Saturday, May 31, 2008

Only 100 Days to Go!

Yeah! I love having the countdown from the little baby widget on the side of this page. I now have just 100 days left and I'm so excited! Max is getting pretty anxious too, a few days ago he said, "Mom, lets go to the Doctor's office and tell him to cut the baby out."

I have so much left to do, but I am a total procrastinator so I'm sure most of it will get done in the last month or so. :-)

We're headed down to Vegas in the morning. . .Happy Birthday to Riley and I! We decided that we would go and see "Love" this year for our birthdays. I love the Beatles and am so excited to see the show! I will let you all know how it is when we get home! TTFN.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Cat!

Tesla, Me, and Cat at Backyard Adventures.

Happy Birthday Cat! You are such an amazing friend, I love ya! I hope your Birthday vacation in Las Vegas is awesome!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Few Fun Pics

I was just looking through some of our newly downloaded pictures and I thought I'd share some of my favorites. I love the picture of Max on the tramp doing his "bum-and-ups". He has been loving the trampoline this year.
Max on the horse of his choice at Thanksgiving Point Farm. He loves to ride the horses, and it's always fun to watch him. He always and pets the horse's mane and tells it "good horsey". I don't know what we'd do without our Thanksgiving Point passes! Now that we live so close, we spend a lot of time there.
This is what happens when Max spends too much time with Aunt Natalie! :-) He loves to play with the fun things in Natalie's bedroom, and a few nights ago, he came down with her crown on and told me that he was King Mario, Princess Peach's boyfriend.
And, he's never the only one being silly! Love the crown, dad!

Dance Concert

The Dance Concert was last night, and it was awesome! I was so impressed by how quickly we were all getting our girls ready and on stage! My little girls did amazing, they were so adorable! I still need to download some pictures of them, I'm sure I'll get around to it sometime this week. :-)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week has been a crazy one! We have been so busy with Max getting sick, home projects, the end of school, and the dance concert!

Last Friday at about 5pm, Max spiked a fever of 103. He had no other symptoms, so I was pretty nervous about WHY he had such a high fever. When we gave him tylenol and motrin, his fever would go down, but then a few hours later, it was back. On Saturday afternoon, he started telling me that he needed cold water to make his throat feel better, so Riley looked in his throat (which we had already checked multiple times), and sure enough, he had Strep. After about 1/2 hour and an unholy amount of money, we were out of the instacare with some anti-b's. Max told the Dr. that the "strip bug" was eating his throat and that he needed some meddies to help get rid of it. He was such a trooper while he was sick, and for the most part he stayed pretty happy (especially when his fever was under control). Lucky for us, he was pretty much back to normal on Sunday evening.On Sunday morning, Riley and his dad painted the playset that we gave Max for his birthday. It only took them a few hours, and Max was very interested in watching and helping.

Sunday afternoon, we went up to American Fork Canyon to ride 4-wheelers. When we got up there, we found out the roads above Tibble Fork were closed, but that we could ride the Alpine Loop since it was closed to cars still. It was so much fun! I love the Alpine Loop and it was even better on 4-wheelers. Max had fun riding with Grandma Colleen and Natalie, and then Riley and Grandpa Gary. Afterwards, we all went to Riley's parents house for hamburgers. . .Yum!Tuesday, Riley and his dad spent the morning/afternoon putting together the playset! We are all so excited to have it up! Max loves it. He has already eaten at the picnic table, and has had some quality playtime with the neighbor kids on it. We're all sad that the weather has been so yucky outside! What is up with this crazy weather!!!
This week, I spent most of my time getting everything ready for my preschoolers and dance students. There was treats to buy and put together, evaluations to fill out, certificates, pictures, a teacher gift to figure out (for Max's teacher), a program and newsletter to do for the dance concert, a circus clown costume to figure out (for circus days the last day of preschool--being pregnant made the costume even MORE fun to figure out), and a few extra dance practices. It has been fun, and I have felt very productive, I kinda like keeping myself busy.

So, now we just have the dance concert left, and I am really looking forward to seeing my girls , especially the 3-4 year olds who will be performing for the first time! They are always so fun to watch, and are so adorable. My classes have been so much fun to teach this year. Also, their costumes are so dang cute! I'll have to post some pics of them.
Our family is very excited for summer, and we're hoping that the weather decides to get with it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mario Kart and other Random Wednesday-ness

We finally got Mario Kart for the Wii, and it is AWESOME! Riley, Max, and I have been spending some quality family time gaming for the past two days. Max has been loving it. He says his favorite courses are Luigi Circuit and Moo Moo Meadows. I really like DK Summit. Max was so proud of his caterpillar mask he made in preschool the other day. It was very cute. Preschool is almost out for the summer, I can't believe it! This year has flown by. Max has been loving his new teacher (long story as to WHY there is a new teacher), but I think we're all really ready for summer. I just hope that it starts to get WARMER, and not just for one day, but consistently!
Max and mom on Mother's Day. Mother's Day was awesome! Thanks for the Wii Fit Riley and Max! I can't wait until it gets here so I can try it out. What a great present! Also, Riley's mom found the best book for me, it's called "Mom says I can", and besides being super cute (it made me cry when I read it), the little boy in the book is named Max. So cute!I love Max's new PJ's! He thinks the cape is the greatest thing ever, and he goes outside after he puts these on so that he can make the cape fly around in the wind. If you can't tell, in this picture Max is flexing his superman muscles. :-)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I am just starting to figure out why I gained so much weight when I was pregnant with Max. Man, am I HUNGRY! It has just hit me this week, but I feel like I am constantly wanting food. I guess Sam's going to be a big one too!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Riley!

I'm a day late, but I want to wish my awesome hubby a very happy birthday! Riley is the love of my life, my best friend, the cutest dad, and the greatest guy ever. Max and I love you Riley! I'm sorry you've been so sick this week :-( and I'm hoping that you feel better soon.