另外在網上睇到中國社科院金融所金融市場研究室尹中立的一個研究報告指出, 從最近十多年國內股市的歷史看,每當M1的增長速度比M2的增長速度低時(多謝網友Heji 提醒, 係指增速而唔係金額),尤其是二者差距超過5個百分點時,股市就會見底,一輪新的牛市將會開展;而當M1的增長速度比M2的增長速度高5個百分點時,牛市行情會結束,熊市會到來。 M1和M2都係貨幣供應量的范疇, M1和M2的差異係M1不包括國民儲蓄存款和企業定期存款. 所以呢個研究報告其實指出, 當儲蓄存款和企業定期存款不斷增加,股市可能見底;而儲蓄存款和企業定期存款不斷減少,股市可能見頂。 要睇住國內A股的走勢而行動的網友, 或者買左A50中國基金(2823.HK)的網友, 以後可以多D留意國內M1和M2的數據公佈.
最近, 國內又再加息, 一年定期由3.87%調高至4.14%, 扣除5%利息稅之後仍然有3.933%, 在香港存人民幣定期好似1%都無, 點解唔上大陸開戶口? 來緊農曆新年會同家人上珠海渡假, 到時會再去工商銀行存定期.

回覆刪除回應ET仔: 港人可以用回鄉證開戶口.
回覆刪除多謝指教!! ^^
Mr. Market, my wife and I have been reading your blog for a few months and like your investment philosophy a lot.
回覆刪除I got a question regarding opening saving account in mainland china. I understand it is not difficult to open an account and transfer money to the mainland account for time deposit. However, there is still restriction nowadays to transfer RMB back to HK or exchange RMB back to HKD. What is the best way to do that? Thanks for your advice in advance!
回應Stefan : 由大陸帶錢返香港, 如果銀碼太大係有風險, 最好分多幾次帶. 在香港以人民幣換港元問題不大, 因為有唔少需求.
回覆刪除Thanks! Got it. Direct withdrawal of RMB from the mainland account seem to be the only way.