Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Quick Update

I KNOW that I am SO far behind on my blog...and I DO intend to catch up, slowly.
For now, here is a quick update about what we've been up to:
Watching our fruit trees bloom! We went from the winter grays to the Spring greens, pinks, purples, and whites. Popcorn is popping all over our front and backyards! We love it!
Setting up the backyard for spring/summer entertainment, (i.e.- BBQ's, outdoor play). Jeff & Dick put together the trampoline that's been sitting in the garage in a box all winter and you would have thought it was Christmas all over again.Watching cousins play Spring Competitive soccer....and playing a little soccer ourselves.
The older boys finished up Spring swim lessons in March. Corbin and Quinton were in the same class this session. They had so much fun together! They can't wait to go to 7 Peaks this summer.
We have been planting flowers, playing in the dirt, riding bikes, taking walks, family runs, park play-days and more....
It has certainly been a WET and COLD spring here, so we have to squeeze in our outdoor play whenever we can. Needless to say, we can't wait for summer!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

sweet summer!

Here is a sampling of our daily adventures:
Corbin's form is much improved from last year.... OK, so his confidence in general has improved. He has figured out that if he takes his rash guard off he can go much further and faster!

Of course, when you're done playing in that COLD hose water, you gotta lay out to dry!
For the boys' summer birthdays they got a trampoline. Jeff actually set it up while we were in AZ for cousins camp {by the way, I finished that post below if you haven't seen it yet}, so that when we got home they had this GIANT SURPRISE in the backyard.

Needless to say they love the trampoline and so do mom and dad. Hours of healthy entertainment right there. Even Deagan likes it!
Our raspberry and strawberry bushes always provide a yummy afternoon snack on a warm day. [Not sure what this new pose is of Corbin's... must be a phase?]
So far we've made 2 batches of strawberry freezer jam! YUM!
Peas are a yummy addition to a chicken stir-fry.... or just to snack on.
Every Wednesday my boys enjoy attending Stake aerobics/Zumba with me because afterward they get to do kids yoga! Look at that strong Tree Pose.
The Warrior Pose is a favorite too.
What is a summer without a trip to the pool/waterpark? We are season pass holders again at 7 Peaks, and since it's just up the street we find ourselves there about 2-3 times a week! We've got some great color, met up with lots of friends, and Corbin has ventured out onto some of the bigger slides! Quinton is still content to hang out in the splash pool and the shallow part of the Tadpole Pond. I'm sure next year I'll have 2 slippery fish going down the slides.
Mmmm... breakfast for dinner is always fun, especially with smiley face chocolate chip pancakes. [I know, mother of the year, right? Hey, there are raspberry eyes and egg hair there too!]
Poser. I love Deagan in the background... that boy loves to eat. Just as much as his brothers did at that age.
Slip-n-slides, trampolines, water parks, fresh berries and summer veggies, yoga, and creative meals have kept our summer sweet so far. What sweetens your summer?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cousins Camp

The annual cousins camp this year was held at its traditional place... the Scow Cabin, the very place I grew up having cousins camp with MY cousins! It was so fun to take my kids to the cabin to make some similar memories I have from my childhood. My mom was so nice to come drive the long 10 hours to AZ with me. It was quite exciting this time around because we drove right through a WILDFIRE in FLAGSTAFF, AZ. Look at that!
Corbin was worried about his Kit Kats melting....
Can you imagine if that was your mountain home in the smoke? So sad. This Chevron station where we stopped to fill up got evacuated just moments after we left... and we were lucky to leave because the highway was being closed in both directions as we drove through town!
Once we got to Mesa we had a day or 2 to play. We took advantage of a fun Gilbert splash pad.
And made sure to see our cousin Samantha. It's always fun at her house!
Aunt Jessica couldn't believe how BIG Deagan is! Such a happy kid too!
The kids enjoyed a homemade spaghetti dinner, playing, visiting, and a movie all in 1 night.
We were also sure to get in a good swim in Grandma's pool. It's always a hit!
Corbin can never get enough of grandma's pool. He's really missing it this summer, now that he's a fish!

After a nice morning swim and some lunch we packed up and headed up the mountain to Pine, AZ. We made sure to stop at the Honey Store in Pine for some local, flavored honey. MMmmm!
The littlest campers survived the 1.5 hour road trip up to the cool Pines.
Grandma got the fun started with a smiley face ball fight. The kids LOVED it.
The moms/sisters got dinner underway... beans and wieners followed by homemade honey butter and scones. Nothing says summer camping like that, right? Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!
Day 1 layer of dirt comes off.... with a cousin bubble bath of course!
Mr. Dallin had finished nearly half the kids puzzles in the game room by the first night. He's awesome!
Day 2 began with a nice hike down to the dry creek bed. The kids were in search of a rock for a craft later in the week. We found plenty!
There's nothing like a walk down a dirt path in the forest... with your cousins!
A walk at the cabin is never complete without at stop at the Ray swings. Those tire swings are hit... and help you feel rejuvenated after a long, hot walk. This is brotherly love right here:
...and this is puppy love. Dallin's BeBe (therapy dog) is his pride and joy!
Landon loves it when his littler cousins come around.... He is suddenly the big guy! He's such a sweet kid and such a great helper!
You know, there is something about swings that makes you feel free like a kid again....
So, you bet I did my fair share of swinging. I loved hearing Deagan's little giggles as we swung.
Three of my 4 siblings. We missed our youngest brother, Jesse, who was working in the South. Maybe next year? Who would've thought that when we were running around with our own cousins 20 years ago... that we'd someday bring our ow kids here to do the same with their cousins!
Cousins Camp is never complete without a "treasure" hunt. Here is grandpa helping Q read the next clue.
The treehouse! Should have guessed. The treasure is always hidden in the treehouse!
Some of the fun treasure... punching bag balloons!
One fun thing about Cousins Camp (for the kids and adults) are the movie nights on grandpa's HUGE projector screen!
Staying up too late is fun but hanging out in the morning in your jammies with all your cousins is pretty fun too!
Grandma & Grandpa read lots of classic stories to the kids this year. Each morning it was a new book. The kids enjoyed the story time.
The BIG dining room table and the large group of family. So fun!
All the kids were a great help raking all the pine needles to prevent fire danger. (a yearly cabin chore we've all experienced.) We think Q got the hang of it... he's officially trained.
Corbin got pretty good at raking and gathering sticks.
Many hands make light work.
Snack time! One of the CC traditions is that each child brings a treat to share. This was Corbin's snack: ants on a log after a morning of hard work.
Craft time! Prayer rocks with grandma and grandpa!
Lunch picnic on the deck outside.
After lunch one afternoon we had a cherry pit-spit contest off the deck. Who do you think won?
All the cousins with GG Larson... in their bright YELLOW CC shirts!
TThe front "porch" swing is a classic cabin feature... and pastime.
Aren't these boys cute?

Quinton's snack time. After our "hike"/walk one afternoon he was so excited to hand out his snack to all his cousins.
Landon is such a good cousin... he made sure Quinton made it all the home after our hike. He didn't want anyone left behind.
Quinton was quite a trooper walking all over the forest. He needed a little more help than some of the others... with those little legs of his. Grandpa was happy to help.
Of course, a stop at the swings helped us finish our hike.
Swinging with my nieces! I miss these girls and they are getting so BIG!
Who says you can't have a Mary Kay microdermabrasion party while camping? GIRLS NIGHT OUT... after the kids were all in bed. (kind of.)
More morning stories!
Caps For Sale, anyone? Remember that book? These grandparents are the coolest! They really know how to let loose and play with their grandkids.
Morning car races were a hit. Dallin even got in on the action with all the boys.... and LIKED it!
Making "popcorn" with a parachute! Who does that every morning?
The Verde River is about 5 miles South of the Cabin. One afternoon we took a picnic and drove to the river to cool off with a little wade and dip in the water. It was so nice and so green!

Corbin even decided he was brave enough to cliff jump!
Quinton can't be shown up by his big brother... so he jumped with me! Love that my boys are risk-takers... sometimes!
Grandma keeping watch over all those little boys as they throw (and eat) rocks on the riverbank.
Cutest little sunbathers on the whole river!
As if swimming in the river wasn't enough water... uncle Adam orchestrated a water fight when we got back to the cabin. I was a good sport and gave them a little entertainment. Grandpa even joined the fun and doused Alyssa with a whole pot of water!
After a long week of fun and games you start to do weird things in your sleep. Like hold your cousin's face.... Nice Landon.
The last morning of camp grandma happened to match her 2 youngest grandsons. Little devils.
We said our sad goodbyes, loaded up the cars, and parted our ways. It was interesting driving back home through Flagstaff. The entire hill side that was engulfed in flames was burned, but no structures were lost and there were THANK YOU signs and flags and banners posted all over the place to all the firefighters and volunteers. It was touching.
Once again, Grandma & Grandpa created a Cousins Camp week to remember. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for all the fun and memories! Can't wait until next year.