Create something sweet for that cute little one in your life.
You will need five 2" X 2" fabric squares, a 5/8" circle of felt, and a bobby pin. You will also need a hot glue gun, two buttons, and a needle and thread.
*To create the petals, place the first fabric square onto an ironing surface, right side facing down.
*Fold one side to the center, press flat.
*Fold the other side to the center, press flat.
*Fold the raw edges together. Do not press. This will make the petals too flat. Repeat with the rest of the petals.
With needle and thread, take a running stitch at the raw edge of the first petal.
Repeat until you have all 5 petals on the thread.
Tie both ends of the thread together to form a circle of petals.
Sew a coordinating stack of buttons to the center of the flower.
Slide the felt round between both prongs of the bobby pin, crinkled side of the pin facing up.
Place a small glob of hot glue onto the center of the felt circle.
Glue the bobby pin to the back of the flower, concealing the raw edges.
There you have it. This is so simple that you'll probably want to make oodles.
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, Lettie so adorable!
I have to try to make those! I will let you know how i did!
Enjoy your warm weather, here in PA it's so cold and windy!
Happy sewing!
These hairpins are realy beautiful! Thank you for the tutorial. Can I link you on my blog? Hugs, and have a nice weekend, Renata.
Great way to use small fabrics:) Thank you for sharing this lovely idea!
You did it again! Another way to make an easy but adorable flower! I make some for on my purse. :) Thank you!
Great idea. Thanks for sharing. You are very clever
Rachael XX
too cute, will have to put that under my tutorials...thanks!!
So cute! I loved it! I was wondering how to glue a bobby pin and now I discovered!!! Thank you!!!
awwwww..thank-you! You always post the best tutorials. I may have to make a few of these for my sweet niece!!
They are so sweet for little girls.
as a child I loved my hairpins.
i wish I have had one like this ;0)
These are so precious! I'm going to make these for all the little girls I know! Thanks so much for sharing the project.
These are SO cute Lettie! Gonna try this over the weekend! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful ideas with us1
So cute! You never stop to surprise me! Thanks!
Hi Arlette,
Thank you so much for yours tutorials.
This flower is very beautiful and I'm sure my daughter will love it!
You did it AGAIN!! Came up with something so darn cute!! Thank you soooooo much for sharing your talents!
Thank you for your tutorial Miss Arlette! These are darling! :D I can see so many ways to use these adorable flower in future craft projects too! ;) Thank you for sharing!
~Miss Rachel~
p.s. - I love your blog and your tutorials! :)
These are adorable-- I will be making some for the little girl I babysit for sure!
What a cute flower hair pin! If someone was sewing a skirt or a dress for a little one, it would be adorable to make a matching flower hair pin! Thank you for sharing.
Just looking at the flowers and dreaming of warm weather is nice on a day when we have wind chills and blowing snow.
Very pretty. Perfect for little girls.
Those are the sweetest thing ever and so simple.
Take care.
I love the flowers. Thanks for the lesson to make them.
Oh Lettie! Those are so cute. I wish I had a granddaughter. I would make one in every color for her. You are so talented!!!
oh so cute !
I would try to make those flowers !
thanks for the tutorial!
your blog is very beautiful !
So cute, Lettie! Thanks for aharing your tutorial!!
Greetings from Denmark!!!
Very nice!! Thank Lettie!
I have 3 granddaughters.. and guess what I will be making for Valentines day and Easter...
Have a terrific day!! Thanks for sharing your terrific ideas!
Those are adorable. BTW, you were mentioned on the blog Freebies For Crafters
Can't wait to try these. My daughter and I made the wire-edged flowers. Your tutorials are wonderful! Thanks so much!
New to your blog but love all your tutorials. You are so nice to share with everyone.And your instructions are so plain,, Thanks, I am a new blogger and haven't done anything like that before.. You are really good at it. My granddaughters will love those hair flowers..
This is toooooo cute.
I think I might have to try these! They're sooo cute!
Arlette, I'm so grateful for all the wonderful and clear tutorials on your blog. They all are really easy to follow and idea, colors and items are gorgeous.
I love your blog so that I'm going to link it in my blog. Come and visit, if you like. All the best. Bye for now, Clara.
And here is the link in my blog . Hugs, Clara.
Wow! I needed that "shot of spring" today! Thank you!
Pink Velvet Bird
Those are super cute! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.
Thank you again for sharing. You have such amazing ideas.
Darling!! Thanks for sharing!!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Those are adorable. How have you been?? I've missed you on fb.
Hola, sobre su tutorial, si usted se pasea por la red, no es la única que lo ha publicado, el problema es el idoma, hago referencia a su página por la idea, pero no he tomado ninguna de sus fotos y respeto muchisimo su trabajo, si con ello le molesta no publique tutoriales y nadie la copiara, con todo mi respecto, yo lo hice un poco a mi manera y creo que usted deberia sentirse orgullosa de que yo haga referencia a su pagina, en vez de amenazarme con la denuncia.
Que tenga un feliz dia.
Y añado, no me cuestiono de donde saca usted sus ideas.
Quedese tranquila, ya retire mi post de mi blog.
Enhorabuena por sus trabajos y que le vaya muy bien.
I just discovered your blog, it's beautiful and very interesting. Thank you very much
So cute! You might be interested that I've started a new Thursday linkup called Make it, Wear it. Stop on by and link up!
Andrea @
Thak you Lettie for your tutorial : the flower is beautiful !!
What a great idea. Thank you for sharing it.
Happy sewing
HI Arlette! Thank you for your tutorial I can see so many ways to use these adorable flower in future craft projects too!
Love your flowers, they could be used to dress up so many things. Thanks for the tutorial.
cute cute cute! I see alot of them being made as easter basket gifties! thaks for all of your wonderful tuts!
HI Arlete !!!!!!!!!!visite my blog wwww.hilitosdecolores.blogspot
there you can see my flowers. thanks for all
SO CUTE!!!! I've been looking around for some good, cute buttons-and it looks like you have a pretty good stash. Where do you get yours from?
I will definitely be making these for my daughters.
Hello, your blog is beautiful. Thank for the tutorial.
Oi Artette,bom dia.
Linda flor.Obrigado pelo tutorial,vou fazer depois te mostro.
Entrei para a sua lisa de seguidores,espero que não se importe.
You have such lovely tutorials about all kinds of things =) Is it OK to advertise your blog by telling about it in my own blog? Is it OK to add a link to your blog into my own blog =
Really cute. Great tutorial. Definitely one of my favorite tutorials!
Hi, your blog is marvelous. I am a new follower of your blog. This is sooooo cute this hairpin. I have a lovely daughter 2 and a half who hates hairpins. I will make her one of these. Hope she will love it.
I started making those and how fun. I promoted them on my blog. We are making little dresses to send to the Dominican Republic and Haiti and I am cutting out squares so that we can make a set for each dress.
Thanks for all your tips! I love them!
These are the cutest,sweetest little hair clips ever. You have so many wonderful,amazing,beautiful ideas and you are so gracious to share them with us. Thank you so very much for all the tutorials and patterns..
I love these.. Made them for my 1 year old niece :)
Thanks for your wonderful tutorial. Come and see what I made... I enlarged my petals to make a larger flower and I LOVE it. Thanks again!
Hi! You have a great blog. I love all your tutorials. And I would like your permission to link this tutorial to my blog so I can share it with my readers. Thanks!
esta muy bonito! lo voy a intentar para mi!!! :D
I used your tutorial to make a matching hair bow to go with my baby's Easter dress. It turned out perfect!
Oooh, I love this tutorial! My daughters and nieces are going to be wearing lots of flowers in their hair this year, LOL.
I just love ALL your tutorials, I'm gonna try this one right away and surprise my little princess in the afternoon. Thank you so much!!!
J like your blog, thank yuo for your tutorials. You are very artist!
These are lovely, as all your others are. I must get busy.....
I love these!! I saw your tutorial and I thought "I can do this!!" So I got out a bunch of fabric scraps and voila! It is my new favorite craft!!! Thanks!!!
I stumbled across your beautiful tutorial the other day and have made 2 flowers following your very clear instructions. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Fantastic this tutorial!
Excuse me for your pictures. I've repaired them.I hope your visit in my blog sometimes. Hugs.
love your work :)
What absolutely DARLING bobby pins! I have just started expereminting with making decorative bobbies, and I will for sure try these! They would make a perfect gift for one of the sweet little girls I babysit - she'll love them! Thanks so much for doing this great, easy-to-follow tutorial!
Love in Jesus,
Piacere di conoscerti!
Veramente un'idea originale e fatte con tanto gusto e amore.
hermoso y bien explicado
Thank you for the tutorial!
God bless you :)
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