours, and Max was very interested in watching and helping.

Sunday afternoon, we went up to American Fork Canyon to ride 4-wheelers. When we got up there, we found out the roads above Tibble Fork were closed, but that we could ride the Alpine Loop since it was closed to cars still. It was so much fun! I love the Alpine Loop and it was even better on 4-wheelers. Max had fun riding with Grandma Colleen and Natalie, and then Riley and Grandpa Gary. Afterwards, we all went to Riley's parents house for hamburgers. . .Yum!Tuesday, Riley and his dad spent the morning/afternoon putting together the playset! We are all so excited to have it up! Max loves it. He has already eaten at the picnic table, and has had some quality playtime with the neighbor kids on it. We're all sad that the weather has been so yucky outside! What is up with this crazy weather!!!
This week, I spent most of my time getting everything ready for my preschoolers and dance students. There was treats to buy and put together, evaluations to fill out, certificates, pictures, a teacher gift to figure out (for Max's teacher), a program and newsletter to do for the dance concert, a circus clown costume to figure out (for circus days the last day of preschool--being pregnant made the costume even MORE fun to figure out), and a few extra dance practices. It has been fun, and I have felt very productive, I kinda like keeping myself busy.

So, now we just have the dance concert left, and I am really looking forward to seeing my girls , especially the 3-4 year olds who will be performing for the first time! They are always so fun to watch, and are so adorable. My classes have been so much fun to teach this year. Also, their costumes are so dang cute! I'll have to post some pics of them.
Our family is very excited for summer, and we're hoping that the weather decides to get with it.


Unknown said...

I love the things that Max says! Thanks for inviting us to the sticker club! I will be sending mine on Monday! I am glad Max is feeling better. I don't know what is up with shaylie :) I am excited to come up and see you guys! We want to come play Mario Cart :)

Rachael Grotegut said...

That sucks that Max got strep throat. After reading this I am worried that is what is up with Gavin. Although today he is acting fine, so who knows.
That swingset looks awesome. Ours is lame in comparison. I like that it has a picnic table.

Andrea said...

HOLY COW!! You guys has one fun weekend, except for Max getting sick.

Catherine Glazner said...

You have been busy!! I can't wait to see Max's new playset!! Thats so hard that Max got sick! But at least he's better now!!

Can't wait to see everything!!
