Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Button - Thanks!

We now have our very own sweet Mozi Esmé button! If you're not feeling up to scrolling down our home page to grab the button code from the right column, here it is right here...

Mozi Esme

And we owe a big thanks to Sharon at Good, True & Beautiful for designing this. Check out this "super trendy, fashion conscious, remarkably well coiffed lady who is always on the cutting edge of fashion," among other terrific things, such as mom to an incredibly cute little boy!

(Miss Esmé, back away from the computer! I don't need any lip marks on the screen! Not every little boy is meant to be kissed!)

Anyway, check out Sharon's blog by clicking on her button here...
Good, True & Beautiful


Jennifer said...

I like the new button and did add it to my sidebar. Are you going to change the header too?