Linking up up Fraturday again with
So this week was super long.
Probably because spring break is still a week away! sad face
But I do have jury duty Monday and sad to say, but I little bit look forward to the break!
1. Our board is entered in the
Spring Contest over at Tristro! Yippee! I love how this board turned out!!
Vote for us! pretty please with a cherry on top! that means DON'T pin it! Click the picture, then pin it! =)
2. Our comprehension skill for the month is summarizing!
Now this is one I actually enjoy.
Probably because I teach it with this...
I love
this pack!! I love the graphics! Make me happy
I used the problem/solution chart Thursday and Friday with Frog and Toad. We are reading nonfiction this month with a ficus on life cycles, so we brought in good ol' Frog and Toad as our fiction pairing
I think it's funny seeing the SWBST {or somebody, wanted, but, so, then} all over. Our
former district literacy coach is making some sweet money off that! She actually came up with it {or at least made it what it is today}. She sold it, along with "think clouds" to a publishing company you may have heard of...starts with Hougt and ends with ifflen...and made bank...needless to say, she's no longer working with out district! You can visit her
here's all in here...
to sum up a theme I like to use the
ABC Summary sheet. I gave the kiddos the hour during guided reading groups to fill in as many vocabulary words on the alphabet chart about frogs as they could.
Then, afterwards, I gave them 10 minutes to roam the room and get as many different words from their friends as they could.
Our winner had 57 words...all had to be correct as well.
A few that made me especially happy-"metamorphosis" {because I haven't done anything with that word except mention it-we are starting our insect unit after break} and "Harlequin" because we read an article from Read Works called Vanishing Frogs. It was about the Harlequin frog that is now endangered. Love!!
see how engaged and BUSY!
the rest of the post has nothing to do with education, so read if you like!
4. One of my bestest friends and teammies lost her granddaddy this week. She also happens to be middle Lamb's teacher.
So she had a sub Thursday and Friday.
Friday's sub was new to me. He was from NY. So that makes him instantly interesting to us little country talkers in NC!
Then I found out he's from a little town you may have heard of...Amityville...Seriously! He taught there, grew up there...
LIVED there. ugh
Now trust me when I say I know the hauntings were purely for money, but I cannot quit thinking about that house with the little windows.
Guess what, that's not the real house. THAT house is in NJ. The
Amityville house is gorgeous...
real house |
movie house...ugh... |
5. I just bought this to read during my day, week, morning, month, whatever! of jury duty...I haven't watched any
Game of Thrones on HBO. But I'm giving it a shot.
I will admit I tried reading Pillars of the Earth. While very intriguing I found the constant violence and manliness of it a little tiring and never finished it. I'll try again some day!