Showing posts with label Injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Injury. Show all posts

Monday, 10 February 2014

Elbow injury

I thought to myself when I woke up last Monday morning..."Hmm, my right elbow feels weird. The pointed end of my elbow bone feels slightly sore and tender. This is not something that I've previously experienced before. This is definitely not a muscle pull or tendon injury. Did I fall down or knock something? What did I do over the weekend to sustain this injury?"

I didn't have an answer. I was dumbfounded to say the least.

I tried doing some push-ups and the pain was more noticeable. As a matter of fact, all movements that involved the extension of my right triceps would cause pain. However, there was no pain whatsoever when I executed pulling movements.

"Could I have busted my right triceps? If so, how? I didn't workout hard the week leading to this injury."

I'd previously visited Oriental Tit Tar for my shoulder injury and naturally that was the first place I wanted to visit to get my right elbow examined.

At Oriental Tit Tar, I explained my predicament to the sifu. We tried to speculate the cause of my injury but couldn't come to a consensus. He pushed, pressed and rubbed my elbow including my triceps and concluded that I've injured the veins in my elbow. Apparently these veins wrap around the elbow bone.

I found it hard to believe but accepted it anyway. I was glad it wasn't a bone injury. If it was, it would mean a long recovery period. The sifu assured me it was a minor injury and I would fully recover within a few weeks' time.

Property of Mr Flabby Less
My wrapped elbow

I've since gotten my right elbow wrapped 3 times at Oriental Tit Tar (Mon-Wed-Fri). My elbow feels much better now and there's only minor pain if I press my right elbow against something (anything, even my soft pillow or bed when I get out of bed). I've not gone to the gym for the past week and plan to take a break for the next few weeks to ensure full recovery. I hate sustaining any form of injury as that would mean timeout from the gym but I guess a break from the usual gym routine will do me good. Besides, this would mean more time for "bicep curls" at the bar! :-P

Friday, 6 September 2013

Post-holiday workout

I was on holiday with Wifey, Sonny, Girlie and Mummio for slightly over a week and have stopped working out for almost 2 weeks. During this period, I only ate 3 main meals a day (and not the usual 6-7 times a day) and enjoyed a lot of red wine (I'm on holiday!!! ;-P). I was also off all forms of supplement. No point watching your diet when you're on holiday, eh? *LOL*

When I first returned to the office, my colleagues commented that I've lost weight. Oh no! I think it must have been due to the lack of creatine, water and food.

No worries. I can always get back into my diet and workout routine...But I dread hitting the gym again after a 2 week break :-(

How do you ease yourself back into the gym? For a start, never try lifting the same weight as you last lifted before your holiday. You'll need about 2 weeks to recondition yourself and build up the momentum physically and mentally. Try lifting the same weight as you last lifted and you'll disappoint yourself. Always lift lighter say 75% - 80% of your previous weight to recondition your muscles. If you can maintain the number of reps and sets, good on you. If not, reduce either the number of reps or number of sets.

As an example, let's assume you've previously deadlifted 100kg x 12 reps x 4 sets. You can reduce the weight to around 80kg and try maintaining 12 reps x 4 sets. If you are not able to achieve 12 reps x 4 sets, you may want to try 10 reps x 4 sets or 12 reps x 3 sets. In the second week, increase the intensity- weight, reps or sets. Once you reach the third week, you'll be able to lift the same weight as you last lifted before you holiday. Remember, the idea here is to ease yourself back into the gym and build confidence. This approach is also beneficial to your body as it'll avoid any potential injury from occuring. When you are mentally strong, you'll be able to lift heavier. Working out is as both a mental and physical process.

Time to hit the gym again! :-)

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vertical hanging- a must before your workout

What's vertical hanging? Basically vertical hanging is an act that enables gravity to help indirectly pull your arms and subtly stretch the ligaments in your shoulder. Vertical hanging doesn't only make your shoulders feel better (loose!) but also get primes your shoulders for your workout.

In order to perform vertical hanging, you simply lift your arms straight overhead and grab onto the handles of the pull up bar and then just let yourself hang for awhile. Perform this a few times and your shoulders will immediately loosen resulting in improved flexibility.

So remember, the next time you hit the gym, please incorporate vertical hanging as a warm-up activity.

Friday, 12 October 2012

5 worst exercises for your shoulders and how to fix them

Since injuring my left shoulder some time back, I've been very careful whenever I lift weights. Although I've some what recovered, my shoulder doesn't feel the same again :-(

I stumbled upon this link and I think it's good to share with everyone. It explains the 5 worst exercises for your shoulders and how to fix them.

While working out is fun and it feeds your ego, you should be careful not to injure yourself. Proper form is important to maximise muscle growth potential and to avoid unwanted injury.

Do check out the link below...

5 worst exercises for your shoulders and how to fix them

Friday, 14 September 2012

Don't forget to warm up!

Now that I've more or less recovered from my shoulder injury, I've decided to start doing weight training again. I still feel slight soreness at my left shoulder area and as such I'm rather paranoid and fearful of a potential relapse of the injury. Weights must be kept light and I shall increase gradually as I get stronger.

I've made a mental note of warming up before each and every weight training session. Honestly, warming up is so boring and doesn't look manly-man but it's nonetheless very important.

My lack of warm-up (actually I didn't do any warm-up on that dreadful day) was one of the reasons of how I sustained my shoulder injury.

Warm up prepares your body for an exercise or workout. During warm up, your circulatory system gradually pumps oxygen-rich blood to your working muscles to "warm it up". Once you have adequately warmed up, your body will be ready for an increase in workout intensity. Since your muscles are  warmed up, they will be able to better absorb shocks and impacts during the course of your exercise or workout, thus reducing the chance of sustaining an injury.

Benefits of warming up are as follows:-
1. Increases blood flow to muscle tissues, making the muscles more flexible and elastic;
2. Increases delivery of O2 and nutrients to your working muscles;
3. Prepares your working muscles for workout;
4. Prepares your hearth for an increase in workload and prevents a rapid increase in blood pressure;
5. Prepares your mind for workout;
6. Prepares your nerve-to-muscle system for workout;
7. Improves muscles coordination and reaction;
8. Reduces the chance of sustaining an injury.

I would usually start my warm up by doing 40-50 burpees, followed by some basic stretching movements. I find that doing burpees is the most efficient and effective way of starting the engine and breaking a sweat. Thereafter, I would do 2 warm-up sets prior to doing the actual working sets for each movement.

I guess I've to accept that I'm getting older by the day and thus cannot be too careful :-P

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Recovery is a slow process

What's the status of my shoulder injury since sustaining it about a month ago?

I think the condition of my left shoulder has improved significantly. No more acute pain and I can move my left arm freely. It was so bad when I first sustained the injury that I couldn't even sleep well as the pain (when I unknowingly roll over to my left side) would wake me up! OUCH!

Also, I think the tit tar therapy sessions at Oriental Tit Tar and supplements are doing me good! I'm so pleased and excited that I'm on the right track to recovery!

Having said that, full recovery takes time and is a slow process. I need to be patient and not rush right back into weight training as I might risk injuring my left shoulder again.

I'm incorporating very light (puny!) weight training for my left shoulder in my effort to strengthen it. The movements are basic front/lateral raises and forward/backward circular arm movements. I'm using super light dumbbells (2kg) for this at the gym. If I feel like doing this at home or in the office, I would use a book or a bottle filled with water/sand.

I know they say "patience is a virtue" but unfortunately I'm a "kan cheong" vain pot who is eager to get back to training with weights. Life can be such a beeatch, don't you think?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Supplements for shoulder injury

As mentioned in my previous post, I've sustained a Shoulder Injury while working out not too long ago. I've since stopped lifting weights and focused on cardio training (various cardio machines and sometimes I include a dose of M100s to spice it up!).

Although my left shoulder has improved since completing the 4 tit tar therapy sessions at Oriental Tit Tar, I find that my left shoulder still feels tender. I need to be careful whenever I move or swing my left arm as I do not want to aggravate the injury or cause a relapse. I sure hope this is not paranoia...

I bought some supplements yesterday with the hope of aiding and speeding up my recovery.

Since I'm a VIP member of GNC, naturally GNC would be my preferred store.

Having done my research before visiting the GNC store at Bangsar Village, I knew what I needed to get to help my busted shoulder ligament.

My shopping list consist of the following products:-
1. Triple C Timed Release (Vitamin C), 90 Tablets;
2. Triflex (Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM), 240 Tablets; and
3. Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc With Copper, 180 Tablets.

Property of Mr Flabby Less
Supplements purchased to aid recovery of injured shoulder

Why these supplements? What are the benefits? Let me share below...

Vitamin C
  • Plays an important role in ligament repair;
  • Needed to form an important protein called collagen, which helps make ligaments and tendons;
  • Plays a major role in the maintenance and repair of cartilage;
  • Helps block harmful free radicals from causing further damage and thus encourage ligament repair;
  • Reduces risk of diseases;
  • Promotes overall immunity; and
  • Delays premature aging.

  • Natural ingredient used to produce various macromolecules (e.g. proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans) that are essential for building/rebuilding of tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

  • Important supplement to pair with glucosamine;
  • Helps form proteoglycans for building/rebuilding of extracellular matrix of connective tissues, such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage;
  • Aids in pain relief; and
  • Reduces swelling and stiffness in joints.

  • Helps in joint and bone conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • Contains sulfur and responsible for the flexible bonds between amino acids in the formation of connective tissues; and
  • Aids in pain relief.

  • Helps muscle contraction;
  • Supports maintenance of bones and teeth; and
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis.

  • Supports maintenance of bones and teeth; and
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis.

  • Essential for growth and development and various processes in the body;
  • Stabilises the structures of proteins and cell membranes;
  • Helps rebuild damaged tissues; and
  • Aids wound healing.

  • Supports maintenance of bones and teeth;
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis;
  • Helps rebuild damaged tissues; and
  • Aids wound healing.  

Results (both +ve and -ve) of ingesting supplements can differ for everyone. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these will work for me. I'm seriously looking forward to hitting the weights section of the gym again!

Why so "kan cheong"? Vanity factor mah...:-P

Monday, 6 August 2012

Oriental Tit Tar

I've been going for tit tar treatments (Chinese physiotherapy) at Oriental Tit Tar in Sea Park to treat my busted left shoulder. They specialise in "treating bone, joint and muscle pain."

To check out their website, please click Oriental Tit Tar.

These guys are pretty good as they know their stuff. My brother sees them whenever he injures himself. I too have brought Sonny there once to treat his foot about 1-2 months ago. Sonny hurt the vein in his foot due to his non-stop jumping (sometimes from the sofa to the floor!) and his condition improved after 6-8 hours of seeing the tit tar sifu and his foot being wrapped with herbs.

Why see a tit tar and not a conventional orthopaedic? Well, to simply put, I have more faith and am more comfortable seeing the former :-) I'm 50:50 when it comes to Western treatments...

I went for 4 tit tar sessions all in all, once every alternate day (Thu-Sat-Mon-Wed). Each session would involve massage, rubbing, pressing and scrapping of my shoulder area. It would then end with the sifu wrapping herbs on my shoulder. It's to be left there overnight and removed in the morning. It smells like any typical tit tar oil and not too overwhelming.

Each session set me back between RM80-100. So the total was close to RM400. Ouch! The pain in my wallet was nearly as bad as the pain in my left shoulder!

According to the sifu, I've injured my shoulder ligament. No surprises here. I blogged about it in my earlier post...Shoulder Injury even before I started seeing them for tit tar treatments.

"Unlike bones, veins and ligaments are difficult to heal. Healing process is also subjective. If it was a bone injury, all you need to do is to adjust it back into the socket/slot and you'll be on your way to recovery. You'll need to rest for a few weeks. No weights during this period. Cardio is alright."

I thought to myself, "Crap! Just my luck! There goes my come back..."

I was also given some black tablets (Chinese herbs) to aid recovery. The instruction says to take 3 tablets twice a day after meal. A packet was good for about 3 days. They gave me a packet each on Thu (Day 1 of treatment) and Mon (Day 3 of  treatment).

"These tablets will help strengthen your veins. You'll also need to watch your diet. You can't have cold drinks and any food/drinks with cold properties. Whisky and beer are out of the question."

I protested, "No alcohol? But that's elixir of life wor! No alcohol means no life!"

Property of Mr Flabby Less
List of food and drinks to avoid. How boring! Thank god durian didn't make it to the list! :-P

Well, I guess if it's important for me to abstain from alcohol for my own good and aid recovery, I should just comply.

But what about my favourite? "Err...durian can eat ah?"

"Yes, no problem. Durian has heaty/warm properties and not cold so that's fine."

WOOHOO! I did have durian after each tit tar session :-) No excuse right since it's just a stone's throw away from SS2's durian strip? :-P

I'm still not doing weight training and my workout is limited to cardio. Depending on my form for the day, I spend about 45-60 mins on a cardio machine. Sometimes I even do some burpees but my shoulder feels tender after that so I'm cutting back on that too.

I'm no longer young so I guess recovery time is a tad longer. I plan to consume some supplements to aid recovery. Do check out my post on Supplements For Shoulder Injury.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Shoulder injury

I've busted my left shoulder! (TNS!)

I can't believe it! It's only after Week 2 of training! (TNS X2!)

No, I didn't bust my left shoulder muscles or tore it to bits. I've injured my front shoulder ligament (coracoacromial ligament) that connects my left shoulder blade (scapula) to my upper back part of the shoulder blade (acromion).

How do you distinguish the injuries? Simple.

Muscle soreness typically goes away after 3 days and in some serious cases 4/5 days. If you have adequately worn out your muscles during training, recovery should typically be around 3 days. Also, soreness should be limited to the broad muscle area.

Bone or tendon injuries result in a more acute pain usually around the joint area. Pain lasts much longer, typically over a week. If so, quickly see an orthopaedic or a "tit tar sifu". I have opted for the latter. Will touch on this in my next post...

If I'm not wrong, I sustained this injury early last week when I was training chest and biceps (Day 1 Training Programme). Please refer to my earlier post for details of my Training Programme.

Chest? But how can chest training involve shoulder muscles too? Well, chest training is a compound movement. This means although the chest muscles are primarily trained, it also involves secondary muscles such as shoulders and triceps.

Injuries can happen whenever and wherever...not withstanding the amount of weight you carry. The risk is certainly greater when you are lifting heavy weights. In my case, my weights were light but challenging enough to provide the requisite intensity. Plus, my rest period is short so that I'm able to maintain the intensity level. I suspect the main cause of my injury is because I don't do any warm-up exercises before starting on my working sets. Big @$$ mistake!

In my defence, due to my various commitments etc I don't have much time for working out. I would be in and out of the gym within an hour and each training session lasts approximately 45 mins. My training programmes are designed in such a way to maximise the workout intensity at the least amount of time. The high reps also double up as cardio for me.

I guess I should now incorporate at least 5 mins of warm-up exercises before hitting my working sets. Better safe than sorry (just like using protection!) *Guffaw!*

Just when I'm finally in motion again and progressing well with my training, I've to sustain this injury and be out of action! (TNS X3!)

Sigh...I guess it has to be boring cardio on threadmill/stepper/elliptical machines for the time being...*Yawn!* How inspiring...