Showing posts with label Peektures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peektures. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2010

An update!

Mumsy has been so busy with the Little Monster and her thesis that she hasn't had time to let me pound on her metal thingy.

Anyway I can't stay long to chat. Just a few photos of me and the Little Monster. He is growing up too fast! Just a few wks ago, he started to ORDER me, his ELDER brother to SIT! Will try to get Mumsy to post the veedeo soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A visitor!

Last Sunday, the hoomans were especially busy.. Usually they will take their own sweet time to clean my housemate's cage (Oh, Scruffy passed away recently, so all that is left is Scrappy). I was wondering what the commotion was about until Mumsy said we were expecting some visitors, including one especially for me!

I could sense the excitement and barked at any footsteps I heard. FINALLY they came! It was a white Westie!!! Now, frens who have been following my blog would know that I have a problem with white dogs! Blame the husky who made me fear white dogs. Anyway this Westie's name is Beemer! Cool name! I wonder why my parents gave me such an ordinary name. Why can't I be Merc, or Ferrari or Lotus?? Ok, Lotus sounds too feminine!

Anyway I was excited to see Beemer! His hoomans were Aunty Elaine and Uncle Terry! They were so nice to bring me two cans of Addiction wet food! Still waiting for my hoomans to let me try the new favours! I wagged my tail so hard that Auntie Elaine said I was doing the butt dance! Then something embarrassing happened: I lost control of my bladder! SIGH! I think I need to meet more doggies. Beemer thought I was teaching him how to mark and started marking my house!! Auntie E quickly put him into the kitchen and we started to wrestle. He plays rough and I have to say I m getting rusty at wrestling... Then he started marking my kitchen!!! Boy, was I mad! I went and mark at the places HE marked so Mumsy's kitchen became a battleground. In the end, the hoomans thought it will be better for us to go down to the field for a romp.

We, or rather I, had fun in the field! Dad let me go off leash to play some Fetch but poor Beemer was tied up.. He seems to like my Mumsy a lot and stood on his hindlegs to play with her. Since the field was muddy, poor Beemer's coat was dirty. I think he must be wondering why we dragged him to a muddy field and made him dirty, yet not allowing him to have fun.

We ended the day outside my house, talking to the next door neighbour. She was so nice, gave me and Beemer each a tennis ball! Auntie E said Beemer loves his ball but my hoomans kept mine out of reach so that there will be a ball for me to play with when I go down to the field.

Here's some photos of the visit!

Trying to look like we are good boys so that we can get the free tennis balls!

Me telling Beemer that I have a plan to get more balls!

Ok, don't ask me what I am doing here. I don't know!

One nice photo to remember!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I have been naughty...

My hoomans have been really busy! With Auntie E leaving, things are finally a bit more settled. I am back in my own hidey hole, although I much prefer the larger space in the kitchen. With that, my walks have been cut back to once daily. SIGH!

But I have been keeping myself busy in my hidey hole! Dad accidentally left a piece of yellow cake-like thingy with green topping within my reach. Initially, I thought my hoomans were being nice by giving me a cake to welcome me back to my hidey hole, but it didn't taste like the cakes I had before. Pooey! Nonetheless it was pretty addictive once I got my teeth into it. I haven't been shredding anything lately and this was definitely fun!

Mumsy wasn't amused though. She was worried I swallowed some and gave me a scolding. I am alright! I have better taste than to eat something called a SPONGE!

Here are the peektures. As you can see, I am pretty embarrassed after getting ticked off by my Mumsy.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

*Scratch scratch*

I loooove my hoomans scratching me. One bad thing about having short limbs is that you tend to miss quite a bit of area when you wanna scratch this itchy spot somewhere behind you head. Reaching it is possible but I rather have my hoomans doing it for me.

This is how I get my scratches. Usually my hoomans will be sitting on the floor, reading their books or having a conversation and I walk up to them surreptitiously. I just flop next to them and instinctively their hands will come towards me and start to scratch me!

This morning was the same. Mumsy was having her breakfast (I tried to jump for her bread) when I flopped beside her. She started to scratch me all over unconsciously, but after awhile she noticed that I was twisting and turning my body to get her to scratch the places I wanted. She looked at me with this amused expression before hollering for Dad to take some photos of me in ultimate bliss.

Don't I look like I am absolutely enjoying it?

Scratch under my right ear please

A bit more to the right...

AHHHH..... That's the place

Yes yes yes....

Don't forget under my chin!

Of course, I show my appreciation by snuggling in between my hooman's legs (and get free pets at the same time!). Dad wasn't too happy after this above peekture was taken becos he had FUR all over him!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Living like a "superstar"

I attempted to act like a superstar one day last wheek. Afterall, hoomans (especially mine) like to take photos of us doggies. Sometimes they can be so annoying, sticking their cameras into our faces when we don't want them to... I have christened them bugbug-razzi as they are as annoying as bugs!

So I started out standing on staircase landing, waiting to be sure all eyes were on me before I made my descent. Of cos my hooman bugbug-razzis had to take some shots of me preening and posing there.

When I finally do get down to the first floor, I make sure the camera is still on me and that my every move is being recorded down. My Mumsy said that it is like being Bean-ney Spears (I think she meant Baked Beans!), where every move the Bean-ney Spears makes, cameras will pop and flash. Bean-ney Spears drives crazily while I run crazily!

When I am eating, the bugbug-razzis continue to pester me for more photos. So much so that I lost my appetite and turned away. Eating is so unglam, yet they still wanna take peektures of me making a mess during meal times. No wonder all the superstars develop food disorders!

When I am out playing and getting dirt all over, the cameras follow! I think this bugbug-razzi has to change her camera! It is a shot that doesn't do me justice. Can't see my sexy silhouette because of the blurred edges!

Here's another shot of me with my bodyguard. I am trying to run and hide from the pesky bugbug-razzis while my skinny good-for-nothing bodyguard takes a leisure stroll beside me. I am gonna fire that guy!

These bugbug-razzis also take unflattering shots of me when I am not noticing! I don't know what my publicist is doing, allowing such ugly peektures of me to be published! I am gonna fire her too! Don't you think my butt looks fat in the second peekture? They should airbrush the peektures like what they do for Mimi Carey!

I got sick of the sub standard peektures and decided to give them my best smile, in the hope that all future publicity peektures will be of the same good quality as this one.

Being a superstar is tiring. I don't think I am cut out for such a life. I don't know how Bean-ney Spears does it, but I would recommend being a doggie is so much better than being a supersta

Don't you agree?

Friday, October 5, 2007

New toy!

Ba! Mumsy has been super busy and she won't lend me her metal thing to bang this out! In fact, I haven't seen much of her as she leaves the house early and comes home late. And when she is home, she hides in her hidey-hole, banging on her metal! The only time I see her is when she brings me out for a walk. Dad has been doing the feeding recently and I have to say I finished all my food consistently! My hoomans were rather impressed but I didn't tell them I learnt it when I was at Augus's place. I learnt that I don't eat fast enough, another dog might eat it! I thought I should impress them even more by eating everything I can lay my mouth on in my hidey-hole. But some how they weren't amused when they saw this.

My guilty look when Mumsy started yelling at me

Before I go any further, I would like to thank those doggies that posted their pet names on my blog! I think none of you got it as bad as me. Barn2 even has a Chinese name! Hrmm, we should turn the tables on our hoomans. Do you have pet names for them? I call my Mumsy The Klutz cos she is always knocking into stuff and hurting herself. And my Daddy would be The Bean Pole cos as the name implies, he is very skinny! Not very creative but it will do.

I haven't been doing much lately. No visit to Auntie Zoe's yet. Each time the wheekend rolls around, I would be eagerly anticipating a possible trip to see Benny. My hoomans made it up by getting me a new toy, a flying plastic plate called a frisbee. I was so excited about it that I made a flying leap in the kitchen like how I saw Big Chester did, and landed awkwardly. For a moment, I thought I broke my paw cos it was so painful. Mumsy did a check on me but after awhile the pain disappeared. My hoomans refused to bring me out just in case it was something serious but I just ran round and round the kitchen looking for the frisbee that they relented.

Here's a veedeo of me running after the frisbee. Dad said I must return it to him after catching it but as you can see, I had more fun mangling it!

Look at my drool string! Cool ain't it?

The veedeo of me mangling the frisbee. I think I need a lot more practise before I can attain Big Chester's level.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New friends, new experience

What a wonderful day it was for me! I thought I was gonna be stuck at home doing nothing much again since Daddy woke up early to go to work and Mumsy was still snoring away. To my surprise, once she managed to get her lazy butt out of bed, she got herself and me ready in a jiffy (15 mins is a record for her). She told me that we were going to a new place to meet new friends.
After what seem like a looong car ride (which I fell from the car seat when Mumsy hit the brakes hard), we arrived at this park which smelled wonderfully new to me. I immediately tugged Mumsy towards the place where all the doggy scents led to, the dogrun! And in there, I saw two handsum corgis! Mumsy introduced me to Augus and Ode, two brothers belonging to two sets of hoomans. I was a lil' afraid of them at first and had to run from Ode when he came up sniffing. Augus was friendlier so I stuck close to him, and joining us was this Jack Russell that looked like a deer and this black and white mix. On a whole I just tagged along with the two other corgis since I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. The Jack Russell chased me though and I had to hid underneath the bench to get away from him! Mumsy was left shaking her head at me but she, Auntie Jane (Augus's Mummy) and Auntie Jane's mummy all agreed that we get along very well. Which is a good thing as I am gonna board with them when my hoomans disappear sometime this month. Auntie Zoe and Benny were supposed to take care of me, but Auntie Zoe opened a new BIG biz so I guess I must remind her to give me a discount when I visit her NEW SHOP.

I think I better leave it to the peektures to tell the complete story of what I did this morning at the dogrun. U can see that I was practically Augus's shadow! Augus is the one with similar colouring as me while Ode is the sable one.
Giving Augus a massage with my jaws!
Me checking on Augus' butt! Smells just like a dog!

Ode drinking water while Augus and I watched him.

Mumsy especially like this photo above of our butt shot!

This series is of Augus and I running after Auntie Joan, Auntie Jane's sister. I am pretending to be Augus's shadow.

After the run, the three of us were covered with each other's drool and sand. Auntie Sharon and Auntie Jane decided to bring Ode and Augus to shower first so Mumsy drove all of us to Uncle Martin's place! I never been to Uncle Martin's shop before and it was like my bestest dream come true. His shop was stacked from floor to ceiling with yummy dog food! Mumsy decided that I should go for a shower and grooming too, since my fur was getting a lil' out of shape. I was so scared when the grooming lady took out that buzzing thing to shave my paws! I think I bit her accidentally and got a scolding in return. Hey, I am a puppy what and I have not been to the groomer's often. Mumsy explained to the groomer and she (the groomer) gave me a reassuring hug before she continued. I felt a tad better after the hug and Mumsy left me there with Uncle Martin and the groomer while she went off with the rest of the hoomans for lunch. Here are some peektures of me at the groomer.

Mumsy reappeared some time later, when I was already smelling great. I waited for her patiently (well not really, I whimpered when I saw her cos I missed her already) while she did some shopping for me. She got me loads of stuff again, including this tee shirt that says England 7, which from what Daddy said, it was supposed to be something called beckham. I think it is a type of yummy sausage that's why it is called HAM. OOOOH she bought the chicken drummets! I nosed through the shopping bag when she wasn't looking! I can't wait for Sunday's dinner!
This bandana was given to me by the groomer. I supposed it was to reward me for being such a good dog. *grin* See my hairless ears?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Going away again!

Mumsy is going away again! I overheard her telling Daddy to send her off on Mon and that she would only be back on Wed... Just when I thought life is going back to our normal routine. After hearing that, I stucked to Mum the whole day, getting under her feet and made her trip! She finally got irritated with me to send me to sit in a corner. I don't want her to go!!!! *hic*

But since she is around, I thought I better take the chance to pound on the metal. I didn't do much in the wheek that Mum was away. I wake up in the morning, get fed by Daddy and when he isn't looking, I chewed the laundry basket! After he leaves to do whatever hoomans do, I just spend the day wishing that Mum comes home quick. In the evenings, Dad and I will sit in front of this amazing contraption called a tee-vee. It changes so quickly that nothing stays constant more than a second. I have to say it kept me entertained cos before I can figure out what they are doing on tee-vee, it changes!

Initially, when Dad brought me out for walks, I kept thinking that Mummy was hiding behind the pillars. So I kept running round and round the pillars looking for her. I missed her that bad. After a few walks I realised Mum was never around and decided to divert my attention to eating whatever I can find. This drove Daddy nuts (I didn't see any nuts though) and he had no choice but to bring me for short walks.
When Mum finally got back, I couldn't stop licking her. She did spend the whole of yesterday with her nose buried in some big book. I saw the title about some potter and some hallows. Hoomans do read the strangest thing. Anyway Mum's sharp eyes spotted the damage done to the laundry basket but she didn't scold me. Phew! Here's a peekture of the damaged basket. Mummy made me pose beside the basket, with me looking a bit sheepish and guilty.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I have been tagged by Ume again! She is one fast one I tell you. I am supposed to post photos of me smiling.
Erm, I tend to smile a lot, well, becos I like to think I am very friendly. So friendly that it gets me into trouble a lot of the times. I have a story which I will elaborate on later, after my smiley photos. Mum says I can't stop smiling hence my drool always decorates her kitchen floor!

From top to bottom: me at 8 wheeks, 10 wheeks (one of my ears is starting to stand), at the Bontanny-cal Garden, at 19 wheeks for the last 2. As you can see, I look like a dog you can easily trample your grimy paws all over! All tongue, no teeth.

Something embarrassing happened to me 3 nights ago during my walk. I encountered another husky! Although I do have some reservations about them, I decided to flash my handsome grin (evident from the photos above) and be friendly. Afterall, we should always give a dog another chance. To my horror, the husky was a female dog that was, ahem, very interested in putting her snout at somewhere where it didn't belong. At first, I thought she might have accidentally put her snout at the wrong place. But she persisted in doing so! I was so uncomfortable so I decided to run away from her nosey snout. So we ended up in a comical twist, me running away from her, and she chasing me. I didn't know how to break the news to her that I wasn't interested.
In the end Mum came to my rescue and tugged me away. You should have seen how fast I bounded away from that frisky husky! *shudder* So embarrassing to have somebody's nose up your ass in a public place!
I tag Chester, Furby and Ume to share with us their most embarrassing encounters!