Don’t go out and stay up far too late
You’ll never know the outcome of your fate
Let’s help in lowering and wiping out the AIDS rate
Bear this always in mind when out on your next date
To stay free from AIDS you must constantly state
So that your life can be as sweet as the dessert dates
Give yourself and all you love the correct mandate
Daily to be safe and sound from AIDS at whatever date
Don’t allow anyone to spread AIDS with any mate
Leaving only yourself and others around you to hate
Guard well the dangers and harms of AIDS at every gate
So that only good things are being served on every plate
© Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 18th April 2003 & 17th April 2008
http://MotivationInMotion.blogspot.comhttp://msi.Rocky101.com(6) AIDS YOU MUST NOT FORGET
Be constantly on guard you must not forget
Surely you don’t want a life full of regret
May none of you become AIDS’s next target
Simply ensure that it’s not what you want to beget
May AIDS never be caught in any market
When you go shopping with your own basket
Travel through life with a clean healthy gasket
Simply ensure that you don’t end up early in a casket
You won’t get AIDS playing a game of cricket
But beware what is shared in the toiletry pocket
Be sure to insert the right plug in the right socket
Don’t fly completely off target in the wrong rocket
© Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 18th April 2003 & 17th April 2008