Showing posts with label The Portal Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Portal Series. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review: Blood Of The Sorceress

Title:  Blood of the Sorceress
Author:  Maggie Shayne
Series:  The Portal #3
Release Date: October, 12, 2012
Publisher:  Harlequin
Source: Publisher Via NetGalley


Their LOVE was destiny. Was a CURSE to be their undoing?

As an ancient king’s favorite harem slave, Lilia committed the worst of all possible crimes: loving another man. When the king discovered her treason, her lover was sentenced to lose his soul and linger in eternal imprisonment, and Lilia herself was executed alongside her sisters. While they reincarnated through countless lifetimes, she lingered alone between worlds for thousands of years, waiting for the moment to rescue her beloved Demetrius.

Now that moment has come. Demetrius has broken free, but without his soul and in the thrall of the same high priest who betrayed them so long ago; he has become a ravaging demon, devoting himself solely to pleasure and power. Somehow Lilia must convince him to reclaim his humanity, to abandon the enemy tempting him to give in to his cruel desires—or her life will be lost alongside his, both of them condemned to eternal damnation, eternal isolation, their love lost one final and irrevocable time.


Blood of the Sorceress was the final book in the Portal Series and I am so sad to see it end.  Lilia and her sisters will forever be in my heart.

Maggie Shayne is a true sorceress when it comes to the written word.  Her imagination is genuine and her ability to craft a magical world filled with such love and power is unrivaled.  The Portal series is undeniably the most extraordinary witchcraft story on the market today.

Blood of the Sorceress had me sitting on the edge of my seat with a prayer in my heart that these two characters would find that happy ending that we all strive for every day.  Demetrius has been through the worst kind of hell and Lilia has held on to hope when all has seemed lost. They have the kind of epic love that refuses to die and I felt like I have been right beside them throughout their journey.

The Portal Series holds a special place on my bookshelf as well as in my heart.  I hope that you take the time to read this remarkable story about three witches who against all odds right a tremendous wrong and live to love for the rest of their lives.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Author Interview: Maggie Shayne + GIVEAWAY

Today we have for you Maggie Shayne!  She is a New York Times Bestselling Author of more than 50 novels.

The Portal Series is her newest trilogy!

You can find my review for Legacy of the Witch HERE and my review of Mark of the Witch HERE.

Here we go with the interview.

You bring a new meaning to the term opposites attract. A middle eastern woman and an American solider then a priest and a witch. Did you decide up front to make them so different or did it just happen?

After 54 (or something like that) novels, one thing I've learned is that the stronger the conflict, the more powerful the story, and the more rewarding the resolution. If their love is easy, there's no story. It has to be all but impossible to make the reader keep turning those pages.

Will each of the couples carry over into the following book?

Yes, although Tomas and Indy (MARK OF THE WITCH) don't come into book 2, DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER until near the end, in Book 3, BLOOD OF THE SORCERESS we'll see a lot more of all the sisters together, and there will be a reunion with Amarrah (from the FREE prequel, LEGACY OF THE WITCH) as well.

I enjoyed learning about the past alongside Indira and Ammarah. Will the other books follow the same path where these women don't know who they are until they start getting flashbacks?

Magdalena is a bit different in that she's been having visions of her past life in Babylon since she was a little girl. She (like me) has a collection of construction paper storybooks she wrote and illustrated herself with Crayola crayons. Most of my collection was stories I'd heard Captain Kangaroo read aloud on TV, which I then rewrote and "improved." (Usually by adding a ghost or monster.) Magdalena's stories are all about her past lifetime and her love affair with a prince. 

Any minor spoilers you can give us about the series as a whole?

Not everyone is who they seem. Book 3 seems to delve into figuring out why we, as spirit, decide to spend time in the physical world as humans at all. And love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

I read on your website that you are a practicing witch. What can you tell us about your experience?

Since I was maybe 19, I've been on a spiritual quest. I studied many religions, and used to sit with several translations of the Bible around me, along with a concordance that gave the word for word literal translations from the original Greek and Hebrew. I was convinced there was one truth and I was determined to find it. That passionate quest never ended. But I no longer think there's one truth to be found. I think there is what's true for me and what's true for you and that both of those truths are equally valid, equally sacred, deserving of respect, and above all, absolutely true. Religion seems to evolve to best serve the people who use it to connect to God. I can trace the Sumerian Goddess Inanna's evolution into Ishtar of Babylon, into Isis of Egypt, into Venus of Rome, into Yemaja of Nigeria, into Mary of Bethlehem. Not to say each of these wasn't real and true, just to say that each took the message of the former and found her own way to BE that message. There was a flood story two thousand years before the Bible's flood story, etched into clay tablets, with Utanapishtim in the role of Noah. Same messages of hope and a past cataclysm, evolving and being retold over and over.

In my quest, I eventually started developing my own philosophy about things. My study of ancient Mesopotamia (which comes in handy in writing a book with an Ancient Babylonian backstory) revealed that in the earliest written language we know of in Ancient Sumer, the word for God was also the word for Sky. (An) The word for Goddess was also the word for Earth. (Ki) They had an entire pantheon, but each of the oldest deities was also a part of nature. And it occurred to me that nature was the basis. The holidays we celebrate were originally celebrations of the changing seasons, the solstices and the equinoxes. I figured that religion had spread out from there, taking on more and more complexity, making many paths seem to be different, but that they all came from the same natural roots. The sun, the moon, the stars, the seasons. And I thought too, that all our great prophets and saviors came to further amplify the same message. All to point us in the direction of a simple, basic, universal promise that life always triumphs over death, lightness over dark, love over everything else and that every pattern we see in nature is repeated over and over again, from the tiniest imaginable scale of the nucleus of an atom, to the biggest we can imagine, galaxies, universes. All just the same way. "As above, so below." I had a lot of other insights, too many to list here, but the gist of it was that I stumbled upon Wicca and found a lot of the conclusions I had reached on my own, were reflected in its teachings and practices, and I felt at home there. I especially loved that the Craft teaches us that every religion is valid and must be respected. I've studied the Craft for most of my adult life. But I believe that it too, is a religion made up by mankind to help us relate to the Divine. I don't believe it's any more valid than any other religion. It just happens to work for me. 

Can you tell us a little about your upcoming non-fiction book The Magick of the Witches?

I'm changing the title, and right now we're teetering between WITCHCRAFT AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION or MAGICK AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It will release in ebook format by Halloween and I'm shooting for a little sooner. (watch the website, from 10/15-10/31.) It's going to give a primer on the practice of magick, what it is and how it's done, but more importantly, why and how it actually works. That explanation is found in The Law of Attraction, which is a very scientifically based fact, (like the law of gravity) not a rule, like the law of "thou shalt not kill."

This law explains how we create our experiences with every single thought we think, and how we can learn to use that simple fact to take control of our lives, and make them what we want them to be. (So there will probably be a subtitle.) The book will tell you how to change your life, and get what you want, and also, why this witch has given up spells to banish or get rid of anything. Ever. In fact, there's only one "spell" any witch or anyone else, ever needs, and I'll lay that out for you in the book. This is an approach I haven't seen anyone take before, not in all the books written about the Craft of the Wise and not in any of the countless volumes written about the Law of Attraction. And yet the more I've studied LOA, the more I've kept saying, "Well, we've been saying that in the Craft all along!" THE SECRET was never a secret to the Witches.

EXTRA: I've had lots of questions lately about erotica. What's the difference between a steamy romance and an erotica novel? What's the difference between erotica and porn?

Romance, as a genre, is not about sex. It's never been about sex, despite the confusion that seems to be happening in the marketplace right now. The 50 shades books are about sex. They are not romances. Romance is a story about two people, their emotions, and their love, where sex is sometimes a part of the bigger picture. Erotica is a book about sex and titillation, where romance is sometimes a part of the bigger picture.

Porn is just about the sex, and mostly aimed at men. Erotica is a little tamer, though not much, and mainly aimed at women.

I don't write erotica or porn. I write romance. The sex in my books is usually limited to one or two scenes, and the point of it is not to titillate, but to show a powerful moment between two people and their emotional responses to it. Just thought you should know that going in.

I hope you enjoy The Portal Series. It's the deepest, most spiritual trilogy I've ever put together, and is more than just a set of stories.

Thanks so much for having me!


On The Portal Series Website you can find out more about each book, check out Maggies online book of shadows, and even have her tell your fortune.
You can also find Maggie Shayne
Purchase The Portal Series
Amazon ~ Barnes and Noble

Maggie is giving away one ecopy of Daughter of the Spellcaster to one lucky winner.
Please enter via the Rafflecopter below.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quick Review: Legacy of the Witch


Legacy of the Witch (The Portal, #0.5) 
Title:  Legacy of the Witch
Series:  The Portal Series 0.5
Author:  Maggie Shayne
Format:  ebook
Pages:  53
Release Date:  September 1st 2012             
Publisher:  Harlequin
Source:  Purchased
Summary from Goodreads:
"Once upon a time, there lived three witches…"

As a child, Amarrah loved her grandmother’s stories of three witches who were members of the king’s harem—but they were more than just stories. Amarrah knew she had been there with them…and now their legacy, along with an ancient box that once belonged to them, lies in her hands.

Charged with keeping the box safe, Amarrah is heartbroken when it is stolen from her while she moves to America. Years later, she is shocked to see it on TV and is determined to get it back. Tracking the artifact leads her to Sergeant Harrison Brockson, a handsome soldier who stirs memories of a man she knew centuries ago in ancient Babylon. Is Harrison the key to finding the box—or could he be her destiny?

Prequel novella to Maggie Shayne’s exciting trilogy, "The Portal"
I have already read the first book in this series Mark of the Witch, which was amazing!  However I wish I had read this one first. 
Legacy of the Witch was a delightful book.  It helped to shed light on the three witches through Amarrah's flashbacks.  We got to see what the harem witches were like as people.  I liked that this story showed us how the box finally made its way to Indira after 3000 years. 
Amarrah was lots of fun.  I enjoyed seeing her inner turmoil over losing the box.  Harrison is extremely sexy in a whole I'm here to save the day and not ask questions sort of way.  He is a true solider. 
If you are looking for a quick free romance with some mystery this one is for you.  Just remember that once you read this you will be begging to get your hands on the next installment in The Portal Series!
 Find out more about these amazing witches
You can get your copy of Legacy of the Witch
You can find my review of Mark of the Witch here.


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