Saturday, September 19

What Matters Most

I have been feeling so very grateful for my little family lately, and at the same time, feeling how quickly time passes us by, and wanting to be able to spend more time with my sweet children. This video was such a good reminder to remember what matters most, and to spend our time on the important things in our lives, mainly our family and loved ones. Lately I have been very busy, and while I feel blessed to be able to have recently found avenues of earning income during a difficult time for our family, as well as to pursue my interests and improve my talents, I have also felt the need to become more organized, and to make sure that the most important things are priorities in my life.

There is a quote that has hung in my bedroom since I was a teenager, and I have often reflected on it. "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities." ~ President Ezra Taft Benson. I know this to be true, and I can feel such a difference in the home when we are following this counsel, and putting Heavenly Father and the gospel first. I know that as I strive to follow the Lord and re-prioritize my life, that Heavenly Father will bless me to manage my time and current demands, and that the unimportant things will drop out of my life. Although I have great room for improvement :), I know that as I work to always make Heavenly Father first in our home that I will be able to spend time on the most important things, and with those that matter most. :) I love my little family so very much, and will strive to work harder at telling them more often, not only in word but in deed ...


Bree said...

Thanks Alicia!! I LOVE the Mormon Messages on Youtube!! They are all so awesome and I LOVE this new one so I'm SO grateful you shared it! And thanks also for the Pres. Benson quote--I needed that reminder! You are such an amazing woman and I admire you a lot! Hope things are going well! And hope you don't mind if I share this video on my blog's just too great not to share! ;) Have a wonderful week!

Romney Family said...

you are one strong woman Alicia~thanks for sharing and your testimony!!

Dalin Winters said...

That is so great Alicia! Thank you. I loved the video clip and your message. You're incredible and I know those little ones of yours feel and see your love. You are an awesome mommy and it shows. Hope you have a good day and that we can get together soon.

Dalin Winters said...

oops! I'm signed in as Dalin, but I figured you would know it's Hannah! :)

Elicia said...

Thank you so so so much for posting this. I really needed to hear it. You are amazing. Love you!